
my cold but cute brothers

story of a girl living with her siblings . she is adopted. but she loves to be with her siblings. it's about her life story.. DM: oppa ?.. jin: yes honey? DM: why are you guys shouting?... jin: nothing love..... DM: help someone?. Dong: i knew that but didn't knew that i was a burden to you guys all this years.

kimigoogiee · Teen
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6 Chs

03. That creepy creature pt.2

* author: hey lobly people. i know i am not a good writer. and for some reason i am sad. My hand is actually injured or maybe no as i am too lazy to write oppa with everyone's name. i read my 1st two chapters and it actually cringed me out too hard. soo, i will just Write their short names, don't mind me. sorry if i offended you guys.. i know you are not enjoying but still enjoy...*







" hey gimme my bat " jk reached out for the bat but tae threw it to rm.

as soon as the bat was out of his hand i stood up and yelled at him

"yoo, oppa are you crazy or what?. you can't kill a COCKROACH while beating it up with a bat.",

" and you!" said pointing at jin while whining

" oppa~ stop hiding behind me . you are the eldest one here so, act like one " *pouting *

" who?. me? hell nah, i am not going to fight with that ugly creature " jin said fighting back.

"guys where's that thing? " tae said with fear in his voice as there is no sign of that stupid thing.

" it's there . " jimin yelled from behind rm while pointing towards my mirror.

jk immediately took his slippers on his hand and diverted towards the COCKROACH . but before he can reach there and , once again it spreads its wings and started to fly. we screamed and crouched down. tae also ran back to his hiding spot.


our golden maknae started to run behind it while holding his slipper really high in his hands to hit it.

when the COCKROACH landed on the wall near us. me and jin bulleted towards rm and Jimin and hid behind them.

" jungkook-ah go slowly " rm spoke

" if you run like that then it will fly away again".

" okay hyung " jk showed rm a thumbs up and slowly started to go towards the cockroach and then again it stopped to fly.

in no sec it landed on jimin's back. we screamed and pushed him away while scurrying away from him.

jimin screamed for help " YAH, TAKE IT OF FROM.. YAH, YAH, TAKE IT OFF. "

" don't worry hyung. I'll kill it" jk charged at jimin in full speed and force.

" What?. no, No, don't kill it on me." Jimin yelled at jk but jk already threw his slipper on jimin but unfortunately the cockroach already flew away before it gets hurted.

" Ouch...that hurts. " jimin's hand shot back and started to massage the place where the slipper had hurted him.

"sorry hyung " jk apologised. Then he took his another slipper off and again started to search for that small creppy creature again.

" where are you, you mini bastard.?."

" Guys?.. is it alive?." we heard j-hope's voice from out of my room.

" YAH, where were you?" jin screamed at jhope

" YAH, come here and help us to kill this ugly lil thing!''.

''Hell no. i ain't coming until that thing is dead!" jhope screamed back .

" But here i got you something. '' said while he quickly opened my bedroom door and rolled a metal can towards us before almost immediately closing the door.

tae came out of his hiding spot and grabbed the metal can.

And it was a


" now wait and see you lil monster who is talking! " said while smiling or more like smirking.

" Tae , it's beside you.!" rm yelled in panic.

he turned around and saw the cockroach was a few centimetres away from him.

Tae screamed and threw the whole holly spray at the cockroach and rushed towards us.

" Oh my gosh! That was so close.!" he signed a sign of relieve .

Then his eyes fell on us.

He furrowed his brows and asked

" Why are you all are staring at me like that? ".

" YAH, you know you are suppose to spray at the cockroach with that forking spray but Not to throw it towards that ugly creature " . jin yelled at him.

" I am sorry. I just got scared. " Tae defended himself.

" Hyung look , it's dead. " he said while crouching down to examine that thing.


we all gasped at the same time.

" Yeah! come , come and look.!'' he said excitedly while waving at us come .

Immediately my bedroom door opened and jhope came inside. From another side of my room my bathroom door opened and suga entered the chat while clicking his tongue in disapproval.

" took you guys long enough to kill a harmless little bug" suga said with a disappointed voice.

" YAH, then why you didn't came out of your hiding spot to kill this harmless bug?'' jimin said scoffing.

" I would have but i was busy losing some sh*ts" He shrugged and walked out of my room nonchalantly. Meanwhile we all are looking at him dumbfounded.

" Wow! He is shameless!" jhope spoke while shaking his head.

" Just ignore him." RM said while sitting down comfortably near jk.

"Wait ! where is that cockroach? " jimin said.

while the all of us widen our eyes and shot our heads towards the place where the cockroach was.

But it was not in its place anymore.

All of a sudden jk threw a cockroach towards us. Meanwhile the rest of us screamed in panic while trying to scramble away from that thing.

" Guys relax it's dead already! " jk said while laughing so hard.

"YAH! " jin screamed at him.

" How dare are you oppa?" i said to him while glaring at him.

" You are Porking dead mister jeon!" Jimin said while gritting his teeth.

Jk laughed and ran out of my room while we all ran behind him to catch him...

To be Continue....

wait up u people we have

some important businessuu to


tell me how come you are so cute and beautiful/handsome at the same time?. 🤔you smiled just now? ɷ◡ɷ oh! woah! you look pretty when you smile. Keep smiling. you are pretty but when you smile my heart gets wild. keep smiling if you smile truly even if it's for a moment. just know i am proud of you always.

Be your real self.💜

pie pie for now\(¬﹏¬)/
