
Chapter 1: Natsumi And Chinatsu (1)

"Sorry to keep you waiting."

"Sorry to keep you waiting."

After patiently waiting in the park, I heard two sets of female voices call out to me. Glancing toward the source, I was met with two girls dressed casually, their bodies slightly bent as they caught their breath. Evidently, they had been jogging to reach me.

"I made it first! You lost!" proclaimed the girl who seemed to be my age, playfully pointing at the other girl with her finger. Her hair, dyed blonde, was pulled into a ponytail, secured by a scrunchy. Her eyes held a warm amber hue, and she wore a slightly pink, frilly off-shoulder top paired with a white skirt. The skirt was short enough that even a slight movement could reveal her panties. Her measurements were B95–W57–H88 in centimeters.

"You must be mistaken. I got here before you did. So, that makes you the loser," retorted the other girl, who was also my age, crossing her arms beneath her generous bust. Unlike the first girl, her attire covered more skin, yet she still radiated an appealing and alluring presence. Her skirt reached her knees, and she wore glasses that added a touch of sophistication. A mole adorned the left corner of her mouth, and her violet eyes contributed to her mature, onee-san-like demeanor. Her measurements were B99–W58–H90 in centimeters.

After sharing a brief glare, their attention shifted to me.

"Hey, Tsubasa, who do you think won?"

"Hey, Tsubasa-kun, who do you think won?"

Both of them spoke those words simultaneously.

"I didn't catch that, so I can't really say..."

"You should have been watching me, Tsubasa! After all, I'm your girlfriend," chimed the girl with the ponytail.

"Oh please, like he's only supposed to watch you. I deserve his attention too. After all, I'm also his girlfriend."

Girlfriend – a word that many guys longed for. And having just one would usually suffice. But here I am, with two of them. Yep, these two girls are my girlfriends.

And today... we have a plan. A plan to lose our virginities together... in a threesome.

Now, before we dive into that, let me backtrack and explain how we got here.

These two right here are my childhood friends, and the three of us share a deep love. It's almost like a love triangle. They both love me, and I love them equally in return. But, they insisted that I could only choose one of them.

My indecisiveness made it impossible to pick only one, fearing I'd regret it. So, I made an unconventional decision to date them both. Of course, that proposal was met with slaps on each side of my face, but I kept pleading with them.

Finally, they gave in.

And due to the unique nature of our relationship, we agreed to keep it secret. It's been four months since then, and now, it's time for us to take our three-way relationship to the next level.

One of my girlfriends, with a gal appearance, was Morikawa Chinatsu. She had an energetic, lively personality that made her stand out as a teenage girl. Paired with her strong-willed nature, she gave off a tomboyish vibe. She was currently 18 years old, in her third year of senior high school. Growing up nearby, we became childhood friends. While she started out somewhat reserved, she was determined to transform herself, becoming someone who could brighten up her surroundings. In our class, she was like the sun, radiating the most energy. And, needless to say, she was also one of the most beautiful girls in our school.

My other girlfriend went by the name Matsushita Natsumi. Also 18 years old, she exuded a mature aura, almost like an older sister. Her demeanor was polished and refined, likely a result of coming from a wealthy family. Our connection stemmed from my mother, who worked at her family's business. This common link brought us together as childhood friends, just like with Chinatsu. Given her aura, Natsumi naturally assumed the role of our big sister. She, too, was considered one of the school's goddesses.

These two remarkable women were my girlfriends. It's a situation I never could've imagined—a time when I would have a girlfriend, let alone two of them.

Chinatsu pouted, "You should've just chosen one instead of messing around with this woman, Tsubasa."

Natsumi added, "Tsubasa-kun, you're such a player. Going on dates with two women? If anyone from school spotted you strolling around with a girl on each arm during the weekend, they'd be totally envious."

"Yeah, they definitely would be."

If someone caught sight of me like this, hanging out with two girls over the weekend, they'd probably assume we were just spending time together as childhood friends. After all, it wasn't exactly a secret that the three of us were close. But if someone ever saw me heading into a motel with both of them, that would surely raise some eyebrows. I wouldn't be surprised if rumors started swirling around school. I really hoped it wouldn't come to that though.

Sadly, that hopeful thinking was crushed almost immediately.

"Geh," I blurted out.

"Geh," came the startled response from the cashier in front of me, clad in her convenience store uniform. I hadn't recognized her initially, not expecting her to be working at a place like this.

"Oh, it's Ichinose-san," Natsumi said as she appeared behind me.

"Yeah, that's Minami-chan," Chinatsu chimed in, revealing herself behind me too.

Right, this woman in front of us was Ichinose Minami, one of our classmates. She was known as a school goddess because she worked as a model.

Meeting a fellow classmate here wasn't the issue. If she saw me with Natsumi and Chinatsu, she'd probably assume we were headed to a movie or something. However, the items I'd placed on the counter were a pretty clear indicator of our plans.

Ichinose's gaze shifted from the items on the counter to me, then flicked to the two women behind me.

On the counter were three boxes of condoms. Now, what would a guy be doing with a bunch of condoms? It's not like you're going to inflate them and use them as party balloons, right? No, these are meant for something sexual, something involving a man and a woman.

Of course, if I'd only brought one woman along, Ichinose probably wouldn't have blinked an eye. But purchasing condoms with two ladies in tow? That would definitely raise an eyebrow.

I decided to stay quiet as she continued to scrutinize both the girls behind me, then me, and finally, the three boxes of condoms. Silence seemed like the best option in this awkward situation.

Without a word, she scanned the items. I handed over the payment without uttering a sound. She placed the items in a paper bag and passed me the receipt and the change, still without saying anything.

With a silent nod of thanks, I walked away.

The two women beside me exchanged puzzled glances, clearly unsure about what was happening. This included both my reaction and Ichinose's behavior. But that was alright. Let them wonder.

I couldn't help but wonder, though, why was she working as a cashier when she had a modeling gig? Maybe she wanted to maximize her income? It was a possibility... Anyway, I should just move on.

Before I knew it, I found myself in the center of the bed, with a woman on each side. From the waist up, I was already naked. They were both still wearing their skirts and bras.

It goes without saying, but having sex for the first time is incredibly awkward. Figuring out how to start and what to do is a challenge, especially if you're inexperienced. And when you're dealing with two people, the awkwardness multiplies, practically hanging in the air like a heavy cloud.

"Um, maybe we should all, you know, take off our clothes first?" I suggested, my own uncertainty palpable.

Natsumi and Chinatsu both stood up, and I followed suit. However, none of us actually removed our clothes. We just stood there, caught in the awkward tension.

What the hell should I do? This threesome wasn't going to start if we all just stood around fully dressed. I needed to gather some courage. I'm the man here, damn it. Time to man up.

I decided to take the lead and be the first one to strip. After all, there's a saying about gentlemen going first. Oops, I think I got that saying backwards, but whatever.

With a trembling hand, I undid my belt. It produced an awkward rattling sound that wasn't exactly music to the ears. But strangely, the sound seemed to make my heart race even faster. I swear I could hear it thumping in my ears.

I pulled down my pants, revealing my briefs to them. Their gazes immediately fell on the bulge beneath the fabric. It was something I had, but they didn't. Both of them swallowed nervously.

Awkwardness hung in the air as I finally stripped down completely. As the last bit of clothing reached my thighs, the thing that had been concealed was now out, straining against its confines.

"Oh my," Natsumi murmured, while Chinatsu let out a surprised gasp at the sight.

"I-Is your... thing alright being all hard like that?" Chinatsu stammered, her hands covering her eyes, but her fingers slightly parting to steal a glimpse.

"The tip is really red. I've seen your penis before, but this is the first time I've seen it like this," Natsumi commented.

"W-Wait, hold on a second! You've already seen his penis?!" Chinatsu asked, her tone laced with anger. "What's going on, Tsubasa?!"

"I-It's not like we did anything! We just used to take baths together when we were kids. Besides, you were there too, remember?" I defended myself.

Back when we were young, we sometimes took baths together. So, we had already seen each other's innocence in our younger days. But now, it was different. This was the current state of my sword. I couldn't help but wonder what their sheaths looked like in their current state.

"Alright then, Chinatsu-chan. Isn't it time we got rid of these?" Natsumi said, gesturing toward their last pieces of clothing.

"Okay... This is super embarrassing, but here goes nothing."

And so, they began to remove their bras. As they did, those bouncy assets of theirs sprang free. Whoa. They were seriously substantial. It was a sight to behold, and I found myself unconsciously swallowing as I watched them bounce.

"Oh, wow. It twitched. Looks like Tsubasa-kun couldn't hold himself anymore."

"Tsubasa... you really are looking forward to this, huh?"

Seems like my little guy was quite responsive too. Well, he had a head too, so...

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, they were left in just their panties.

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