
Chapter 3: First Student

{Back to present}

I had set my alarm and dozed off….. exactly at 4:15 pm, I got out of the bed and freshened up. The day was going to be long, why? I just had that feeling. I headed to my walk-in closet and picked out my dress for the evening.

A simple red and black checkered shirt, with a black knee length skirt, long red boots and a black muffler to complete the look. I gulped a glass of orange juice in a haste and was out of the door with my car keys. The clock showed 4:45 pm by the time I reached school. The school was far but I loved to drive fast out of habit. I waited for 5 more minutes before I stepped out of the car.

The weather was a bit chilly as the sun was setting down. The breeze almost blew my skirt as I held it down. Such accidents were embarrassing. Since I had time, I started searching around the parking lot...

Yes, I had left the box that I wanted to give to David on the bench where I almost tripped over. I looked over and around that area but there was no sign of it. Did someone take it or trash it?. I bend down to search under that benches, maybe it was there, when I felt a presence behind me. I immediately stood straight and turned around….. and I froze

Standing in front of me was a stunningly handsome boy. Blond hair, chiseled cheek, sharp jawline and blood red eyes. Just one look and one could say that he belonged to the magazines. What stunned me was his beauty not his eye color. Red, purple, blue and all other funky colors were normal in my school, it was a trend for students to wear these lenses to school

I stabilized myself and turned again, back to searching for the box…..

"Hi, prefect" he said, I initially ignored him bit then I realized, prefect, right that was me… I was wearing the prefect's badge

"Yes" I maintained eye contact as I see him step closer

"How can I help you?" I prompted him to speak but he maintained his silence

"Are you student here?" I asked as he was not wearing the identification batch "If not then please head outside, you are not allowed to be in here" I showed him the exit door

"Wait, wait, wait" he held his hands up "I just came a little early…. I am a student here, prefect" he said in the most soothing voice one could hear, but the last word felt twisted

"Oh, I see. My bad, I am ordered not to let any day class students here after 5:00 pm, don't know why?" I just pondered over my own question


"Wait, are you a day class student?" I asked him as I see no identification

"No, I am a night class student"

"Oh!!" I almost exclaimed, this was my first time in 6 months to see a night class student "Also, wear you ID next time" I advised him

"I will…" he nodded "Btw, what is your name prefect?"

"Catherine Walter…." I answered hesitant with his actions..

As he spoke he closed the distance between us, until there was bare minimum and instinctively I stepped back

"Finally, I got someone delicious to meet" he mumbled as I barely caught the words he spoke off

"What??? What do you mean..... do not move an inch or else I will report you to the principal" I warned him. I took no action against him physically because the principal had strongly advised against it

"Report me!!" He faked a scare "come on sweety, don't be so mean, look who is threatening me, you know that you like me, prefect, I saw it in your eyes" he stepped closer again

I wouldn't lie that I wasn't checking him out but hell no did I fall for him... wasn't he dreaming!!

"You are making a mistake young man, your eyes definitely need to be fixed if you think that way…. Give me your name"

I was fuming at this point, I was not the type to get angry but there were limits for everything

"Daniel Robert" he smirked as he spoke

I took out the special notepad that was given to me by the principal to write in the names of the night class offenders and started noting down his name.

Within seconds he had stepped closer and pushed my hand away from pen. The pen along with the book flew away. I was frozen shocked by his reaction, one swipe and the stationary was flying in the air, what a day!!

I tried to maintain the gap but he closed it in 2 steps and touched my hair with the back of his hand and lifted a few loose strands.

"Pretty" he mumbled into my hair as I stood shocked. There was something in his voice that seemed like he was in a hurry all of the sudden

Every cell in my body was telling me to get away from him this very second, it screamed danger

I tired not to shout at him, because then everyone in the school will know what was going on, so I clenched my teeth and spoke through them

"Stay back and don't come near me" I pushed him with full force and he didn't budge an inch, which was a shocker to me…. Mind you I had a high degree in martial arts!!!

"Don't say that sweety, you are just wasting your energy" he held my hand that was at his chest and I immediately recoiled them….. cold! was all could say

Where was David when I needed him to do his duties…. I reached into my backpack to pull out my phone to dial in David's number and within seconds my phone was flung out of my hand by Daniel..... damn it that was the only phone I owned

But the most strangest thing was that I didn't hear my mobile phone fall to the ground!!!!

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