
My Cultivation Augment System

Luckas was a young man with a promising future in the cybersecurity business, but, his life ended tragically while working. Due to unknown circumstances, he woke to a cultivation world, and there with help of his newly acquired system, he decided to live a full life and cherish all his new opportunities.

WrightWater · Fantasy
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76 Chs

Bryson vs Thomas

-" I will not ask you to hide, but, you will need to accompany the soldiers." Elias put Madeline on the ground as he prepared to engage the Heigong Cultivators.

Madeline's face was serious, she clenched her fist and nodded. In the previous battles, she had stayed on the sidelines as they were outnumbered, however, now they had an overwhelming advantage in numbers, so she was determined to fight. Madeline quickly rushed towards the soldier formation and stayed in the back, she didn't want to disturb their teamwork.

Alan saw the girl obeying her elder and nodded. -" Hey keep an eye on her, if she gets in trouble help her out." Alan wanted to be sure of her well-being.

Seeing that Madeline was now in a safe position Elias looked toward Bryson. Now with the two army officers besides him, Elias was confident about winning, even without the rest of the soldiers.

Bryson was at the beginner stage of the Rebirth Realm, while Alan at the middle of the Golden Core, with Elias at the Immortal Soul Realm. The Heigong on the other hand, had one Immortal Soul cultivator, two golden cores, and one Rebirth stage, the other two were at the Foundation Establishment.

This group of Heigong cultivators was the strongest, the cultivators that Elias killed previously were from this group, this was one of the reasons that Brent, the Immortal Soul Cultivator, choose to come here. He wanted revenge for the death of one of them.

-" Did their reinforcements arrive? There is a big group just ahead prepare to fight." Brent was caught off guard as he felt how Elias turned suddenly and started to run towards a big group.

Brent's announcement made everyone's blood boils, especially Thomas, who was the master of the disciple killed. That was his first disciple, as a master, if he couldn't avenge his disciple's death he would be the laughing stock of all the Heigong, even worse, no other junior would take him as a master after that.

Brent was nervous as they now were outnumbered, however, he didn't want to back down now. The left Guardian Seth gave him the task of stalling the forces in the Verdant Forest, while Edward was obtaining the treasure, while he didn't have any news of Edward's progress he was quite sure that he need more time.

Soon enough Brent came face to face with Elias again, behind him about forty soldiers heavily armed. The high number of enemies made the Heigong cultivators fearful, yet, Brent took the lead as he screamed. - " GLORY FOR THE HEIGONG, KILL THEM ALL!"

Brent's charge reinvigorated the morale of the group, Thomas was the first one to follow him, he dashed as he searched for the young girl that Elias was protecting, he wanted to kill her as payback for his disciple's death.

Thomas kept charging as he found Madeline in the middle of the soldiers, his eyes flashed coldly, and blood mist started to revolve around his hands. Thomas punched and the mist revolving in his hands formed drills and shot towards her. The soldiers in formation prepared to receive the attack, two deers images appeared on the left and the right, it was the same formation that Cyl had used previously.

The deer on the right side of the formation raised his head, his antlers shining brightly with a white hue, as there were more soldiers and they had more experience using the formation than Cyl and the city guards, the light from the deer had way more power, yet, fear still lingered on the eyes of the soldiers as faced they Thomas attack, after all, he was a Rebirth Stage cultivator.

Even in the face of what could be considered a "Master" in the cultivation world the soldiers didn't falter, they were trained to hold the formation no matter what. As the attack was about to reach them an aura shaped like a crescent moon collided with the blood drills.

The two attacks caused an explosion when they meet, enveloping the area with smoke. Thomas stopped his dash as he stared at a silhouette of an old man in the dissipating smoke. Thomas had a frown on his face as he realized that his revenge wouldn't come so easily.

-" Are you going to stand in my way? I have blood debts with this girl from the Eternal Sun Sect" Thomas's blood mist began to grow, the aura of the old man was even greater than his, so he needed to go all out.

-" Blood debts? Don't we all have blood debts with each other? A lot of my friends and companions died fighting against the Heigong." Bryson was calm as he faced Thomas, his generation constantly fought against the Heigong, so his grudges against them were numerous.

-" So be it." The blood mist around Thomas began to spin fast forming a circle of blood around him, Bryson on the other side prepared his axe, a White Deer image behind was already taking form.

The two stared at each other as they felt the battlefield around them, Elias and Brent were high in the sky, and Alan stopped one of the Golden Core cultivators, leaving the other one and the two Foundation Estableshiments cultivator's path unobstructed.

-" Hey you three, I want her head." Thomas pointed towards Madeline as he ordered them.

Bryson frowned, yet, he didn't lose his calm demeanor, the strength of this army Batallion wasn't so weak for a single Golden Core cultivator push them around. He looked back to the leader of the battalion and nodded, they had his full trust.

-" Prepare to engage, I will finish this quickly.' The Battalion leader was confident, winning against one Golden Core cultivator was nothing to his battalion. On the other side the Heigong cultivators were afraid, yet, they didn't dare to disobey Thomas's order.

Thomas nodded as he saw their battle start, he didn't want to give Madeline a chance to escape. He returned his attention to Bryson, blood mist began to gather around his hands and formed a pair of katars.

-" Is this your Blood-Forged Treasure?" Thomas weapons caught Bryson's interest, yet, he was even more interested when he saw Thomas make cuts on his forearms.

As blood dripped on his weapons, the katars blades started to shine a scarlet red. With his blades still glowing, Thomas aimed his katars at Bryson and the blades flew towards him, before his blades even reached Bryson, Thomas was already dashing towards him with new blades already forming in his katars.

Bryson smiled as he easily dodged the blades flying towards him and prepared to meet Thomas second attack. He had quite the fascination with the Blood-Forged Technique of the Heigong, after all, anyone would like a treasure weapon that could evolve together with your cultivation.