
My Dark Isekai Project

Itami Isaac is an ordinary high school student. He goes to Brangel High School. He went through a childhood trauma that left a scar in his heart. The more he grows up, the more he realizes how selfish humans are. He wants to change it; He wants to give them salvation. They need a lesson; they need to learn what it truly means to be a human, that’s what he thinks all the time. But he doesn't know any way to do that. When he was about to give up on humans his friend Robin showed him a way that will bring peace to his mind and salvation to the people. Now they have taken a project to teach the people the true lesson of being a human. They will transfer all the people of his city to another world to teach them a lesson. Will they be able to give humanity their long-awaited salvation? Join them in their blood-stained project and discover the heart-throbbing fantasy world together.

Israr_Hossain_Ifty · Fantasy
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64 Chs

Head of Wuxia

"Why are you asking such an obvious question, I am your sweet & cute Mei Chan" she replied.

"You can't fool me," said Shu after hearing her ridiculous words. Hearing him say that Mei touches his face and says "What has gotten into you, what are you doing here? Leaving your responsibilities like it doesn't even matter".

"That's not your business" replied Shu.

"Everything that's your business is my business, now tell me the reason" shouted Mei.

"You were always the weird one that I never understood in my life' said Shu while smiling.

After saying that he stands up and says Mei to sit on a chair. She sits on a chair as he told her and looks around.

Shu brings a cup of tea in a tray and sits in front of her. She takes the cup slowly and takes a sip and says it has a strong smell.

"Glad that you like it" replied Shu now let's get to the main topic first tell me "Why are you here? And what have the elders decided".

When you left the Wuxia palace after the argument with the elders I was worried so I asked Elder Hung to tell me more about the argument but he declined my request and said you will find all your answers in the Brangel City of the Domidro country.

After getting the information I reserved a plane ticket immediately while carrying an official letter from the elders. Here you go saying that she hands over the letter.

Seeing the letter he grabs it quickly and smiles after taking a look. Seeing him smiling like that she asks him "What happened?" But he doesn't reply to anything and says "Now I can search for them freely".

Mei doesn't know what is he talking about but she does know that he is happy and that's all she wants to know.

After saying that he looked at Mei with helplessness in his eyes and told her "You must be thinking that why the clan leader of the great Wuxia is helping a man in his project but it's the opposite I am not the one who's helping him instead he is the one who is helping me to find the thing that I am looking for".

After saying that he leaves from there saying that he is going to get some groceries.

He left there in a hurry that Mei couldn't see his face properly but she saw some tears in his eyes that announces that it's an important task for him so if it's that important to him that he would sacrifice some tears for it Then as his fiancée it's my duty to help him in that task no matter what.

When Shu left the room in a hurry she stands up and goes to the window and thinks in her mind how Shu turned from a smart boy to a reckless one.

Shu Fung-Wuxia is the leader and the head of the great Wuxia clan. Whoever hears the name Wuxia in China trembles.

It's a clan that influences China's politics and it even controls the destiny of China.

Even the most feared Mafia gang in China refuses to go against the clan. They are supreme and untouchable in China. Nobody can deny them except the dead ones.

They are one of the oldest clan that exists in China. They control China's economy through their industry Wuxia group of industries.

Wuxia Group of Industries is one of the richest and mightiest groups in China and Shu is the Chairman of it.

His life has been tough. At the age of 16, he had to take over the industry and the clan after the disappearance of his parents.

When he should have had fun with his friends he was stuck in boring council meetings with some old geezes.

He often sees some boys of his age hanging out with their friends while he is riding on his Rolls Royce to go to another meeting.

He never had any chance to enjoy his life but even though he didn't run away from his responsibilities.

Since the day he became the head of Wuxia, he fulfilled his all responsibilities no matter how hard it was.

He awoke all night just to finish his work on a presentation. His assistant even said that she would finish it for him but he refused and said "It's my job to finish the presentation the party that's coming here tomorrow is expecting a presentation from the head of the Wuxia clan and I can't disappoint them and let them tarnish the good name of our clan.

He worked very hard every day without any rest and never blamed destiny for his situation but since I entered the house I observed him very closely and understood that it's not that he doesn't blame destiny or others it's just that he wants to know the answer behind his situation and wants to see them so he can bid them with a smile on his face.

The last time when he saw his parents he told them to get away so far that he can't see them ever.

He was always angry with his parents for not giving him much time. His parents told him many times that they are trying their best to spend their free time with him but as a child, he never understood that now that he is the head of the clan he understands it very well.

He now understands how hard it is to find some free time between work but still, his parents would visit him every day.

So whenever he remembers that and how he said some harsh words to his parents despite their hard work he feels very worthless and at some point, he even thinks that he has no right to live in this world.

But the next moment he remembers that now he is the leader of Wuxia.

His father worked very hard and sacrificed many nights and happy moments just to maintain the good name and the power of Wuxia so he can't just let his father's sacrifice go to waste.

So he will work hard enough until the last drop of his blood dries up.

Just when I was thinking all that he returned with some groceries in his hand and threw a chocolate bar to me and said "It's your favorite one".

After saying that he keeps all his groceries on the table and also places a key too.

I asked him "What is that key?" he replied, "It's the key to an apartment located in the luxurious Roug area, you will stay there from now on".

He was leaving again after saying that but I grabbed his shirt and said "No I am going to stay here with you".

"Don't be ridiculous, you know that it's dangerous that's why I am sending you there but still you want to stay with me?" asked Shu.

"I came here while knowing that I am involving myself in danger but still I am here so yeah I am staying" replied Mei.

Looking at her face he understands that he can't convince her to go from there so he smiled and said "Ok then you will be my full-time assistant if you agree to that then we will have a deal".

"No I can't agree to that" replied Mei and added I will only work as your part-time assistant.

Hearing that Shu asked her "Why? What's the problem the salary is good".

"It's not about the salary you fool if I become your full-time assistant then I will not be able to become your fiancé and I don't want that so I will only become your part-time assistant and full-time fiancé" she replied.

Hearing her words Shu laughed and agreed to her words and said "Ok, then from now on you will be my part-time assistant and full-time fiancé, now tell me what do you want as your salary?"

"I am very much expensive and my payment method will be different think again will you be able to afford me," she said while smirking.

"Just ask for it and it will be there for you" replied Shu with confidence in his face.

After getting permission for asking anything she whispered in his ear and said "I want one French kiss as advance and a child in salary".

Listening to her demand Shu's confidence vanished and he was stuttering as his face was turning in red.

Looking at him in this situation Mei laughs and asked him "Will you be able to pay my salary and advance?"

"Of course" he replies while stuttering.

Looking at him still stuttering she decided to tease him and said "It's ok even if you don't pay my salary on time you will have enough time and chance to pay my salary so don't worry she said in a soothing tempting voice".

Listening to her soothing voice he freeze there and to break the frozen Shu she asked for her advance right here right now. (To be continued)


Shu: Are you happy after telling my back story to everyone?

Author: Yeah, is there any problem?

Shu: No, absolutely not I just wanted to ask you when are you going to show Mei's backstory?

Author: Yeah it's coming soon don't worry about it. What you should worry about is the advance. Are you ready to pay the payment?

Shu: You don't have to remind me I will in the next chap.

That's all for today's chap and extra.

Be well and look forward to the payment.