Deep in the Forest

things are not as peaceful as they usually are.

You could see leaves moving very much but they weren't moving because of wind. NO

instead, people were running very fast. Two people a man and a woman were being chased by a group of knights, sent by king Riley.

Why were they being chased?

Because they were Werewolves.

Ever since Queen Ariana Riley was Killed by a Wolf, the king has been obsessed with killing wolves as revenge.

which lead to this chase

Unfortunately for these two Werewolves they were carrying a small baby

So the female werewolf said

?? [Gabriel, why don't we hide the baby somewhere safe, we are both injured and it's obvious the knights of king Riley will catch up so let's hide it in order to save it from death ]

Gabriel [Yes, Sandra You are right, he is too innocent to be in this war so let's hide it]

so they immediately found a perfect hiding spot for the baby, shortly after they put the baby they heard a voice

?? [there they are, CATCH THEM]

A few hours later

A man with a bow and arrow passed in the Forest while he was Hunting.They quickly walked through the forest slowly watching his prey as he raised his now ready to shoot the man heard a noise

?? [Mwaah, Mwaah, Mwaah Mwaah]

the man was shocked

?? [ ehh, the noise] He said it with a wierd look on his face

the man was confused at first can he hear a baby cry.

he followed the sound of the cry

and found the baby, An actual baby in the Forest

?? [who would be so cruel to leave a baby in the Forest]

He decided to take care of the baby and left for his house

the moment he reached his house he heard his name being Called

?? [Marshal Tom, You are Back"

Marshal Tom [Yes, I am. Have you done what I told you to do?]

?? [Yes , Marshal Tom I have. Marshal Tom whose baby is that]

Marshal Tom [Chris, I'd like you to meet Austin Ross. My son]

**************Meanwhile in the Riley**********

Royal Palace

A cry of a baby could be heard in the palace,the nurse maid Mary quickly ran to the baby and tried to cool her down...

before she could succeed she heard a voice

??[MARY SHUT THAT THING UPAM TRYING TO STUDY] a man's voice could be heard

this voice was no ordinary voice it was the voice of the Crown Prince Alex Riley heir to the Riley throne

in Prince Alex's Chambers a knock was heard .

Prince Alex [Yes]

random knight [Your Highness,His Majesty seeks your presence in the throne room]

after a few minutes

In a huge Majestic hall, everything you see you see gold ....at the far end of the hall...a man who looks to be in his fifties sat on the Majestic throne.... This Man was the king of Riley,The viper of Riley Kingdom with his mighty spear.....King Jordan Riley the Third.

The Crown Prince got down to one knee and

Prince Alex [Royal Father, This Prince is at your service]

then a huge voice responded

King Riley[Alex You are destined to be king and you will be in my shoes sooner or later...so now I want to teach you out to remove weed from your kingdom]


A huge crowd was gathered in a circle at the centre of the circle was a place where criminals were hanged


suddenly a bell rang and two people tied up in chains where being dragged by the knights in armour

The King Riley came to the stage and said

King Riley [ Citizens of Riley Kingdom, The Day my Wife died two months ago by Werewolves I promised to get rid of them an this is my way of fulfilling that promise. The two you see here are are Werewolves and all Werewolves are evil. So according to the laws of Riley they shall be hanged]

The King slowly raised his Hands and brought it down....that was it ...a simple hand movement killed two people.

The King looked behind and saw the Crown Prince standing next to him with a shocked face And said

King Riley [That's how you get rid of weeds]
