
My College Life Debuts Now...

*My High School Life Debuts Now...SEQUEL* I am no more the little girl abused and bullied. I grew up and I can now say proudly and loudly, I am Vee Vanessa. Getting manipulated and used for someone's else conveniency was my usual day. But It changed not long ago. Far from my family and bizzarreries, I was happy. But that was before they came. The one reponsible for our reincarnations. They weren't here for peace but here to take back what they gave. In this book, it will be I, Vee against an other completely different world.

Hobi_Ta · Teen
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39 Chs

Chapter 10/Was

For quite a long time, I was considered as a weak. I was regarded as just meat waiting to get eaten by greater than me. The injustice I got from the past built this me of the future. My name is Morales Hughes. And I don't know where I am heading anymore.

I loved being different. I loved feeling somewhat special. Especially in the eyes of That person.. Anyway, I grew and I am the same as everyone now. And soon, my goal will be achieved. Just you wait, Bonnie. I will bring you back into the living world.






Oi !! Hey, remember me ? The name's Bonnie Hughes of course. The third time we are meeting. Last time, things were a bit out of control. But everything's calm down now, I guess. I am happy that Vee and her friends are happy. I wanted their story to end well. Not like mine. Mine's just fucked up. My lover is an avenger.










I know you are there. Somewhere hiding from me, hiding from your fate. We are bounded to be together, Bonnie. I know very well I fucked everything up but I am willing to repair everything. I want you back within my grasp. Without you, I feel like there's only a hole instead of my heart.








The reason I escaped from her was because because she'd changed. She wasn't the person I fell in love. She wasn't the one I married. She became something different. And so, I hid myself from her. So that we could think on our own what we really wanted.










I'll do whatever I can to get you back. Even if I have to get used by my mother, the Queen dowager. My wish is only to not lose you forever. I just wish to get you back.




















"It seems like my daughter made some enemy. One, two,...Hmm..Six in total. And one of them is my blood. How nostalgic, just like a century ago, when that blond girl tried to kill me but failed. Gerald !! Bring all of them to me, including my blood."

"Yes, My Queen."

End of Volume 1.


Wait ! If Morales only wants to get her lover back, then who is the real enemy ???

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