
See you soon

Alan was really confused by the man's question "Uh...yes, I can see you."

The man turned his body to face Alan, giving him a chance to see the man's face.

The man looked very mature, around his 30's with a very strong jaw and dark abyss like eyes that seemed to see your very soul. All in all, the man looked very handsome and Alan didn't doubt that any girl who looked at him would fall in love.

Under normal circumstances, Alan would have been wary of such a guy near his wife, worried that his looks might even make his wife's heart flutter.

"How are you able to see me?" The man tilted his head in confusion.

'Oh god, is he a mental ward patient?' Alan thought to himself as he found the man's words very strange. Of course he could see him, he would have to be blind to miss the guy!

Alan's guess was that the man was actually a patient who suffered some head injury or something and escaped when he was meant to be getting treatment.

If that was the case, he had to be careful on what to say next to prevent any psychological harm to the patient.

"Um...what are you doing here? Did you get lost?" Alan tried to change the topic by asking him about his purpose for coming here.

The man stepped back a few steps. "No, I am at the right place." He pointed inside the room, straight at Alice "Her name is Alice, correct?"

"Uh...yes?" Alan was surprised this man knew her name 'How does he know Alice? Is he actually a friend of hers...not impossible, if he was, he would have just barged in." Alan thought, trying to understand who this man was.

With a deadpan expression, he swayed his head slightly "Then, I am at the correct place. Now if you will excuse me" The man turned towards the door, about to walk inside.

However, Alan stopped him by moving his whole body in front of the door "I am sorry but only family and friends can see her. If you are, please show me proof."

This time, the man's face seemed to darken as he looked at Alan with a serious face "Are you getting in my way?"

Alan felt a change in the atmosphere, his back felt cold as his hands. He started getting a bad feeling about all this and for some reason felt like he should stop intervening with this man.

However, he ignored those feelings "Sir. I'm sorry but I will call security if you continue to try and trespass. Can't you see this is not the right time?"

The man's face started to look annoyed. "This is the perfect time, she is finally dead." He said with a hint of frustration.

Alan clenched his fists, wanting to punch this man for his thoughtless words 'she is finally dead? Perfect time?' He couldn't believe this man but still tried to remain calm but his face was agitated and clearly showed that he was getting angry.

"Sir...you need to leave." Alan spoke, his teeth grinding, with a demanding tone.

The man sighed "What's the problem? You need to stop intervening" The air started to get colder.

Alan was not backing down despite the intense atmosphere he was feeling around the guy "I will call security." Alan got out his phone, ready to dial the security officer of the hospital.

The man started to laugh and with a wave of his hand, Alan was smashed to the wall.

"Urgh!" Alan groaned in pain as his back was in pain from colliding the corridor

The man continued to walk forward to the entrance of his wife's room. Before Alan could comprehend what just happened, he instinctively grabbed the man's leg.

The man stopped again after feeling Alan's touch and looked down on him with wide eyes again "You...can touch me?" he spoke with shock.

Ignoring the man's words "You can't...enter." He was struggling to speak from the pain he felt. He guessed a bone was broken inside his body from the harsh collision to the wall.

The man lifted his hand and Alan's body followed its movements, rising up from the floor as he faced the man again.

However, he had no control over his body at all, it was a strange feeling. He could feel his body, but struggled to move it. Alan's breathing began to accelerate as he began to feel fear from this man, who somehow is lifting him up without touching him.

"I gave you plenty of chances, yet you keep stopping me." The man began to slowly speak to Alan with a sinister voice.

"You..You...how are you doing this!" Alan shouted with his low amount of strength.

"Since you're so dead set on stopping me from claiming your wife's soul. I will make you a deal" The man ignored Alan and continued to speak.

'Wife's soul? What?' Alan was confused by the man's words, trying to understand what was going on.

"You will take her place human." The man struck at Alan's heart!

"Ugh!" Alan let out an uncomfortable groan with widened eyes as he slowly looked down towards his chest.

He saw the man's hand inside his chest, holding his heart. However, there was no blood nor a hole in his chest. The man's hand seemed to have phased through his body like a ghost and only touched his heart.

No blood came from Alan's mouth, only great pain from his chest and sudden stop of blood flow from his constricted heart. Alan tried to speak but couldn't, the impact from the man's action rendered him speechless as he looked at him with fear.

"See you soon Alan." The man said with a sinister smile as he retracted his hand from Alan's chest.

Alan began to slowly fall as his heart had completely stopped beating at this moment. Just as he was losing all sense of feeling and consciousness, he muttered "Who..are..you…"

The man smirked.

"The God of Death."

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