

The world ahead of you... The world you witness every day. Do you think it is as you see? Do you actually think that is all there is to it? Blind, blind, blind! blind! blind! I say! You are all blind and ignorant. Blinded by your own illusions. Something to laugh at I tell you. Something to... some. Huh what the fuck?! No, no, no shit this is way off course, wrong direction yo. Why would the writer start with such a gloomy intro fuck!... Well nevertheless, hi guys yea mc speaking here. Hope you all looking forward to hearing about my adventures cause damn It's a blast!! Like seriously guys you definitely have to hear this. You all ready?... Okay cool, we start in 3, 2, 1 and whoosh!!


I must say it's quite a vague memory. But I am always reminded about it. Something happened. Something happened to me. I don't know how but something changed. I changed. The symptoms were quite obvious from a human's perspective. I'm thirsty, that was what I realized at first. '' Fuck I need water where's my bottle?" I thought to myself. I drank the whole bottle in one go but wait what's this? '' I'm still so fucking thirsty, the bathroom, I need to get to a tap," said Kariel. I stood up and went in my bathroom. I started drinking water from my bathroom, but nothing changed. My thirst was getting worse, and I even started feeling sick. Unexpectedly, I vomited all the water I had drank. You could even say it was all the water I had in my body cause damn it sure was a lot of water. To make matters worse, I was home alone that day. ''Shit what the hell is this?" cried Kariel. '' Dammit I better heard outside". (Crack) ''Huh?"(Crack, Kerr, krrrr krrwaa whoosh) ''What the, why did the door come off?! Argg dammit my head aarh. What's happening argg, fuck I better find help fast urgg". After struggling to make he's way to the front door, Kariel began to loose he's vision. ''Wait hold on I'm passing out, have to make it out...side". (bam!) And just like that, he passed out.

(A few hours later, one could hear the sound of birds chirping indicating that night has passed, morning has come.)

In a bed we see a young boy who seems to be comfortably sleeping, just by the look on he's face it was safe to say he is having the dream of he's life. '' Hmm, it's morning already?" Kariel mumbles as he wakes up. '' (Kariel, Kariel, Kariel!) Someone calls out he's name'' Is that Annie? (Kariel!) ''Nxm, What?!! Urg, she's so annoying, what the hell does she want? Urg I'm coming!" Kariel gets out of bed. He goes downstairs to Annie. Annie, he's older sister a 23 year old graduate student working in a major Law Firm. '' What do you want?'' Chh is that how you talk to your sister?! She grabs him by the ear. '' Ouch ouch ouch. Kariel cries out. She let's him go. ''Here take this, you'll buy yourself something to eat with this I have to get to work." Said Annie. '' Why are you leaving so early today?" Asked Kariel. ''I have a meeting with the board to finalize some stuff, see yah." (Kariel all alone in his house) '' Hmm? Sniff sniff.Hmm I better take a shower. (knock knock) Someone knocks at the door. '' I'm coming." Answerd Kariel. '' I wonder who it could be." He opens the door. ''Hmm? There's no one. Am I hearing things?" Zenggg! Don't move. ( Suddenly a man's voice appeared behind Kariel, It sounded deep and intimidating.) Kariel froze. ''Shit shit shit what the hell is going on, how did this guy even get in?" You filthy bastard, you have no shame! Said the mysterious looking man. '' Huh bastard? Does he mean me." As much as Kariel was scared, he was now mostly confused.'' You Pig, how come a vampire such as yourself feed on animals!" Said the man in furry. '' Huh?! What the ? A vampire?

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Kyota_Ayanokojicreators' thoughts