

Looking up at the sky, I stared at the morning darkness from inside my room. Climbing from my bedroom window, I exhaled a slight breath of relief. Staring out at the shining, dull colored city lights while drinking a sweet tea blend that I picked up from the kitchen.

Waiting patiently, the cool morning breeze swept through the neighborhood as I await the rise of the suns light over the horizon. I continued to clear the hair strads from my face as they hung freely in the wind.

Shivering not from the cold, I felt alive as if the entire burden of life had simply just, flown out with the passing breeze. Though I couldn't enjoy the radiant colors in life, like most people, I drew in a hefty breath as tears rolled down my cheeks with such delight.

The warming feeling as I closed my eyes, a warm sensation luminated along my skin as if to breathe with the rising tide of light. Shivering uncontrollably, a passing breeze swept away most of my worries as I had invisioned myself in various places without doubt that I can one day find happiness.

My skirt blew freely as I rested my legs while soaking in the morning light. I could have sworn there was something wrong with how at ease I was until I remembered why it was things were different than the norm.

Opening my eyes, I let out a gentle gasp of air escape from my chest. Staring into the sky, a light misty fog of watch began to rise and disappear before the morning light.

Standing, I looked onto the colorless future while raising my hand to the sky. I knew what I had to do, as well as what needed to change if I wanted to make things right.


By the time I walked past the gates of the school, the sunlight had begun luminating the shadows woth its light. Before long, I found my way inside as Rin and Mia were nowhere in sight. Having come earlier than usual, I walked owth a clear mindset as I began putting my plan into motion.


By the time students started flooding into the school, I inhaled a deep breath while watching from the classroom window. Fixing up my hair, I lifted my bust and got into character.

Sitting back on my chair while tampering with my cell phone, I began to chew gum while listening to music. The moment the classroom doors opened, everyone had on the same expression as the teacher, whom was so starstruck over my indecent appearance, she froze in place.

Chatter soon filled the room as everyone wondered if I was a new transfer student. With subtle makeup such as lipstick and eyeliner, I transformed into an entirely new kind of girl.

As soon as the bell rang, I put my earphones away while sitting upright out of habit.

Looking around, I nodded as I reclined on my seat and took it easy for the rest of the class period. It took all I had until lunch finally arrived. Rin and Mia had come butting heads down the hall. Standing up, I moved from the classroom and passed them as they did not even take notice I walked them by.


A little after a few minutes, did Rin and Mia find me in the same place I always eat and like the others, were astonished how different I looked.

"X-Xie..? " Hearing Rin, I ignored her and as Mia spoke, I looked over to them without the slightest hesitation. "Xie... "

As I continued acting as of I didn't know them, my plan seemed to work as they began storming ideas over what happened to me. Hodlinhg in my laugh, I kept my composure as they went on with figuring out what I was doing or what happened.

Regardless, my plan to get them working together and eventually become friends was off to a good start.

After lunch, I had the next period free as I worked on student council activities eevery other week as an aid. Keeping up my act, I could not help the urge to help and hive my all after all.

As such, everyone around me only stared as I wondered what the shivering feeling crawling down my back was all about when I turned to catch some girl looking my way with hungry eyes.

Right on cue, Rin appeared in a rush and cleared her throat as she spotted me working on my duties. Heading inside, Mia's abrupt appearance shocked everyone while I remained partial to my work while still being stunned.

"What are you doing here?! Shouldn't you be in class? " As Mia scoffed smugly, she then showed the student council president a piece of paper

"Hmm... I see. So, you are the new vice president. Its a pleasure to meet you, Mia. "

Shocked enough to get my attention I was suddenly surrounded everyone's gaze until I remembered the stack of papers beside Rin. Heading to pick them up, I took a seat and began shifting through them in order.

"That's gotta be some kind of mistake, right? Esta... Please, tell me its a mistake. " As Rin pleased with the student president, she was quickly shrugged off as Mia got steiaght to work.


As I worked unil late, Mia and Rin continued getting in each others way. Until we finally managed to finish for the day, I headed home whole both of them began talking about how serious I was in keeping up my act.

Stopping, I turned to both of them and looked past them as I hummed and spoke.

"I thought I heard something... Hmm. "Rin and Mia then began to get my attention until Mia kissed my cheek.

It took all I had to kept my composure until Rin followed Mia's example. Before long, I stopped and looked at them both. As they stood idle, I grabbed both their faces and kissed them both in the lips. Each took several seconds until I turned and continued walking home.

Mia and Rin stayed put as I found a little breathing room until I could fihure out what my next play was.

However, it didn't hit me until I got into the bathtub that what I did continued playing out on my head. I then began blushing uncontrollably as the sudden rush swept me off my feet and I was no longer in control of myself.

It wasn't until after my bath that my mom called for me from downstairs. Heading down, I was wrapped in a towel as I wandered infornt of an unexpected guest.

"Oh... Sweety. I know you two haven't spoken in years, but, mind holding the breaks at least until I leave the room? " As my mom stood agaisnt the counter sipping tea, I was in shock as an old childhood sadist had come back into my life.

"Little Xie... What a beautiful woman you've grown to be. I can't wait to catch up... Your still doing silly things, huh. Just like back then. " As he stood up, he met my gaze.

Unable to speak as his presence alone waranted I keept my guard up past my limit. His eyes had changed color as they now held a light, yet, fierce new color. Much like the color Mia held when she save dome from those thugs in that alleyway.

Reaching for my hand, he gently kissed it as he held his signature, innocent smile. My body bursted in hives as his touch alone was the only thing I could not tolerate. I would often have flashbacks of my early childhood as he would always play tricks on me and pick on me for no reason.

"Kira boy came from out in the country and will be staying with us until he graduates from school. So, have a pleasant night kiddos. " My mom has never suspected Kira of anything as he would always somehow find a clever cover story to why I was crying.

Had it not been for him, I would have had the chance to talk to the other kids at the mansion and made friends. However, Kira would pick on me so much, he eventually chased off anyone who got to close to me.

When I told my mom I wanted to move from the mansion to the city, she reluctantly accepted it as my birthday present. Before long, she grew to love our new way of life and bought a small home where we could live as a normal family.

At least, that's as the plan until Kira showed up out of the blue.

As my mom passed us by, I worried about what evil, twisted new ways he could torment me like he did before when he showed me all sorts of gross bugs and insects. I could still remember them getting tangled up on my hair.

"W-what are you doing here... Kira. " With a shaken voice, he smiled lightly and leaned to whisper into my ear.

"Why... I came to play with my favorite toy of course... Xie. " I froze in place as my body quivered at the height of his words.

Gulping, I was frightened as I wondered what he was going to do to me now that we had gotten older.

"Your ceritanly more... Ugly that I remembered. " Gulping once more, he looked and walked around me while examining my body. "Be thankful I'm here now... Otherwise, who else will play with you when you look like this? "

Standing still, I lifted my hand and grabbed his arm as he reached to touch my cheek.

"I-Im not that scared little girl... Anymore... "

His expression changed into that of amusement as he nodded and spoke.

"I suppose not... But, then again, I suppose you are still reading into work like always... Ah... You are. Hmm? What, you think just because your mother was one of my maids, you won't grow up to be the same? Please, Xie... Let's not kid ourselves. Your mother knows who I am and still wants me to take your hand in marriage... "Slapping hostel. Hand away from my face, he lifted his head while turning.

"You were... You are a bastard. " Chuckling, he sat down on the couch while tilting his head.

"If I'm a bastard... What does that make you... I mean, you haven't already forgotten that this bastards father had an affair with your mother... " In that moment, I slit in half as I heard all this before. "Pity, isn't it... No matter how far either of us tries to run... We'll always be connected NY the blood that flows through us becaosue of that mans listful sin. "

Shaking, I remained put as he stood up and leaned agaisnt my ear.

"So... Xie... Mind making me some tea while I tale a bath in your room? " Acting as if I didn't hear him, he was about to speak when I cut him off.

"Yes... " Tiring his head, I gulped and uttered my words. "Yes... Master... "

Exhausting a breath, he smiled while heading upstairs into my room.


Walling into my room, I set the steaming tea cup beside the counter and waited outside for nearly an hour.

As the door slid open, he was wrapped in a towel and walked right over to the tea. Gulping it down, he inhaled through his nose as he swallowed and turned to face me.

"Ugh... Your face is spoiling my stomach, go somewhere I won't see it. " Nodding, I clenched my side as I left the room and saw him collapse on my bed.

Closing the door, I headed downstairs and sat down on the couch as the silent night gave off an errie vibe.


Time had passed and morning eventually came. I woke to find I was covered in a blanket I don't remember taking the time to use. Assuming it was my mom, I sat up and bumped my foot to Amy, who was asleep on the floor beside me.

Looking up to the tall window curtains, I figured to spend a little more time in bed. Laying down beside Amy, I lifted her hair from her face and hugged her in my arms s I wanted nothing bad to happen to her.

Even though the only blood relatives in this house is my mom and Kira, Amy and the boys were orphans as their mothers who were also maids... Took their own lives after finding themselves in a mountain of debt they owed Kiras father.

We were lucky to have made it out as the three maids left everything they had to my mom in hopes to raise their kids from turning out they way they did. Having worked, we were reluctantly pardoned as my mom took in the other maids children, which, Amy was no more than five at the time.

It wasn't until a few years later, that the twins were brought to our front door with a not eating they must not be separated. At the end of the mote, was the name of another one of my mothers friends who was also a maid, however, she had fleed the country before being forced to conceive a child to pay off her debt.

It was an endless cycle of horrors and twisted upper class life. My mother was lucky enough to be one of the very few who managed to escape, though, even thinking this conversation gave me chills of that terrible man.

My mom and Amy, as well as the boys were my life and we were all the other had. I suspected when looking over us shoulder that the twins brought her their secret stash of sugar as they looked up to her more than me.

Figuring she was upset, they left a small bottle of sugar they kept hidden as they never consumed any, but appreciated the snow coating texture. In a sense, it as like a good luck charm.

There, I ramained beside her as her shaking body suggested she was aware of who was here. Amy was a brilliant girl, though, even she knew better than to stand up to Kira as he held no shred of kindness. Holding onto me, I knew what she wanted to ask was why he was here at all.

My life had taken an unexpected turn as my mom's forceful smile yesterday, stayed fresh in my mind. The cracks on her tea cup were not there before, as such, if Kira was hurt or injured in any way, we would be sent back to the mansion without much protest.

At the current moment, we are forced to walk on eggshell... That is, as long as he stays away from Amy. She is the one thing I won't let him corrupt as long as I live.

"As long... As I live. " Amy shuffled into my chest as we remained still for a while.


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