
Chapter 26 - Arc 2 - Not a midget, but not far from it?

" Jiao, do you have time? " I heard my Second Uncle ask.

Two days have passed since that little stress test. Most of the damage I took from the overload of the physical body has vanished, which meant I could practice again, without a problem.

I say most since there is one little thing that was taking longer to heal.

It was the injury to my chest, well my phantom's chest that got carried over.

The shock from that attack somehow caused me to heal slower in that region. It was still faster than it would need if it was left to heal on its own.

The placebo effect of gaining injuries, without actually taking damage is an interesting phenomenon.

The meager muscles I gained while training and the damage to my insides and a part of the heart, a very small part but a part nonetheless, appeared to be in some kind of aftershock.

It was as if the cells that made them up had overdrawn themself, somehow, and for the first day of healing that was what stood out the most.

It was getting better, but it was taking longer for the recovery to happen.

Only a few days if my calculations were right, but it is another thing to take into account if I want to continue with my current plans.

But even if it did, the benefits outweigh the detriments.

Running away from my inner musing I look at my Second Uncle.

It was the middle of the day and we were in what could be considered a lounge, or something similar, to Gao Junjie's house.

As it was cold, I preferred any talks being done inside the house.

" Sure, uncle. What do you need from me? " Being the youngest of the three brothers, and him being more of the academic origin, made it much easier to communicate with him.

That is what I felt from the little we knew of each other.

" Me personally, not much. But there was a talk between us brothers, Gao Junjie and Elder He. " He said. " I am sure you can imagine the topic was about you. "

Seeing my nod, he went on. " What the specifics of the topic are, you will learn once all of us are together, but before that time comes, want to come with me to the Externals dormitory? "

" Why would I go there? And why are you asking me? "

" Nothing special. I thought you'd like to have a walk and we could chat a bit. "

" Umm, ok, why not. It's not like I have much to do right now. " I replied to him. " Let me get my coat and we can go. "

That said, I made my way to my bedroom. Once inside I picked a coat made from thicker materials dyed in pale green and a pelt around the neckline with a small hood.

I have no idea what animal it was, but it was white and provided enough warmth around the neck.

It was of the same hanfu style as my other clothes, aside from those that were used for training, which were far more male-looking.

It was of the perfect size for my current body, which bothered me a bit.

Once I had it on, I glanced at Tao Fang meditating on the bed and left to find my uncle.

He wore a much simpler style as he was a Core Cultivator and the cold did not bother him, I guess.

His male hanfu variation had pale green as the main color, but it had much more white, well everywhere.

What is interesting though is on his wrists. On both wrists, there was a thin metal cufflink made of what looked like silver, if the shine on them did not mislead my eyes.

On both of them were emblems of different styles.

The right emblem of a square jade plate with a scale inside it belonged to the Yu Clan, on the left one though, I saw what was usually considered a tripod cauldron.

It denounced his status as belonging to the Alchemist Guild.

Either way, where he belonged did not matter that much, what mattered to me was the skill he possessed.

Once we were outside the house we made our way.

" You want to chat? So we will chat. Why are you going to the Externals? " I ask him.

" Delivery mostly. "

" Mostly? What are you delivering? " Again I was the one that asked the questions and not him.

" Has anyone told you of the rewards for the annual tournament? " He asked, but I denied having much knowledge.

" All I know is that anyone participating gains a Jade Pill, whatever its purpose is, for the Internals. As for the Externals, that one I have no idea. " I explained.

" I see, Then let me inform you while we walk. " He said. " The rewards for the Internals are The Transformation Pill, The Purification Pill, and the Jade Pill. The first two are standard Pills for those starting to cultivate and every recruit gains one. "

Here he turned a tad bit more serious and explained in more detail. " The Jade Pill, on the other hand, is the standard pill for those that are practicing the Jade Mantra. It is mainly used by those that practice the Body Mantra but it can be of use for the Spiritual version to a lesser degree. I have been told you consumed a Heavenly Jade Tablet, by First brother, correct? "

To that, I nodded. " Strictly said, that tablet is Qi materialized so while it may appear unconventional for a pill to be made out of it, it is relatively easy to dilute the Heavenly Jade Qi, into normal Jade Qi and make the pills. Any decent Alchemist could do it if they find the correct ingredients to stabilize it in pill form. "

" And what's the use? " I asked him as we made our way through the snowy ground. The road was mainly cleared but there was a slight snowfall that covered the road with a tiny layer of the water crystal.

" Aside from boosting the speed of Jade Qi growth, there is a simple usage for it. " My uncle pointed out. " Those practicing the Body Mantra can't generate the Jade Qi on their own to initiate the transformation of the Roots. That part is done by the Spirit Mantra. Problem is that only those who have a Core, created by the Heavenly Jade Qi of the Spirit Mantra, can condense the Jade Tablet by sacrificing months of hard work instead of cultivating their personal strength. If you take one Jade Pill while practicing the Body Mantra, you start the transformation of the Roots. After that, it takes either time to finish the process or another Jade Pill. "

" I see. The demand and production are controlled by the Clan for maximum gain. " I pointed out the obvious. " It's a good way to hold Power over those under you. "

" What is the ratio of the Pills per tablet? " I ask in curiosity.

" Depends on the skill of the Alchemist, but it's usually between five and ten. " He replied.

' Five to ten? Oh, my, and if it takes months to create just one tablet then the demand must be huge. Oh. '

" The demand must be huge if that is the case. Let me make a guess? " I told him. " There is a secret place somewhere where those who swore an Oath are given the Spirit Mantra and told to cultivate it with a very specific goal of reaching Core. Those that do reach it are then told to create the tablets instead of cultivating, like a farm made of Cultivators? Am I right? "

" Yes, while the place is a secret, the process itself is not, since every clan that possesses a First-Grade Mantra uses such a scheme. "

' Oh. Every Clan does it? '

" If that is the case for the Internals then how about the Externals to whom we are going right now? " I ask. " They have no unifying Mantra, from what I have heard. "

" Indeed, they do not. " Confirmed my uncle. " As such the Clan first has to make sure of what they are cultivating. Once that is confirmed, that list is sent to the capital to the Alchemist guild and a reservation is made for the materials that would be needed. So that when the annual tournament happens, they are ready to be given out. There is a slight problem with that though? "

" Let me guess, again. The winner of the tournament can't get the same reward as the others, otherwise, it would not be a reward for winning. Right? "

" Yes. " He nodded along as we walked to our destination. " It is for that that I am here. With a whole year in between the fights, it is easier to guess who will win or come close to it. So it's easy to gather the material needed for them. Oh, and don't tell anybody that we usually know who will be the winner. Don't want them to stop vying for the best spot, after all. "

" Sure, so since you mentioned a delivery, I take it, the Pill is already made and we are on our way to visit Bai Hui? " It was an easy conclusion to come to.

" Yes. "

" Say, Uncle. Can I see the Pills in question? " With curiosity tingling my voice I ask him.

" I don't mind showing them, but why ask that? " In his eyes, I saw the wonder.

" Well, so far I have only seen one type of pill. " I explained. " The old… I mean Elder He makes them for me. It's a pill for my body. I had requested of him such a pill as my body's healing and growth would accelerate with my Power, behind all that. My body has healed but for some reason, I did not see the rapid growth I had expected. So I was wondering what real Pills looked like? But before you show me, tell me something else. "

" Sure, I will if I can. "

" How tall was my mother? "

" Ugh? " Ha, that stumped him. He never expected that topic to rise, much less so unexpectedly.

" Why is that important? "

" Well, in my past life I was quite tall, so I am used to looking down on people. " I told him. " I wasn't the tallest but some things you just get used to, so now that I have to look up at everybody, well… it's different. I am asking because I don't want to end up with a small body once my growth stagnates. "

" I see. It's hard for me to imagine what such a shift feels like but I can answer your question. " He said and placed his left hand at about the neck.

' Hmm, now that I think about it, I never actually checked how tall I am or of anybody else. '

" Umm, uncle, stay still for a second. " I told him and materialized my phantom, or better said its right hand. From one of its fingers, I separated a small bubble of Auril and had it transform into a stick the size of my uncle's height.

Before I deployed it beside my Second Uncle, I felt his Divine Sense wander on the thing I created.

Once it was big enough I marked the ruler with increments of one centimeter to the best of my ability. Every ten there was a bigger mark.

" It's not perfect but it will do. " Done with it I examined his height.

' If I am correct then he should be around 185cm. If I subtract his head and a bit of the neck that means my mother was around 160cm give or take. Not a midget then, but not far from it. '

Done, I dismiss the ruler I made. " Well, I hope I will surpass her. I don't want to look upward at people all the time. "

" What is wrong with looking up? "

" Nothing but tall people don't get a say in that. Now can I see the Pills? " I redirect the topic back where I want.

" Fine, here. " He scowled for a second before showing his left hand and there a light shined for a second before a small rectangular box made of Jade appeared in it.

I ignored the phenomenon of its appearance since I learned about storage treasures after noticing the old man pulling out stuff from his sleeves from time to time, and focused on the box itself for a second before looking back up at my uncle. " Are you telling me to open it? "

Next, I saw a small smile on his face before he opened the Jade box with his other hand.

Immediately I noticed a round thing the size of one half a thumb. It had a white appearance to it.

Being smart I didn't touch it with my real fingers but used one from my phantom.

After that, I felt a familiar feeling. It was of a different type and from a different treasure but I did sense Intent from it.

When my phantom finger touched it, I felt the snap of something cold at its tip.

The cold Intent declared its type but there was something else that tickled my attention. The cold was encapsulated somehow and was not radiating beyond the physical space the pill inhabited.

I remained in touch with it for a bit before realigning my thoughts and retrieving the phantom finger and nodded at my uncle that I was done. With another small light explosion, the Jade box vanished.

" Say, uncle. What type of pill is that and do you by any chance have more of it? " I ask as we start moving again.

" Well, the type you should have guessed. It's a cold type of pill named Pill of the Gentle Winter. " He said and explained a bit about it. " It is the best type of pill the Guild has access to. The term gentle was added because of its mellow Ice Qi. It's neither strong nor weak. Just perfect for those practicing the Ice Mantras in the Qi Gathering stage. "

" So it's bad having a strong cold Pill from the start? " I ask.

" Depends on the Mantra, but generally yes. " He replied. " Unless you somehow have Heavenly Roots of Water or the even rarer ice variant, then it's best to start with pills of a more benign nature. That knowledge is common among cultivators and can be applied to all Mantras. "

" That being said, asking if there are more can only lead to one conclusion. " My uncle said. " Are you thinking of doing the same as you did to First Brother's Jade tablet? "

" Something like that. Yes. " I told him without any shame. " The Cold Intent in the Pill is weak but I will probably be able to find a use for it. If anything I might be able to shave off the cold from reaching me this winter. Hmm… and in summer a nice Ice tea sounds nice in my head. "

" Ice tea? I don't think I have heard of tea being used that way. Is there anything special about it? Aside from being cold? "

Shaking my head I denied it. " Not really. Aside from quenching thirst and the inherent tea qualities, there is nothing special about it. Say that building should be our destination? Right? " I ask as I look at him.

" Yes, that's the one. As for your question about there existing more pills. There are. " He confirmed for me. " I was able to make 4 of them from the batch of herbs used and no, I will not be giving them to you. The other three will be stockpiled and used as rewards for Bai Hui in the future. "

With that rejection, I said no more as we closed in on the building.

Like every other building, it was made of wood and in the same Asian style. It had no second floor from what I saw, only this one was longer than most.

It had to be able to accommodate forty people, after all.

Twenty from the previous batch of recruits, who are mostly away most of the year as they are sent to the capital, and only return during the start of the winter for the annual tournament.

Twenty from last year who have the place to themselves but hardly get to stay indoors from all the training.

Not that they had anything in there to stave off the boardroom, like back on Earth.

Beside the building was a small practice field and on it there they were. The juniors and the seniors socialized as they were undergoing their routines and from what I was seeing occasionally spar.

It took me a few seconds to find Bai Hui, but when I noticed a group surrounding a certain kid, I knew I had him.

" Uncle there he is. " I pointed in the direction, without bothering to check if he had seen him or not.


" Bai Hui, come. " The voice called across the practice field.

Immediately the seniors and juniors stood on guard and saluted with their fists enveloped by their left palm.

" We greet Master Ying. " Echoed from them all alongside the slight bow towards the man in question.

Yet when one among them noticed the little girl by his side, he voiced his voice once again, to the complete surprise of the little girl in question.

" We greet the Young Miss. " It took a second for everybody else to realize the words but in the end, they followed their comrade in action.

Yu Jiao, a bit stunned at the total unexpected massed greeting she received, only nodded, but only in her mind did she reveal her thoughts. ' I don't think I have ever been greeted like this in my past life. Umm, yeah, definitely not. '

When it all finally ended, Bai Hui found his timing and stepped forward. Near the two newcomers to the practice field, he spoke.

" Master Ying, Young Miss. Bai Hui greets you. " He said in the manner that he was familiar with. " To what honor has this, Bai Hui, been granted the honor of your visit? " He asked out loud, but deep down he had a suspicion.

" Greetings to you too. My niece and I are here to congratulate you on winning this year's tournament among your generation. " Said the youngest of the three leaders of the Yu Clan.

" Congratulations. " Added Jiao, as an afterthought.

" Thank you, Master Ying. Thank you Young Miss. " Bai Hui replied with a content voice as he gave them a slight bow.

Yet as if the world didn't want to end it with just that, whispers began to be whispered among those of the same generation.

Some went along with it and whispered. " Look at him, so proud of himself. "

Some went along with it and whispered. " Tch, the bastard gets the glory, even tho. "

Yet another went along and whispered. " Tch, he gets to be congratulated by the Young Miss Yu. "

Whispers they may have been, but they did not escape Yu Ying's ears. Jiao on the other hand did not have super senses to deliver to her the whispers but she did notice the glances and the whisperings going on.

In her mind, the reason for it sprung forth and a little bit of pity burst forth, still, she said nothing and stayed quiet by her uncle's side.

" There is no need for that, you deserve it. Now for the reason that we are here. " Yu Ying stated.

" I am sure you know that the winner gets a special reward and I am here to deliver yours. It's freshly baked, so to say. " He said as he showed his right palm and with a tiny bit of light appeared a Jade box.

" Before we get to the special reward, here take this. " He said and let the box float towards Bai Hui, who in turn took it. " Inside there you will find the Pill of Transformation and the Pill of Purification. Since those two are standard rewards I gave them first. "

" Thank you, Master Ying. " Bai Hui replied hurriedly.

" Don't worry about it. You have been told the order of their usage? " Yu Ying asked and Bai Hui nodded. " Good. This is your special reward, made personally by me. " He said as another jade box appeared in his left hand.

It had the same appearance as the first one, but it carried special meaning to Bai Hui, after all, he did fight and win for it.

" In this one, you will find the Pill of the Gentle Winter. " Yu Ying, the alchemist, explained. " Since you're from the North, have you heard of this Pill? "

" I have Master Ying. It is said to be the number one Pill for Cold and Ice Mantras under the Foundation stage. " Replied Bai Hui.

" Good, take it then, and remember to only eat it after the other two have been taken. " Added Yu Ying as he had the box float towards the boy who in return stacked it on top of the first one.

" Well… I have finished what I came to do, now it's up to you to make the most use of them. I suggest you go immediately and start on them. " Yu Ying said to the boy in front of him. " With that done, we will take our leave. Jiao, let's go. "

" Second Uncle, wait? " Sounded out the little girl's voice before he could even take a step backward.

" What is it? Do you want to say something? " He asked his niece, but she ignored him and instead focused on Bai Hui.

" Bai Hui, let me ask you something. " Bai Hui looked at the girl who was about the same age as him and had no idea what she could want from him. In truth, no matter what it was, in his mind, he knew it would spell trouble.

He could already imagine the rumors that would spring up from this occasion.

" On the way here, my Second Uncle showed me the Pill you have just been given and I have taken a fancy to it. " Like a bell, those words echoed in Bai Hui's mind.

His face immediately became a shade paler and the worst kind of imagination came and went yet before he even had time to reply, Yu Jiao went on.

" Before you go on and imagine something horrible, hear my proposal first. " Bai Hui heard, but it was too late for him.

A gut-wrenching feeling had already nested inside his stomach. " My Uncle said that there are three more pills like that. I had asked for one but I was told No since they would become your rewards for the future. The problem is I want to have one, so how about a trade? "

" Trade? " Hearing it, Bai Hui calmed down a little bit. " Young Miss Yu, if you desire one of them, then you can have them. There is no need for a trade. " Bai Hui proposed.

" No, no, no. Do not even think of giving me something. I will not be tying my Karma with your kind. "

The ' Your Kind' hit deeper than Bai Hui would have imagined. It was not the first time he had been insulted like that and the words sunk into him on a very deep level.

Yu Jiao, the girl who said those words, on the other hand, realized too late how the words, she said without a thought, could be interpreted and within seconds she saw the reactions as the kids around them started to whisper even more.

' Fuck, that came out wrongly. ' Thought Jiao.

" Jiao? I am sure you didn't mean to, but what was said can not be unsaid. At least apologize to him. " Yu Ying demanded from his niece.

" Right, sorry Uncle. Bai Hui, umm… my words were describing something else but I am sorry if it gets you in more trouble. " Jiao apologized. " Know that I simply don't care about your circumstances but as an apology, I will add something extra to the trade that I want to accomplish. If you still want to hear about the trade, that is? "

" It's fine, Miss Yu. I am sure it was a slip of the tongue. " Replied Bai Hui as he bowed slightly.

Initially, the words did hurt him, as they opened the wounds of the past, especially since they were said by a girl around his age and one of a higher status than him.

Still, he dealt with it like he always did, by swallowing everything the words caused and burying it.

" As for the trade, I will take whatever Miss Yu finds acceptable. " Bai Hui said.

" Oh, good, since you have agreed. Let's do this immediately. " Proclaimed the girl. " Umm, leave those jade boxes on the ground and enter a meditative stance or whatever you find relaxing. "

" Meditative stance? Relaxing. " Those demands stupefied everybody but it was Yu Ying who realized first what was about to happen. " Jiao, are you sure about this? "

" It's fine, Uncle. " Said the niece to the Uncle.

" Sigh, ok. Well… Bai Hui, go on, leave those boxes on the ground and listen to my niece. It will be of benefit to you, I think. " Finally with the authority backed by Yu Ying's agreement, Bai Hui listened and sat on the cold ground and entered a meditative pose, with his legs crossed.

He focused on himself and waited for his instructions.

" Ugh, I will never understand how you people find that pose relaxing but it will do. " Jiao said her thoughts, not caring what people thought of her words. " Ok, listen closely to what I am about to say. What you are about to experience is only for you, so don't share it with others. One more thing. Don't forget who you are, understood? " Jiao asked.

Bai Hui on the other hand had no idea what was about to happen but he did agree to remember those words.

" Good, let's do this. " Said the little girl before him as she placed her right forefinger on his forehead.

When nothing happened in the first second he wondered if all this was a joke, since he had heard that girls from the big clans tended to be weirder with their jokes.

Yet, that was all he could think of before his mind was engulfed with darkness.

A never-ending nothingness, with not one tiny bit of light in sight.

With nothing to see, nothing to touch, hear, taste, or smell, Bai Hui entered the Void or at least a replica of it.

As he was lost in the never-ending nothingness, Yu Jiao on the other hand removed her finger from Bai Hui's forehead and took a few steps back.

" There I am done. " Jiao said.

" That's it? " Asked Yu Ying, a bit puzzled at how quick it had happened and how little showiness it had. " I thought this would take longer? "

" And it will, for him, that is. I, on the other hand, am done. " Proclaimed Jiao and looked at those around them. " For those of you here, let me warn you. Do not touch him or bother him and most of all do not touch the rewards he has rightfully won. If you don't like it, go train and surpass him or something, I don't care. Let's go, Uncle."

With that said she turned around and made her way back from the place she came from. Her second Uncle followed after her and left the flabbergasted and unsure crowd behind.

It was after they were out of sight of everybody that Yu Ying spoke to his niece. " From what I have been told, you did it differently with Tao Fang and how long will he stay like that? "

" Tao Fang is someone I care about, Bai Hui on the other hand is not. " Explained Jaio to her Uncle. " He will stay in that state as long as my Power is inside him, so about an hour, give or take. "

" Hmm, Elder He, mentioned that you told him that the amount of time spent in the dream is much longer than the time passed outside. How long is he gonna spend in that senseless dream? " Yu Ying asked his niece.

" No idea. But it won't be a small amount. Anyway, he'll be fine. His kind always does. " Not quite understanding what she meant by his kind, Yu Ying wanted to ask about it but got interrupted by his niece.

" Now how about that Pill that I traded for. Do you have it with you or will I get it later? " Asked Jiao nonchalantly.

" Here. " Siad Ying as he materialized another small jade box and gave it to her. " There is one thing I don't understand. Why did you behave like this? "

" Behave? What are you talking about, Uncle? " A bit perplexed, Jiao questioned him.

"Well, not long ago you said your concerns towards the Bai kid. " He mentioned the words she had said to him and his brothers. " I imagined that you would not like to intermingle with him at all, and here you are proposing a trade for a Pill that you could have asked Second Brother for? I am sure he would not have minded a few Pills being given to you. It is for that reason that I can not decide if you care or do not care about him. "

Stumped by the words she heard Jiao stopped walking and her gaze became a bit cloudy as if she was looking at something far, far away.

Seeing her like that, Yu Ying didn't bother her. After a talk with Elder He, who had spent the most time with her since the event happened, had advised him to not bother her in these moments.

' Too many memories affecting a young mind. He said as if not all of them have found their place yet. ' Thought Ying.

They stayed there for a few moments before Jiao finally roused from her stupor. " Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck. "

Hearing the unfamiliar words, Yu Ying had no idea what they meant but it was easy to imagine them being some kind of curses, and they did sound plenty nasty in his mind.

" Done cursing? " The Uncle asked.

" Yes, I am done, Uncle. I am not feeling well… therefore I will bid you goodbye here, Uncle. " Said Jiao abruptly, totally ignoring the person that stood in place and watched her leave with hurried steps.

Yu Ying, not quite understanding what happened, had no choice but to follow her just for good measure.

Nothing would happen to her, especially in this place. But she was his niece, after all.

Meanwhile, a certain boy who wallowed in his sanity, in a replica of the Void, saw a light at the end of his perceived confinement.

With imaginary claws he rushed towards it, hoping to find his salvation.

Unlike what he was hoping for, that light was not his salvation but something else.

Something that called out to him, from a place he never knew he had.

As he clawed his way towards it, it finally revealed its shape in the form of a white fox with red fur imitating a flame decorating its tails, paws, snout, eyes, and ears laying on its side.

When he finally reached it, the fox opened its eyelids and with silver eyes, it looked upon the haggard-looking little fox bearing similar marks upon its fur as it did.

Its gaze showed motherly love and licked its tiny body to heal the wounds it had received.

Next chapter