
My Daughter Is a Heavens Defying Prodigy!

Treading on the path of revenge, Ace Vorste becomes the strongest in the superior world named Herferd. After killing his sworn enemies, he became the Emperor of the newly established Vorste Empire, and adding to the good news; he was informed that his wife, Maeve Vorste, is pregnant. Over-joyed by the sudden news, Ace spent his entire time taking care of his wife. Yeah no, it wasn't a flag, there were no accidents; a cute daughter was born. The arrival of the new guest marked a time of Happiness and Joy. “Will she also have to walk on a path filled with blood and gore...?” While Ace was playing with his daughter, Maeve, his wife questioned in worry. Ace's body froze, he remembered his past and then looked at her cute daughter who was giggling while holding his finger. “No!” Ace swore and stood up with a determined gaze. He then decided to leave his wealth, his Empire, and even his World; and moved to a relatively weaker world. But it turns out that Ashleyn, the new world they are in, is mysterious in its own way... This is the Journey of an Emperor, his love, and his cute daughter as they shift to a weaker world and enjoy their life. ---- Some things I think I should clarify before you read: Though English is not my primary language, I don't think you will face any major issues reading the book. The main focus of the story will be MC, Ace Vorste, and not his daughter. Yes, MC will power up even more in further chapters and he will learn about new things in the new world. MC is NOT the hero type, but he isn't an anti-hero either, he only cares about his wife and daughter. He is cruel, and won't help move until his family is in harms way. This story is not a Harem, MC loves his wife too much to even think about other women, and PLEASE, there will be NO INCEST! So please don't think about him doing something weird to his daughter. I won't deny, there will be other women who will fell for MC but he won't reciprocate their feelings. In the end, I would only say that give this story a try, I am sure it will be worth your time!

Wonder_Who2 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
111 Chs

You Are Spoiling Her…

The next morning, Maeve woke up with a satisfied smile on her face. She could feel Ace's gentle breathing on her neck while his hands were wrapped around her waist. Her smile widened even more and she placed her hand on Ace's hand gently, at the same time, she recalled last night and couldn't help but blush a little.

She then looked down and noticed the bedsheets which were soiled beyond repair.

'We sure got wild yesterday…' Maeve muttered inwardly with a small smile on her face while she tightened her grip around Ace's hand. She pushed her naked body against Ace's gently while she closed her eyes and enjoyed the moment.

As she was recalling last night, suddenly, events that happened yesterday morning appeared in her mind and she abruptly opened her eyes.

'How can I forget about something like that!? I have to think of a way to control that power or else… or els-' in between her inner panic, a smile appeared on her face as she now realized how she forgot about something so important.

She then turned around and gave a light peck on Ace's lips.

'You are just too good for me…

do I even deserve you?' She thought inwardly as she hugged Ace's tightly.

"Eehh? Look who looks thirsty today…" Ace commented sarcastically while hugging her back and Maeve's body shook in surprise.

"Y-You are awake!?"

"Well, it's hard to sleep if something so soft hugs you this tightly" Ace commented with a smile as he kneaded Maeve's breast softly.

"Pervert…" Maeve mumbled in a very low voice.

"Oh? Weren't you all mushy mushy a while ago? How am I a pervert? You are a pervert. It was as clear as a day that you were taking advantage of your husband, who was sleeping defenselessly-Ahh" Ace teased before he felt a slight pain on his waist.

He then glanced at Maeve who had buried her face in his chest and he instantly knew that he should stop since he still wants to live a little more.

Ace then intelligently stopped with him teasing and hugged Maeve gently.

"What about training?" Maeve questioned.

"Nnnn, I want to stay like this. We will train tomorrow, promise" Ace replied as he tightened his hug around Maeve.

"We skipped it yesterday as well" Maeve replied.

"Bah! Who cares!? Just lemme stay like this for a while" Ace whined as he wrapped his legs around Maeve's. Maeve just smiled at the response and didn't say anything else.

After staying in that position for another hour, Maeve finally decided to wake up since they all have to leave for the Juhu beach.

Ace also woke up, cleaned his body, wore some clothes and walked towards Gracie's crib, and watched his little Nightingale sleeping peacefully while wearing her favorite cat hoodie.

After another half an hour, Gracie's eyes twitched before opening.

"Good Morning, Gracie~" Ace greeted.

Gracie turned her head towards Ace with half-opened eyes before extending her hands towards him sleepily. Ace, obviously accepted the offer and picked her up.

Gracie then placed her head on his shoulder before entering the dreamland again.

Ace shook his head with a wry smile before he walked towards the kitchen, where Maeve was preparing the breakfast.

"Hmm? She hasn't woken up yet?" Maeve questioned as she turned towards Ace and saw him carrying Gracie.

"Well, she did… only to go back to sleeping again…" Ace answered and Maeve shook her head.

"That's not good, wake her up or she'll get lazy"

"Hmm? Let her sleep for a little more, can't you see that cute and comfortable look on her face?" Ace replied as he turned a little to show Gracie's face to Maeve.

"You are spoiling her…" Maeve complained.

"She's such a good little girl, I think she deserves to be spoiled" Ace replied, not denying the accusation.

"She's more like a sly devil than a little girl…" Maeve commented as she recalled everything Gracie does when she wants something.

Ace chuckled before patting Gracie's head lovingly.

Ace then sat on a chair while he saw Maeve preparing breakfast from behind.

A while later, a pleasant smell invaded his nose and he questioned, "You are making cookies?"

"Well, since we are going to the beach, I thought that I should prepare something for this little devil" Maeve replied without turning back.

*Sniff* *Sniff*

Ace then noticed someone sniffing loudly right beside him, obviously, it was Gracie who was still half asleep.

"Cookies…" Gracie muttered as her eyes twitched.

"Cookies!" suddenly, her eyes opened wide as a big smile appeared on her face and she exclaimed. All her sleepiness faded away like an illusion and she started looking around.

"You are awake?"

"Papa! Mama! Good Morning!" Gracie greeted and kissed Ace on his cheeks.

"Good Morning~" The two replied with a smile.

"Cookies~ They smell good…" Gracie muttered as she sniffed again.

"They do? You wanna eat them?" Ace questioned as he walked towards the cookies Maeve just prepared but just as he was about to pick them up, Maeve slapped his hands and scolded.

"You aren't allowed to eat without brushing, you two, go and brush your teeth and take a bath"

"Not even one?" Gracie requested with a slightly tilted head and starry eyes.

Maeve, who was already used to Gracie's tricks didn't budge and spoke sternly, "That won't work, go brush your teeth and wash up. Only then will you get these cookies"

"Hmm, Mama is right Gracie, we should go and get cleaned first"

"Okay…" Gracie nodded and the 2 walked towards the bathroom.

Half an hour later, Ace was sitting on the dining hall and was drying Gracie's hair, who was sitting on his lap with a towel.

"We are going to the beach today, Right!?" Gracie questioned excitedly.

"We are, we will be leaving right after we eat" Ace replied while Maeve placed the food on the table.

"Yay!" Gracie jumped in excitement.

"Alright, now eat the food or we will go without you" Maeve spoke, expecting Gracie to nod quickly and do what she told without questioning but Gracie turned towards Ace and looked at him with extremely innocent, starry, moist eyes.

"You won't… right?" Gracie questioned lightly, her voice was so low that it looked like she was about to cry.

Ace, who was facing such an expression gulped. He maybe an all-powerful emperor and everything, but facing such a gaze, he was helpless.

"Of course, we won't. How could we leave without our little nightingale?" Ace replied and hugged Gracie lovingly.

"Papa! You are the best!" Gracie exclaimed, answering the hug before she glanced at Maeve with the corner of her eyes and, "Heh~" smirked.

'You little…' Maeve's eyebrows twitched but before she could say anything, Ace spoke.

"We won't leave you, but if you don't finish your breakfast soon, we will all stay here"

Gracie's face paled, she quickly turned around and started eating. She secretly glanced towards Maeve and, "Heh~" as if copying her, Maeve replied with a similar smirk on her face.

"Muuu!" Gracie puffed her cheeks in a pout before remembering her father's warning and started munching on the food.

The three then had the breakfast and left the courtyard.

As a Great Elder, Ace can use Sect's carriage anytime he wants and since he already informed the sect about him leaving, a carriage was prepared for them and was ready to leave.

As Ace, Maeve and Gracie walked towards the Sect exit, Ace noticed a huge crowd gathered there and frowned.

"What happened?" Ace questioned and Sect Leader Kalm appeared.

"Ah, Elder Ace, we've been waiting for you"

"Mr. Kalm, what's all this about?" Ace questioned.

"Elder Ace, as you know, you are pretty popular in the sect, even though I didn't leak the news, the disciples somehow learned that you and your family are leaving the Sect for a while and they all gathered here to see you off." Sect Leader Kalm explained.

Though Ace was surprised about how the disciples learned about it, he didn't really cared much about it and nodded.

"Would you like to say a few words to your beloved disciples before you leave?" Sect Leader Kalm requested and though unwilling, Ace nodded.

"Well, disciples of the Inferno Sword Sect, though I am leaving for a while, I don't want anyone of you to slack off, the Annual Sect Meet is around the corner and I am hoping to see some great performances there but also, don't overdo yourself and remember to take enough rest.

I would like to see a healthy and a strong…" and Ace continued with the speech even though he himself was bored of it.

"We'll meet again soon" Ace ended followed by the applauds.

"Elder Ace, you are visiting the Juhu Beach, right?" A familiar voice was heard. Ace glanced towards the voice and saw Sofia, coming towards him with a smile on her face.

"Sister Sophia!" Gracie exclaimed and Sofia smiled at her gently.

Maya and Sofia are the only people who had good relation with Ace and his family, of course, the only reason for that is Gracie, if not for her, Ace and Maeve wouldn't have given a damn about someone so insignificant.

"We are" Maeve answered.

"Then have you bought your swimsuits?"

"Swim Suits?"

"Swilm Swuits?" Gracie and Maeve questioned with tilted heads.


How are you all?

I'm tired...

and sleepy~

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