
Ace's Real Talent

100 years ago.

The Holy Sword Empire consisted of 1 imperial family and the 7 higher noble families. The Vrest, the Zmijz, the Lev, the Tijzer, the Pauve, the Motle and the Tian family.

Ace was born in the Vrest family while Maeve was born in the Zmijz family. To strengthen the relationships between the two families, Maeve was labeled as Ace's fiancé since she was born, just like any random political marriage.

Being 5 years older than him and understanding the world better, Maeve always hated Ace for binding her even though she knew it wasn't his fault.

But everything changed when Ace turned 8 years old and they met each other for the first time.

"Do you want to annul this marriage?" Maeve's eyes opened wide as she heard Ace's first question.

"You don't like me?" Maeve questioned with a frown. She was considered one of the most beautiful women of the empire even when though she hasn't matured much. Many believed that once she grows up, she will be the most beautiful girl this world has seen. So hearing Ace say that was surprising to her.

"I do, in fact, you are the most beautiful girl I have ever met in my life and would love to have you as my wife but...

If that were to happen, then it should be because you like me back, not because your family forcing you to do so." Ace answered and Maeve opened her eyes wide in surprise.

He took her feelings into consideration.

He, unlike others, saw her as a person, not as a tool to vent their lust into.

Is that even possible? For Maeve, who has always been treated like a tool, this was a completely different notion. She never believed that someone would consider her feelings. It would be a lie to say that there was no lust in Ace's eyes, but the sincerity in his look far surpassed his lust. Even going as far as to wanting to annul the marriage showed his sincerity.

This was the first time someone left a good impression on her heart. What Ace didn't know at that time was that this seemingly small gesture led to the creation of the most beautiful relation in his entire life.

"I would like to spend some more time with you before giving you my answer, I hope you understand" Maeve answered honestly.

"Mhm, I do and I wish I can impress you" Ace answered with a bright, pure, and somewhat naive smile to which Maeve smiled back.

From then on, she started spending more time with him, and before she knew it,

She fell for him.

Yup, she actually fell for an 8-year-old boy who let alone take advantage of her, was too shy to even hold her hand, but at the same time, he would be brave enough to completely grab her arm when he senses someone looking in her direction as if telling that she's with him.

Maeve already decided that she would spend the rest of her life with him, at the very least, he was better than others who don't even treat her like a human and always look at her with eyes either filled with lust or greed. She was even prepared to answer Ace's questioned on his tenth birthday and continue with their happy life.

But, of course, if everything went THAT well, there wouldn't be a novel I can write...

2 years later, Ace's elemental talent was revealed, and...

It was shockingly good.

So good that it was a disaster.

He became a threat.

The emperor deemed him as a threat to his throne and,

Maeve's family along with other major families and the imperial family schemed to eradicate his entire family to get rid of the future problems.

The other six families blamed the Vrest family for betraying the empire and the internal war started.

The Vrest Family fought against the other 6 families who had equal power as them. Though the imperial family didn't take part in the war, it was pretty clear that they were the mastermind.

Getting caught completely unprepared, the Vrest family wasn't able to put much of the resistance and the 5 enemy assassins breached into Ace's room to get rid of him for good.

"Ahh! Who are you?" the 10-year-old Ace cried in fear.

"Your end!" The assassin answered with a smirk and Ace paled.


"You dare harm my son!?" A man with a large built appeared in Ace's room as his aura forced the assassins to their knees.

With one stroke of the hand, fierce wind killed every assassin present in the room.

"Dad!" Ace cheered in joy thinking he was safe.

"Damian Vrest, You traitor! You think you can run away?" A hoarse voice was heard as 6 men appeared in front of the door. They were the family heads of the other six families.

Damian's face turned ashen as he looked back towards his son who was cowering in fear.

Who could blame him? He was just a 10-year-old boy who was seeing his home getting burned by attackers.

Damian pierced his own waist and took out his Air Attribute core as he turned towards his son.

"Ace, my boy, forgive father for not being strong enough to protect you.

Here, take this and run towards the western forest"

"F-father… what about you and Mama…?" Ace questioned.

"Don't worry about us, we will find you when we deal with all this. Now go! Run!" He ordered and dashed towards the 6 family head with only his body strength.

Though Ace was a child, he was smart enough to understand what was happening and knew better than anyone that he won't be seeing his father and mother if he left today. He stood there in a daze as he saw those family heads toying with his weak, powerless father.

"GO! YOU IDIOT! WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?" Damian roared and Ace came out of his reverie. He ran towards the window in fear and with tears in his eyes.

"Hahaha! Do you think he will be able to run away? We have already surrounded your mansion, there will be no escape for you traitors" one of them laughed, clearly enjoying Damian's suffering.

Damian didn't reply and just tried to punch him, getting blocked and kicked back easily.

That day, marked the end of the Vrest Family.

The Zmijz Family proposed Maeve to marry the person she hates the most, the 5th prince who was 40 years old and has always tried to woo her even though she clearly rejected his advance.

The 5th prince was known for being a playboy, was chubby, and always uses his status to force others. A typical clichéd prince.

Her father told her about Ace's death and Maeve's face paled.

"No... I can't be..." She muttered.

"Think about the family, though the 5th price won't inherit the throne he is still the price nonetheless. The boy is dead, accept it and move on, I will give you 2 days to get ready for the marriage, it's up to you to decide if you will do it willingly, or unwillingly." Saying that her father left her alone in her room.

Maeve was left alone as she grieved for her beloved death but soon a determined look appeared on her face.

'He is alive, I know of it!

I have to find him!' she resolved and came up with a decision.

'If he is alive, then he should be in the western forest, if he is dead, then I might as well die with him.

It should be better than living with that creep.' with that thought in mind, Maeve left her house to find Ace.

She searched for him for 2 whole months but wasn't able to find anything. Now, even she started to believe that he was dead but that didn't stop her.

She has already made her mind; either she will find Ace, or die trying.

Walking in the wilderness fighting fierce beast and surviving, all alone, it wasn't easy for a 15-year-old girl like her, but she didn't falter and kept going.

Even I am facing difficulties fighting these beasts, how could Ace who hasn't even started his training would survive here? I have to fight him as soon as possible.

With that thought in mind, Maeve kept roaming around the forest aimlessly.

Her labor bore fruits as after another month passed, she finally found Ace who was surrounded by 10 wolves.

He was breathing hard, his body was covered with blood and bruises, and 2 unstable and weak wind blades were accompanied him. Though his condition looked rather hopeless, there was unmatched determination in his eyes.

"I will take my revenge!" He roared and dashed towards the wolves without fear.

Though he was really determined to win, with his weak and tired body, it wasn't hard to guess that his position.

Maeve wasn't able to bear it anymore; she raised her right hand and closed her eyes, extending her focus, and after 10 seconds, just as the wolf was about to bite Ace's legs, Maeve's eyes opened and all the wolves fell on the ground with a plop.

*Plop* *Plop* *Plop*

"Huh?" Ace opened his left eye and was surprised to see wolves falling down limply.

'What happened?' He thought but before he could look around, Maeve roared.

"What are you all dazed for, they aren't dead yet, kill them!"

"Um… okay!" without thinking, Ace dashed towards the wolves and pierced their hearts with his sword one by one.

"Sister Maeve… what are you doing here?" Ace questioned with a confused look.

"Hmm? Did you think I will let my fiancé fight alone in this forest?" Maeve giggled.

"But… but your famil-"

"I don't care about them, they just see me as a political tool, they are not my family" Maeve interrupted.

"Only you are the one who sees me as a woman" Maeve muttered looking unfocused.


Maeve's eyes opened wide as Ace jumped towards her and they both fell to the ground.


"I was so afraid… I was so afraid…" Ace cried while being on top of Maeve.

Maeve smiled and patted his head.

"You've been through a lot…" Maeve muttered in a soothing tone.

"We should leave this place, other beasts might come here when they smell blood" Maeve advised and Ace nodded.

He has been living in the forest for 3 months; he knows how things work here.

They walked towards a relatively safe area and Ace calmed down after a while.

"Sister Maeve! Was that Soul Attribute!?" Ace questioned with bright eyes to which Maeve nodded with a prideful look.

"That was so OP! I should train that too!" Ace exclaimed to which Maeve furrowed her brows.

"Hmm? What do you mean; do you also have an affinity to Soul Attribute?" Maeve questioned.

Soul was one of the Saint Attributes, the number of Soul Mages is very low. Maeve was already considered a genius when it was known that she had an affinity with the Soul Attribute.

Wasn't it announced that Ace had the Legendary SS rank affinity with the Air Attribute? How could he have an affinity with Soul Attribute. Could it be that he had an affinity with 2 Attributes? Then wasn't Ace a monstrous talent? Genius amongst geniuses?

"I have an affinity with all the elements" Ace revealed and Maeve's eyes turned wide.

"What?" She questioned to which Ace nodded.

"They never revealed my true talent thinking that people might get jealous and attack me. Who knew that this will happen even when my family hid most of my talent" He answered with a sad look.

"W-what's you affinity rank with all elements…?" Maeve questioned with a somewhat dazed look. She still couldn't believe what Ace just said.

"SS rank in every element" Ace revealed and Maeve almost coughed out blood due to shock.

Edit: 7 june

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