
Balanced Colors

Raising my head, I dream of yet, another colorless dream as I wake up to a dull morning filled with nothing but light and shadow. Even as I stare down at my feet, I sit up and put on my glasses to keep my field of vision sharp and focused.

Getting up, I walked around my room and prepared for school. Dressing in my school uniform which was supposed to hold blue and radiant green stripes, I stood before the mirror as it all held the same color as everything else. Even as I tried to brighten up my room, I was told it looked like what bomb of paint exploded inside would seem.

Regardless, I don't want to miss school as the work keeps me preoccupied with something other than my colorless field of vision. With it, I was essentially excluded from the major groups of kids from my school at an early age.

However, ever since starting high school, I've managed to make an amazing friend who is amazingly beautiful from what I hear. Her skin is said to be fair as well as held cherry rose lips. With my lack of imagination, I never truly added color for I did not really know what other colors really looked like.

Some who tried to explain it said it was like feeling or emotion, others said it was simple and I was better off not needing it. That at the end of the day, all it came down to was my take on color, which was worse than anyone else's in my opinion.

Sports, school work and exams were all I was really good at as most of the things I did were never color coded for my use. As a result, my drive to distract myself, gave me an attitude only unique to me as my grades shone brightly in my entire grade. Lack of better or worse, I dominated economic debates and prepared more than anyone when it came to tests and exams.

My life was going well as far as I could see, however, it wasn't until the end of the week that word got out about a new transfer student. It was also said that whoever this new student was, they were dangerous and were expelled from their last school due to circumstance. My initial shock to hear that type of person attending the same school I was, made me nervous to say the least as it did with, pretty much everyone else.

Upon learning the identity of this, said delinquent, my only friend, Rin, who was also the president of the student council as well as the school Bell, which meant, her popularity reached even outside our school to other schools in the city. Most would not believe me having such an amazing friend, yet, it was Rin who always seemed to find me whenever I was in a tight spot and lend a helping hand.

Even though we never speak at school, we often cross paths outside of school and go out for a bite to eat. There are some instances where I would suddenly see her and our eyes would meet during school. Her soft smile and pained look from the heavy work she did, made me cheer up. As such, I dive into my work and focus beyond my limit to keep my grades in top shape.

Walking into school and passing the front gate, I wandered along while other girls chatted with each other as we walked inside. Given my position as the top contender for first place in any given economic challenge, I happened to give off a strange vibe as I often stare at anyone without my glasses.

For some reason, when I first entered the school grounds on my first day, everyone who spoke to me was suddenly frightened and ran off crying. Afterwards, I began having a following as girls throughout the school placed me in under some weird fan club. As time passed, I gradually became isolated from everyone else and somehow, received more presents as I would take them all home to give to my younger siblings.

Sitting down at my seat near the front of the class, I would find small gifts inside my desk and hold an expressionless gaze as it was common practice at this point. Before long, class ended as lunch sounded. Getting up, I headed to the center of school and quietly ate the lunch I prepared earlier in the morning. Even though I couldn't see without my glasses, I felt the keen gaze of multiple eyes on me all the time. Even as girls walked past me, I have never once felt comfortable, sitting by myself at school.

Regardless, I finished school and was heading home when I noticed Rin wearing a disguise. Her baseball cap and coat made her look sketchy, though, due to the low setting sunlight, everything seemed shady in my perspective.

"How was school today?" Turning my gaze to hers as she stared straight ahead, I looked down and promoted that it was, okay.

Before long, Rin asked me dozens of questions about little things like how I felt about the upcoming exams to what I wore a few days ago. Answering honestly and firmly as possible, she only chuckled as she smiled whenever she heard me speak.

"Anyway, what are you doing this weekend? " Walking ahead of me and stopping, I looked up flustered as I lightly shook my head. "Great! Then, can I come over to your place… to study? "

Tilting her head slightly as she held her hands behind her back, I subconsciously nodded as the shock of another person, let alone, a beautiful girl wanting to come to where I live to hang out was in itself, amazing.

"Great! Hmm! " We then continued walking as I found myself, glancing down at Rin as I was taller than her by a few inches.

Her warm smile as we walked, warmed my heart as I felt truly happy for her kindness.


When I got home, Rin waved her hand as she left and I headed inside. As I walked I side and closed the door behind me, I was taking of my shoes when I heard my mother welcome me home from the kitchen.

"Welcome home, Xie! Your brother's made a mess in the bathroom again, think you can go and check on them in the bath?! " setting my shoes away, I walked inside and headed to the upstairs bathroom where I found my little brothers running around my room naked.

The moment they met my scrunching gaze, they immediately stood in line as they headed back into the bathroom. Exhausting a heavy sigh, I rolled up my sleeves and headed to bathed them properly.

As I rinsed them off, my little. Sister, Amy, told me dinner was ready as she held a hardcover book, several grades ahead of her own, which was one year before my grade. She still wore her middle school uniform as we both used to attend the same school until recently when I began high school.

Cleaning them up and putting on their clothes, they rushed out and headed to eat. Rugged, I stood up and took a quick bath and afterwards, I headed downstairs to eat dinner after everyone else had gone to sleep. Taking my portion from the fridge, I headed back to my room and prepared my desk to focus on my studies.


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