
Chapter 1: My Dad Is The Richest Man [Please Collect]

The emperor has not given up yet and came up with the excuse of being drunk, which means that if you go back now, you still have time to go back.

It's just that you are drunk and talking nonsense. Even if others don't believe it, as long as you don't let go, the witnesses below dare not speak. Who dares to convict you?

Does Li Sizheng want to get rid of his relationship with this case? He's not stupid enough not to at least split.

So he looked at Lin Yu secretly.

Lin Yu raised three fingers, a handful of them, like flames, frightening Li Sizheng to death, and shouted: "Father, the emperor, son, the minister is not drunk."

This person was killed by me.

But he said many disrespectful words and humiliated your father, not without reason, so his son and the priest were angry and killed him. "

Li Sizheng is not the kind of person who is stupid enough to defend himself.

You know, openly insulting the emperor in a public place is sinful, and in the sacred Lion Code, you can be punished by hanging.

In other words, if the deceased committed a crime, the maximum penalty is death.

However, even if the crime carries a death penalty, a conviction must be made by the Department of Criminal Affairs before the death penalty can be carried out by a specialized agency.

Even if Li Sizheng is the prince and the king of the county, he has no right to execute his sentence.

Lin Dingsheng, who was sitting in the jury box, interrupted him: "Since this person does not respect others, then the crime should be punished;

! Although the three princes all adhered to the emperor's law and the emperor's dignity, although they were suspected of taking over, it was understandable considering his status and emotions at the time.

Please accept holy judgment. "

Lin Yuran, who had been silent, said: "Lin Zifu's words are wrong!" In order to maintain the emperor's law and the emperor's dignity, certain procedures must be followed.

Since the empire established a criminal department, the criminal department is responsible for upholding the law, and no one can interfere at will.

If you are a prince, you can carry out punishment instead of the criminal department, so what is the use of the criminal department? Will there come a time when princes can call upon armies instead of military departments at will? Instead of the official department, decide on the promotion of officials? Or even replace the cabinet in deciding national affairs? So Lin Zifu went home to support the elderly. The four princes can decide court affairs on your behalf. What do you need to do? Why don't you save some salary for this country, don't you think. "

There was no light when Lin Dingsheng was swept away by Lin Yu in the Golden Palace last time. This time he deliberately fought back, but was choked by Lin Yu's harsh words and almost closed his eyes!

What they say is reasonable.

Is it unreasonable for him to splash and roll around in a public hall? Is it unreasonable for him to splash and tumble in a public hall?

Lin Yu said: "No one, even if he has high weight and dignity, can not arbitrarily deprive others of their lives."

What did the deceased say before he died? If these words really disrespect His Majesty the King and have not been investigated, how could he kill someone so easily? What is the point of our country if people are not even guaranteed their basic right to life? Don't soldiers protect borders to protect their own people? Isn't it true that ministers work hard to make the people live a good life? But now, they are drinking and bragging on the street and are in danger of being killed on the spot.

I would like to ask, can this country still give people a sense of security? Forest Lord, Iron Lord, how would you feel if your loved ones and children were randomly killed on the street? Could there be any more reasonable nonsense? "

Lin Yu's words were loud, powerful, and with great integrity, making several people, including the emperor, speechless! "Yes! Well said!"

"His Royal Highness the King of the Ming Dynasty is wise and virtuous, and he is a good official who thinks about the people!"

"If the nobles of this empire are like him, the common people will be blessed!"

"No way, they are all a bunch of vampires!"

"No one can do this.

We need the most effective right to life! "

Huge ear-to-ear praise, the boss's troubles are everywhere, you see what this said, even the Holy Emperor's face turned green! ? I should be my idol.

Lin Yu continued: "There is a cloud in the sacred lion's code that princes break the law just like ordinary people."

The three princes, Li Si and Zheng, should be severely punished according to the law, and when the streets are crowded, they should be severely punished according to the law! If forgiven, then the code of the Holy Lion will no longer be majestic, and His Majesty will no longer have the right to punish any sinner. "

This sentence once again resonated with bystanders, who shouted: "Severely punish the murderer!" The slogan "According to the law" was in support of Lin Yu.

The emperor sighed secretly, knowing that he could not escape the third time, and if he insisted on asylum, it would probably lead to greater civil strife than before.

It's not worth losing.

Lin Yu, you seem to be determined to haunt me to the end! Want to know if I have the guts to break my wrist? Then I'll show it to you!

"Li Sizheng, let me ask you again, is it true that you killed the deceased?" The emperor's tone suddenly changed.

Must be severely punished

"The man was literally killed by his son and the priest in return for his father's death."

Li Sizheng answered honestly.

I just feel like in over 20 years of high-profile life, I've never failed so much.

The holy emperor nodded, and Moran said: "I declare that I will cut off the title of King Li Sizheng and reduce him to the civilian level."

From now on, go to jail and wait for the criminal department to come and question you. You will be severely punished according to the law and will never be let go!

"Obey the order! Long live your Majesty!" Tie Luming and Lin Dingsheng stood up and saluted him, saying: Long live.

Lin Yu was indifferent and said lightly: "I will pay attention to this matter. No one will want to steal Jiujiu for fun."

The dead need justice and the world needs justice.

Privilege can never override justice and morality, and the majesty of the law does not allow anyone to provoke. "

"His Royal Highness Prince Ming said well!" The onlookers once again burst into thunderous cheers.

Seeing that Lin Yu was so respected among the people, the emperor couldn't bear the jealousy in his heart.

He became more determined to get rid of him.

In light of this development, he - the Holy Emperor - would not do so.

A few years later, the people may spontaneously gather at the gate of the palace, forcing him to abdicate and asking Lin Yu to ascend the throne.

The more you think about it, the better the possibilities become.

Li Sizheng was discouraged. He knew he couldn't escape this time.

At this moment, he even regretted it. You said you were stingy and didn't do anything to provoke Lin Yu? When he was a child, his impression of Lin Yu was still that of a waste of firewood.

I don't know that after so many years, he has changed drastically. If he knew that Lin Yu was so good, if he gave him a hundred times the courage, he would not dare to anger this evil star.

The ghosts and gods were frightened at the thought of him, and Li Sizheng came out of the cool breeze!

Although he was sent to prison by his father, Li Sizheng would rather go to prison than face Lin Yu.

He believed that as long as his father and the emperor were in power, his life should be safe.

Seeing the murder case come to an end, the giant suddenly raised his hand and shouted: "Report, the common people still have grievances."

The emperor said coldly: "Say it."

Facing the emperor's cold face, the giant did not take it seriously and shouted: "The three-minute representative who went to the Golden Palace that day was taken away by the criminal department."

On behalf of the neighbors, the straw man came to ask, these three people are rare good people, even ants are not willing to trample to death on weekdays.

It is common for children to ask their mothers to help an old lady cross the street.

There are only three good people, what crime would they commit and why would the criminal department arrest people for no reason. "

The holy emperor stared at Tie Luming and said silently: "Tie Luming, is there such a thing?"

Tie Ruiming shook his head and said, "I really don't know."

The people below will not arrest anyone without my order. "

The emperor nodded and said: "I also hope that they are my designated representatives of the people. Who has the courage to arrest them casually?" The criminal department will not be so unruly;

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