
Life is Never Fair

"Life is never fair!" pecked in a narrow room. A room measuring twice three meters. I don't know, it's what room it is. Hold your hands behind your shoulders. While bowing his head.

My face seemed to be faced with something walking on the floor. The little creature named ant seemed to be walking neatly. I look at them like alien creatures who have just recognized the world.

"What did the ant say to the point of wanting cooperation? What is justice for them?"

I don't know, strange sentences and jokes suddenly came out of my mouth. A mouth that seemed to want to always spill regret and boisterousness on my head.

"If the ant soldiers are willing to find food for a queen ant, has it ever crossed their minds that it's all unfair?" I muttered.

"Aaaah!!!! I hate life!! Life is not fair at all!!"

"Boy!!! Boy!!! Get out, Boy!!"

Along with my cheers, came a few noises banging on the door of this room.

"Ah, where did they know this room? Isn't this my secret room? This is a former unused warehouse, isn't it? How come they know I'm here?"

"Boy!! Fast!! You are called! Tomorrow's graduation begins, Boy!! Get out?!!"


"Ah! I forgot that today there is indeed a rehearsal!"

"Boy! Hurry up!"


"Yes!! Noisy!!"

"Besides, why hang out in this shabby place? What are you doing?" asked Riko with a face that seemed to be guessing something that was stirring in the motion of her eyes.

"What the hell lu! It's lu brains that are just whacking!"

"Hahaa, yaudah hurry up! Inget tomorrow graduation. Who do you want to bring?"

"Bring who? What does that mean?"

"Yes, Boy! It's a good time! Which boyfriend to bring a girlfriend? His crush?! Boy William, a child of a successful businessman, is going to graduate with anyone?" asked Roger, one of my close friends.

Riko and Roger are indeed two of my friends, but I don't know what I'm feeling now. I feel like something very empty is enveloping my heart and mind now.

"Boy William, the son of a wealthy businessman? Is that my title as a human being? It sounds like something disgusting!" I muttered.

I'm sick of hearing the slurs in my own mind. What steps will I take next? I'm a man, but will I forever carry dad's name in all steps of my life? Who am I? Why do people only know me as the son of a wealthy sultan?

What does all that mean for me? I walked down the hallway of the campus room. Towards a hall building where we did rehearsals. An exercise for tomorrow's graduation procession.

I came to think of one of the books I've read. I don't know, I just read it on a whim. I'm not a bespectacled nerd like you probably imagined when reading this piece of writing. Yes, it's not like Rangga's figure in What's Wrong With Love. No, I'm not an ally of the book. I'm just reading what I find interesting and I want more silence.

In my opinion, the book is a kind of magical blessing that exists in this world. I can practice silence in a few hours because of reading the words in it. I can practice eye spacing and boisterous head while practicing reading every sentence. I can also learn how one word in several different sentences can create different meanings. Isn't that something so magical?

Well, perhaps besides that former warehouse room, book my lonely friend. Riko and Roger? They were friends, but I was starting to feel like something so foreign was piercing my mind now.

What is a friend? What is a family? What does all this mean? What are you guys bothering with my thoughts? True! If indeed while reading this feel a little dizzy, keep going. It means that there is a slight vibrating in your heart to read. Haha!


"Heh, Boy! Your seat is there!" said Riko, pointing out a bench in front of the far left. I got a stool over there.

I just nodded my head. Accompanied by a faint smile, they still didn't tell me the reason why I shut myself in the room of the former warehouse.

"Boy! Walk first, well!" Roger exclaimed, patting me on the shoulder. He walked towards the right. It's very far from my seat. Meanwhile, I was still sculpting with my two friends who walked towards each of their seated chairs.

I don't know, what shadows I saw, instantly seemed to be present out of thin air. Childhood with complete parental affection. A doting mother of mine, a hard-working father paid for all my education.

I saw the figure of myself being fed by mom. I also saw the figure of myself who was being invited to play dad with a variety of toy cars in abundance. Not spared, there are also a variety of more motorcycle toys. Well, although dad from childhood gave me car toys, but I always asked dad to buy me motorcycle toys.

Once, a smile just flashed through my mind. I was like looking at a mirror of time. What have I done now? Is it appropriate that I still live in this world only bearing the title of the son of a conglomerate? Is this something to be proud of?!

"Hey, Mas. Please sit there. The event will begin soon." The female voice seemed to be the host suddenly stopped my reverie. I just fell silent. Soon walked closer to the seats that had been provided.

"Dad, Mom, am I already a good boy? But, okay is not enough isn't it? Why do I still feel so claustrophobic about all this?"

"Moreover, I feel that life has never been fair either. Something that stuck with me, as if just a reflection from dad. Until when do I continue to live this way at this age and journey that has reached the education of this one strata? Where am I going?"

"Is the journey I'm going to go through the same? Obey all the rules and directions of fathers and mothers? Freedom. I want to feel that."

I kept muttering with myself. As if feeling so very, very disturbing to myself.

Tingg!! A message came. Group messages from some of my comrades.

"Hey! What about Boy using his car tomorrow? Let it be exciting! When else will you have a moment together?" Said Riko opened the group chat. Followed by Roger and two friends I didn't quite get along with, either Roger and Riko suddenly entered two contacts, I don't know who.

I myself am not so surprised by Roger's attitude. He always felt I was a god of grants—whatever his wishes could almost always be realized through me. He nicknamed me that. No different from Roger, Riko is almost the same. It's just that he knows less of himself. I don't know, I actually never objected to any of that. After all, it's not all mine, all have my father.

However, I felt such a tightness that I couldn't contain it anymore. This feeling is getting more and more tense. Well, that feeling, "Who am I? Until when was I only known to be the son of a wealthy businessman? A son of the sultan? Where am I going to live this direction of life?" "I want to be free!!"