
The Young Man

A piercing scream and sound of shattering glass broke the stillness of the night in Berlin when a body that seemed to belong to a man laid in a pool of blood. Several pedestrians stopped on their tracks and looked up to the towering building where the body seemed to have fallen from there. Not too long after that, a police siren echoed through the air. A patrol car stopped abruptly as the two officers with a bulletproof vest covering their chest jumped right out of the vehicle.

"Move away! Move away!" cried one of the policemen with a nearly bald head as he walked through the crowd.

With long powerful strides, the two officers reached a suit hotel room where some guards in black suits with rifles in hands already securing the place. They hurriedly scurried out of the room as the two officers walked in.

"Check out every room! He must have left something!" said the bald officer to his partner.

He roamed his eyes throughout the pristine room. Looking for something that could be used to find the whereabouts of the wanted person. He found nothing but a dark brown bag sitting on the bathroom floor. As he crouched down and zipped open the bag, a number of documents that seemed vital and a passport with a picture of a young man in his early twenties grabbed his interest.

"Hey, Johnny! Come here!" shouted the officer, trying to call his partner. Got no answer, he decided to put everything back in the bag and stood up. But when he turned around, he felt a cold barrel of a firearm on his forehead. A young man whom the picture he just saw earlier stood before him with a grinning face.

"Hello, Officer," the young man said with his smoky voice, "may you rest in a deep and dreamless slumber."

Right before the officer was able to pull out his gun, the young man had already pulled out his trigger. The officer collapsed on the floor with a tiny hole on his forehead.

The young man put his gun back on his waist before grabbing the bag and vanishing into the night.

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