
A change in personality..

Chapter -1

Swam was wearing a gown with blue beads and the high heels which made her more beautiful . She just started walking in the doorway. Everyone was looking at her. It's just that they didn't saw someone so pretty and gorgeous in their life . Everything was so wonderful for her, suddenly a charming guy came towards her. She was stunned as he was the one whom she had a crush from past four years but Everytime he saw her he was just frustrated . His name was Thomas. He does not like her clumsy behaviour . But today something miserable happened. He was coming to approach her. She was not believing her own eyes, also she didn't wanted to behave like herself only for that special day . He was not that far from her . The moment he came towards her raised her heartbeats and after a while he was just two steps away from her . His hands were about to touch her and she just don't want this moment to fade away. She was about to hold his hand and suddenly.... Alarm ranged , all her moments again became a dream. It was 4th or 5th time that she was watching this dream and when she looked towards the alarm, it was already 8:00am . She was late for the school . This time she knew that Mr fim will punish her . Mr fim was her p.ed teacher who does not like her. Because she was so weak in studies . He always wanted silly chances to punish her. Like not wearing proper uniform, coming late to the class, not being active during the games period, etc . His nature was similar to Thomas ,the guy she liked. Ahh.. then she realised that she was late for school . Then she heard the sound from doorway and her mom came , her mother was so angry to her because of her stupidities . She told her " swam ! What a clumsy girl you are , grow up ! Its not that late yet for you to understand , you are someone who should focus on your studies , but look at the way you are". She was so frustrated from her life as no one likes or loves her . It was just that she was slow or little witted but she knew that she will change herself . when she reached outside her classroom she saw that mr fim standing at the door. He suddenly stopped her and said "girl you are again late for class. Its time for me to teach you a lesson" . He asked her to give him , her smart phone and was about to give her punishment. Thomas came from the class and asked mr fim "sir, i saw some boys fighting in the ground". He asked mr fim to hurry . Mr fim trusts him so much that he forget to give her punishment and went to ground. She thought that something has happened so to check this she followed Mr fim. When Thomas told her " you don't need to go and don't be late from now on " . She was shocked as she never saw thomas talking to her like this. She was so happy to see him . His green eyes and sharp voice made her day. She was about to talk to him but he turned his back. She wanted to thank him because he helped her escape from mr fim. But his arrogant way made her unhappy. She always want to talk to him but he always ignores her . She don't know why he behaves like this to her. She was in deep thought then Suddenly her friend renny came to her way and surprised her. Whenever her mother told her to change her friends and being with someone studious she always told her that " The friend of mine is far better than me" . Renny is more realistic and intelligent than her. Girl like her ,who is living in a imaginary world and having a low IQ know how miserable it feels. She was her only best friend who always helps her. She was the one to whom she can share all her secrets . She even helped her whenever she was in some difficult situation. This is why she liked her the most. Suddenly bell rang and they all went to their classes. Their class teacher came to the class. She was miss Smith who cares a lot about Swam. She behaves in a special and sweet way to her as she was the most stupidious and dumb girl. Miss smith surprised everyone by a surprising announcement," i want two volunteers from our class, students who are interested can give their name to me . After that we will conduct a voting " . Swan was not listening to her as she was busy checking out Thomas who was still studying and listening to the news . He was sitting two-three desks away from him which made difficult for her to saw him . A girl who was sitting beside him was someone she hated the most . She was Maddy ,an intelligent girl like thomas. Everyone believed that she was the best match for him but according to swan, she was the only one suited for thomas . She was already in her thoughts suddenly Miss Smith asked that who want to volunteer the class . And she was not in a mood to do such thing . And then she saw both Thomas and Maddy gave their names to the teacher . She was stunned but today she don't want to loose from Maddy and then asked the teacher to write her name as well. The moment she said her name, everyone in the class laughed loudly . She was not happy . She felt bad and then she saw Thomas who also smiling. It made her uncomfortable and heartbroken . But she was not someone who would lost a battle from such embarrassement  Then teacher gave them two days to accomplish themselves to get voting . She doesn't have an idea what should be prepared but Thomas's smile made her quite confident as this time she needs to prove him that she is not that stupid or dumb what exactly he thought about her and someone who will loose from maddy.

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