
Blind Faith

Sitting at my desk with half a mind on work, I felt heavy as what I saw earlier made me sink into a space between whether I was dreaming or seeing things.

Earlier, when I turned around at the commotion, I witnessed a miracle as a pure radiant light shone from around an unfamiliar girl.

What's more, I overheard the chatter around her and found she was the new transfer student. As the rumors about her being a delinquent were confirmed, she dressed and walked in such a manner, befitting for a young lady.

The light shade under her eyes, her strong colored lips and flowing wavy colored hair. It was said to be honey and her lips were a velvet color. For the first time, I stared at colors other than usual in my life.

Her every step, her every hand stroke as she lifted her hair from her face. I was memorized by her sheer beauty and radiant colors swirling all around her. It was as if her soul surrounded her air with a warm and brilliant color. The shock overwhelmed me as I collapsed while she walked past me without so much, turning her gaze.


Shaking my head as I needed to focus on my studies, my class had been almost over as lunch would soon begin. I was determined to find and get another chance to get a good look at her to simply confirm what I was saw was not some illusion.

And so, when the lunch bell rang, I stood up and left the classroom while I looked around the school to find her. Looking down colorless hallways and dull shaded faces, I spent a third of lunch helplessly roaming around without a clue as where she was.

It wasn't until I stopped to catch my breath near the gym amd got a drink of water, that I noticed a luminating glow around the side of the storage room. Hesitant, I walked around and saw smoke being lit into the sky.

My eyes widened as a pair of fine, radiant legs came into view and as I followed them to meet the person there, I gapsed.

It was her, the delinquent and she was smoking a cigarette while listening to her music with her eyes closed. Leaning against the wall, she exhaled and drew me in her presence.

Seconds felt like minutes as her eyes opened to a radiant shade of light. Softly turning to me, I flinched and was suddenly spirited from my body as all I saw at the moment was her low hanging gaze on mine.

Inhaling another breath, she threw the cigarette down and walked over it. Stopping before me, I had become frozen by her glare. I remained still. Flustered when she raised her hands, she was close to touching my face as I I anxiously looked all over her body and stopped at her face to figure out how she was so bright.

"Xie! " The sudden falling of leaves came into view as I was swept into someone's soft chest while being held in what felt like a fierce embrace. "What the hell do you think your doing to my friend?! "

Raising my gaze, I was shocked to see it was Rin that had brought me back from that situation. Her stomp and fierce expression sent butterflies through my stomach as her anger hung clear on her face.

"U-um... Rin-" Closing my eyes as Rin politely asked me to shut up, I could only stare at her clear resolve with admiration.

Standing at odds, the delinquent nodded with a smile as she introduced herself.

"Mia Kiroho... My apologies, I didn't know this beauty was already spoken for, sis. " I found myself blushing as Rin shouted at Mia while telling her to stay away from me.

Rin then released me and took my hand as she ttook me from there.


Rushing into a vacant classroom, Rin shut the door and sat me down to interview me on what happened. Flustered by how close and strong her gaze on me, she moaned out of frustration until finally collecting her thoughts.

Sitting quietly, Rin calmed herself down and softly asked me what I was doing with Mia.

"Uh... Oh... Um.. " Looking down to my hands, Rin took a seat while resting her head on her fists. "R-Rin? "

Turing slightly to meet my gaze, her eyes were glistening more than ever before as she suddenly apologized for the other day. With a worried expression, I shook my head and argued that it was my fault. Suddenly, she shifted her body towards me and asked me what I was doing hanging around Mia.

Unable to answer her, I ramined silent until she held my hands in hers. Starstuck as this was the most interaction Rin had ever shown me, I felt my heart beating out of my chest.

"What are you two doing here?! " Turning sharply as the sudden appearance of Mr. Hirro spooked the both of us. "Hurry on, head back to class! "

Standing up quickly, Rin followed behind as she walked me to me to my class with a low, glum gaze.

"Um... Thank you." As she snapped out of her trance, she put on a bright smile as we awkwardly split up. "S-see you soon? "

Nodding with a smile as we usually met after school, I headed to class. Walking back to my seat, I could only wonder what about Mia made her shine the way she did. As well as figure out what had gotten into Rin so suddenly that would cause her to act out of character.

Shaking the thoughts away and focusing on my studies, I spent the rest of the day buried in my work. By the time the last bell rang, I began heading home when I rounded the corner and found Rin waiting for me in the open.

"R-Rin?! " Her face was diffrent as she looked down while shaking. "Rin? "

Taking my hand, she suddenly pulled with her infornt of the entire school. Many girls where gasping as Rin was still one of the most popular girls around.

Before long, we stopped above the bridge crossing the highway and there, Rin turned around to ask me a question.

"What am I to you... Xie? " Gasping slightly, I felt uneasy as this was nothing like Rin I knew would ever act. "Well? "

Standing with a surprised gaze, I looked at her and spoke.

"Y-You're my best friend! " As I opened my eyes, Ring held a low look and turned around while wiping her face. "R-"

"Sorry! Something just came up... I'll see you tomorrow! " Rushing off before I could stop her, I was left alone as she disappeared.

Standing in awe, I felt my chest ache as I wondered what I did wrong. Seeing Rin run off somehow made me feel uneasy.

Reaching into my bag, I took out my phone and pulled up her in my contacts.

"Rin... What's wrong? " As I wondered, I felt a slight change in the air as I turned to my left and saw a familiar cloud of colors heading into an alley way.

Blinking, I turned and wondered if I really saw somthing. Taking a few steps, I stopped and felt the need to check.

Rushing back the way I came and heading down the road, I stopped infornt of the alley way as I caught my breath.

Walking a few feet inside, I suddenly saw someone suspicious appear again the end of the alley. Turning around back the way I came, two more suspicious people were walking my way.

Turning into a narrow dead end, I felt my heart beating out of my chest as I was terrified.

The loud steps came closer as the backlights around the alley came on. Three ominous shadows drew closer. Frightened, I attempted to call Rin and accidentally dropped my phone into a little on the ground. Collpasing quickly and shaking as my phone no longer responded, I shot up when the three suspicious men turned to the alley.

As my vision became cloudy, my breathing became undone as I stopped up against a brick wall. Closing my eyes as a pair of hands drew close to me, I let out a scream.

Shaking, a moment passed and nothing happened. When I opened my eyes slightly, a folly of beautiful colors filled my vision. A sweet scented honey and a bitter ash filled my nose.

Reacting when I recognized it was Mia, she stood with a metal pipe on hand as the three men ran away in pain. Astonished by her strength and beauty up close, she turned to meet my gaze with a single, sharp glance. Her hair swirled with a darker and deeper color than before. Her eyes had chased away the life I saw earlier in the morning and at lunch. It was as if her entire body had a huge charter of emotion and it was being released effortlessly.

In that moment when I met her low, dead eyes as she looked up at mine with such malice. I suddenly began to feel strange as I recognized this new color emanating from inside her. It was as if she was wearing an emotion like some sort of blanket.

"Anger... " Her eyes burned brightly as she extended her hand and I became weary while blacked out in the moment.


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