
Water Daisies

Staring into the eyes of Mia as she was floating and enveloped in a radiant and gentle light, I remained speechless as she chuckled while tilting her head ever so slightly.

"I don't really know what happened... but, I can feel it... you, the light inside you, it's so blinding and warm. I almost didn't want to wake up and come talk to you. "

"M... Mia... " Humming as she drew closer and rested herself above my legs, I sat back as she caressed my cheek with her smooth and gentle touch.

"You risked your life to save a nobody like me even from death... I've fallen in love before, Xie... But, you are the only one I simply just want to make mine forever. "

Unable to speak as I had lost my voice on the moments Mia looked at me with such wonder in her eyes.

"You have all this power and yet... " Meeting her gaze, I wanted to tell her she was wrong and I was utterly useless. " That's not right, you are the reason I kept going out every day, chasing those things that killed innocent people like my little brother. "

Relaxing my face, Mia held my head to her chest and continued talking as if it was what I needed.

"I began hunting them, the monsters when I was twelve... It was a month after my brothers funeral. His death made no sence and my parents were too ignorant to notice the monsters hanging around his, already dead corpse.

I tried to warn them, but was beaten instead for spending insane. Mama broke down, Papa went back to his old ways as a gangsters and was gone for days on end... It was a sort of hell where I was blamed for his death,and they were right...I was in some ways, responsible.

I wanted to explore the forest near the base of a mountain at our beloved grandmothers house. It was the where it had gotten really late and I wanted to head home that my little brother tripped and slid his knee. His strong and beautiful crying echoed across the do sea of pitch nothingness through the the forest. it was then that something came in response to his whaling... Something more closely related to death than living. "

Shorting her eyes as if she heard the sound of spring sharp, Mia slid her fingers through my hair and asked me who I was. Tilting my head softly, she smiled and asked me again.

"... who are you. " Turning, she floated up and elegantly twirled as she dissipated back into my chest.

Heading the hinges from my door creek open, Mili walled inside with a troubled look. Meeting my pitiable gaze, he walked and sat beside me while handing me his favorite pillow of a small fox.

"Sister Xie... Where is big sister Amy. Milo is worried she hasn't come back. " Turning to him as I creased my brows, I spoke.

"...w-what are you talking about? She's in her room, resting. " Shaking his head, I stood up and he followed me to her room.

Opening the door, I looked at Amy's resting face and turned to Mili.

"See... Amy's right here, resting. " Shaking his head, he then flinched and hid behind me leg.

Looking up at Amy, she was already sitting straight up. Looking around, she met my gaze and in that moment, I knew whoever was on her bed, it wasn't her.

"Mili... go outside, now. " Reluctant to leave, I held the door as he left and ran off down the hallway.

Closing the door, I began building a pulse of light as my instinct was to strike.

"Where am I? " Stopping my approach, I looked up and realized she looked confused. "What am I doing here? "

"Y-You don't know who you are? " Shaken, she looked at me and asked who I was. "Uh, I'm Xie... Um, hold on. "

Turning to her, I deliberated for a moment and decided to take her to Pira. Opening the mirror, I held her hand and drew her close to my chest where she gasped.

"Don't worry, you may be in her body, but, her body is as perverted as it gets even after someone knew tales the wheel. "

Jumping in, we arrived at Pira's where she and whoever was in Amy tried numerous tests to cure her.


As I watched Pira work, I sat back on a stone made of dim light. Looking at Pira, I wondered what she was thinking as her voice only center back to me in the form of an echo when I nearly brought the entire hospital down just to revive Mia.

At times, she's overbearing and protective. That day was unlike her at all, telling me I could save Mia. It didn't make sence to me at the time, but, of I didn't know any better, I'd say if I didn't stop when I did, I could have died along with everyone else.

"Xie! " Snapping back from my daze, I stood up and went over to lend a hand to Pira as she was trying to see if Amy's host could bend her light.


After a successful consciousness transfer later, Amy was peacefully resting as the thing inside her had manifested. It's dark and gruesome appearance made it give off the season vibe as the one from that monster that nearly klilled me in that dream.

After it and Pira spoke, Pira raised her hand and opened a mirror for it to cross over. Stopping at the moment it was about to cross, it turned to look at me and asked,

"... who are you. " .

Since then, I had been pondering what or why I was being asked such an unfamiliar question.


Having taken Amy home, I watched over her until she woke up a day later with a splitting headache. Having changed her, she was more intrested in water what happened to her was just a lucid dream. Nodding, she looked away and chuckled as she brushed it off.

Quickly reverting back to her old self, I didn't fight back as almost all the fight I once had, had gone through me like water over a mountain of rocks,

Weeks passed and I had fewer chances to leave the house as the fear of leaving them without me here to protect them, clawed at me.

After a long while, I turned to stare out the window as Mirana and the twins headed off to do their usual morning routine. Looking without a care at the dozens of sharp and over protective creatures I made to keep them safe, my focus was all over the place.


Hearing the door bell rings, I listened while closing my eyes softly.

"Young Master?! What brings you by..? "

"Is Xie still here? "

"Y-Yes... Is there a problem? Would you like for me to fetch her? "

"Uh, no... not at all. I just wanted to know she was safe. "

"Oh, Okay. "

A shuffled sound echoed as the frontdoor closed and the house returned to a quiet ambience like before. Nothing was the same and no matter how hard we tried, we were all scared one way or the other. Mirana was consumed with guilt and regret. Amy said she was fine, but, I can tell she still fears what happened.

The twins have isolated themselves from the rest of us and even then, we can all tell those two are avoiding one another... Then there's me, the worst of us as I had lost everything from the very start when I met Rin and Mia.

At the very least, I was certain my useless nature drove me to a pit where I couldn't climb out of anymore. With Rin gone and Mia dead, I couldn't get any more broken even after inheriting a miracle of a form of light that created beautifully distinct, creatures.


Waking up to hearing Mirana call a family meeting, we all dragged ourself to the living room as we were. Sitting down, we had not seen each other in days and even then, Miranda was the only one who wwas trying to hold it together despite the aching feeling inside her.

"So! First things first... We are moving. "

As it took a while for it to sink in, I raised my eyes and asked what she said.

"We are... moving. "

Amy turned to me as the twins held the same surprised look.

"W-What? when? "

"Now! I've already called the movers, they are outside waiting for us to load up our things. "

"Dazed, Mirana then lifted us up as she urged us to pack our personal belongings. Before long, we were all moving again as we passed by one another without batting an eyelash.

Finally, we got in the car as Mirana started it up and drove us out with the big truck behind us that carried all our things.

" Where are we going? "Asking with a curious tone, Mirana smiled and said it was a surprise.

Stumped, I sat back and looked at May as she was staring out into the passing roads as we left the city. The twins were both somewhat exited as well as they counted everything they took which included sugar candy and packets of gum. Chuckling lightly under my breath, I looked up to see everyone was staring at me with a slight glint in their eyes.

" What? " Turning back with a slight smile, we rode in silence as things had begun to change.


Apologies for the inconvenience... continuation will resume, Monday.

Snow_Luxcreators' thoughts
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