
Chapter 20 - Arc 2 - Cough. Hello, daughter?

Nestled between two mountains was a dirt road.

It was a frequently used road, despite being only wide enough for 2 carriages to be able to just barely pass by one another.

On the good sunny days, that is. Today was not such a day, as it was lightly snowing.

Truthfully, it had been lightly snowing for quite some time as winter had come into the region.

Snow-covered the ground and the dirt road which was being used.

Undergoing such a journey via a carriage at this time of the year required a carriage of good craftsmanship alongside an experienced driver and the most important factor of all, a well-raised and developed pair of horses. After all, the idiom for horsepower was invented for a reason.

Trudging through the 20cm deep snow, the driver used all 34 years of horsemanship and 17 years of coaching around to guide the most important cargo he would ever have in his life to its destination, the Master of the Clan he served.

Only this journey was different from the annual journey he was used to.

Unlike the previous few years he had been doing his job, this time he not only carried around the Lord of the Clan he served but also his younger brother and despite being outside the carriage, the driver could sense the radiating mood of the younger brother.

Having been doing this for so long it wasn't hard for him to imagine why, but it was moments like this that made him think of his past young self and his naivety. Driving around someone with the status of Leader of a Clan, much less the Head of the Yu Clan, was not a job just anybody could acquire.

No, no, such a job gave, as much as it took, prestige and honor.

The honor came from the Clan one served.

The prestige came from the people one coached around and most of all being a trusted person to the people one coached around.

After all, driving around people of such status gave out many benefits, one of which was being allowed to cultivate. As such being a coachman was usually a hereditary position in the clan one served.

That being the case, this particular driver remembered his young naive self as he asked his still-living father, at that time, one particular question.

" Father, you always said that it's my privilege and honor to one day coach around somebody like the Clan leader, but why is that so? " Holding the reins of the horses as he guided the horses, the driver remembered that moment well. He remembered how his father stopped brushing the horse he was taking care of and how he looked at him, his son, and recognized that moment in his own memories, of his own childhood.

With prestige, honor, loyalty, and something else being laid over his voice the father spoke. His voice carried a heaviness that made that memory imprint that much deeper in the child's unconscious.

" Listen son, and listen with your whole head to what I am about to say and never forget it. The lives of those in the Clan will depend on it, but even more importantly, it will be your life that will depend on these words. " He remembered his father saying in a knowing tone. " You asked this question because you are smart and in your head, you unconsciously recognized that we the coachmen are not truly needed for Cultivators, especially for those strong like our Clan leader. "

Stopping for a second he went on stating the obvious. " I mean why should we be needed? After all, Cultivators can outrun and out endure a horse easily if their cultivation is decent enough, at least the normal horses, that is. Still, some can even fly if they possess a Magic treasure or if they cultivate a Mantra of the Wind. "

Remembering that moment in his life, the driver shook his head while cursing inside his head just like his father had in the memory. ' Lucky bastards. '

Seconds later the driver's memory went on. " That being the case, why are we the coachmen so important then, you must be asking yourself, right? Of course, you are, and here is your answer. Face. "

" Don't give me that look. " His father said as he saw his boy's face. " Just because it sounds ridiculous does not mean it's not needed. Listen, son, the world is not fair. It is cruel and if you are not careful those with the stronger cultivation will take everything from you. It is for that reason that Clans, Sects, and the Empire exist, after all, there is strength in numbers. With them in place, an individual Cultivator is not as important as the whole that made such a group exist in the first place. If a conflict does arise between such groups many would die from it. To reduce the number of casualties in such situations many values were created such as honor, loyalty, valor, and such things. It is them that keep us civilized and not a bunch of barbarians. "

" Through our actions in life, we create a reputation in the world. Do good deeds and you will be known as a good man. Do bad and you will be known as a bad man. Since we humans identify each other by our faces the term Face came into existence. "

" Are you with me so far? Good. Now tell me this. While flying carries its own majesty, that is for the rare few to enjoy so you will ignore it. Focus on this. If Clans are of similar strength and don't want to engage in brutal and bloody conflict, how do they increase their reputation of being stronger and better than others? I can see on your face that you realize it. Yes, they posture around like peacocks. "

" Since flying is out of the question, the clans chose the next best thing. Us, the coachman, and the fancy carriages with the Clans symbol on them that they commission from the crafters and the ones that we drive around. For that purpose, they decorate their carriages which would deliver them to their destination in as much splendor that showcases the clan's prosperity and strength. "

At that, the father shook his head as he knew it was needed, even if they spent more resources on them than they should. " Since you, my son, will replace me in the future as the coachman of the Yu Clan, remember this. You will become the 4th most important Face of the Clan. And I mean that word-for-word since everybody will know who you are driving around. That will give you Face. "

" As for the three Faces more important than you? Well, the first is always the head of the Clan. On him rests the lives of everyone in the Clan. His decisions define the reputation of the Clan and the directions in which the Clan would develop or fall. The second is and always will be the position of the Head Wife. It is through them that the most important alliances are born. A good alliance will safeguard the Clan for years to come, therefore the stability of your life and your future family will also depend on it. The third most important Face in a Clan is the Heir of the Clan, the Young Master. "

" Everything else but those three Faces can be ignored to a large degree including us the coachman. And here is where you will come into play. In the future, you will be taking care of the horses and the carriage that will carry the Symbol of the Clan on it alongside the passenger. "

Once more he turned very serious as the father addressed his son and advised him on his future.

" If the horses are found exhausted upon reaching the destination or in the worst-case scenario they die for some reason, the other Clans will mock you and the Clan like you can not imagine. If the carriage does not arrive in the same splendor when it started the journey, the same will happen. If any of those two scenarios happen, rumors will appear questioning the Clan's ability to teach its servants, which means questioning my skills. The worst of all is that if they start questioning the education of the servants, they will start questioning the education of the heir of the Clan and his ability to lead. If the Heir is found wanting, it's still fine, he's young and can be taught more, but if his ability is questioned because the Heir didn't arrive on time for an appointment or did not arrive in the best possible condition to represent the Clan, it will be your head that will roll on the ground and not his. "

" Remember that son and learn well from me, as I want grandchildren to spoil in the future. "

" Oh and one more thing, son. If in the future somebody attacks you and the passenger, protect the horses and carriage with your life and ignore everything else. The passengers will always have hidden guards much stronger than you and if they can't protect their charge, you won't be able to change anything either. At that point don't bother running or I will be the first to slice your throat to hide the shame of my failure. Understood! Good. "

Shivers rose upon the coachman's neck and arms and they came not from the cold winter day. ' No, the current cold won't affect a Core like me and it's not my first time remembering that memory. Must be something else. '

With such an event the driver re-thought the memory that resurfaced.

In the same moment that he did, a stern and powerful voice came out of the carriage upon which stood the Symbol of the Yu Clan. " Huizhong, what is it? "

" Not sure, Lord. " Replied, Meng Huizhong, hesitantly. " The journey must be affecting me, as I recalled a memory of my old man giving me a much-needed lecture about my future. "

" Oh, what is it about? " Spoke the stern voice again.

" About my honor and duty as Lord's coachman. Nothing that important, at least not to the current me. " Replied the coachman.

" There must be a reason why it resurfaced now. " This time it was a younger voice that spoke. It was the voice of the youngest brother of the three brothers of the Yu family, Yu Ying. " I am bored, tell me what it was about, I am curious. "

" If there is a reason, I am not familiar with it, but since 3ed Young Master is asking, I don't mind speaking. " Agreed Meng Huizhong. " The memory stems from the first lesson my old man imprinted into my memory. It was about my place in the Clan and how my actions would be representing the Clan. This one was about the importance of Face in Clan politics, or more specifically how my failures would be affecting the Heir at that time, I mean you, my Lord. "

" Very interesting. " Commented the younger voice inside the carriage. " But I think I can think of a reason for it. How about you, brother? " Said the voice as Yu Ying looked at his second brother.

Both of them had quite the resemblance and the trademark of the Yu family, the bright green jade-colored eyes.

Without waiting for him to reply, Yu Ying went on in a joking manner. " See, brother, if the Heavens have to rely on a third party to proclaim their Will, I think it's about time for you to change your workplace from that office to the bedroom, a Heir is needed. "

The joking manner of his younger brother stung in his head as he remembered a particular memory. " Hmph. Little brother, are you questioning my bed skills since I only have two daughters? "

Yet, the moment the question came out, Yu Liwei recognized his mistake. Yu Ying narrowed his eyes slightly and glared at his older brother for a second and then smiled as if the juiciest gossip came upon his ears.

" What's this? Did somebody question your skills? Yours, brother? " With those questions sounding out inside the carriage like an echo, Yu Ying finally removed the joking expression upon his face and used his intellect that made him a recognized alchemist in the Capital and started deducing the possibilities. " I doubt its elder brother, since he's worse than you, the playboy of the family, as you were known in the past. So many hearts were broken, when my sister-in-law arrived. No, no, from your reaction it can't be a man that questioned you. That being the case I doubt it's Lady Ai, either. No, she would never dare to utter those kinds of opinions in front of you or anybody else, for that matter. "

Stopping there for a second he examined his recent memories. "I haven't heard about you visiting any brothel ever since my sister-in-law appeared. That leaves out many possibilities from the outside. Meaning it has to be someone in the Clan. It also has to be someone you care about or otherwise it wouldn't have shaken you like this. That leaves out only two possibilities. One we can outright deny as she is the same as her mother, if more prideful, and the fact is you never cared for her as you did for JiaoJiao. "

Having deduced it, a solemn expression showed on his face " Second brother, since I was in closed cultivation to attain the Core, it had already happened. I am sorry brother… I could not be there for you sooner. Duan Xue only told me the general events that happened to JiaoJiao. Please tell me the truth. How bad is it? "

Notwithstanding his younger brother's intelligence, hearing the apology only calmed him down. Soon it would be around five months since it happened and four since his daughter left the Yu compound.

To mortals, it was not a short amount of time but for Cultivators, especially those older and if one included a man like Yu Liwei, who was constantly busy with matters of Clan leadership, it was even shorter.

" Ying, it's ok. I have accepted that my JiaoJiao is gone. No amount of wishing would return her. " Replied Yu Liwei and opened up to his younger brother. " When you see her soon, you will see the face of JiaoJiao, but behind that face is a different person, with memories of a different life as such, not to mention that apparently in those memories she had been a man. Without the memories of the JiaoJiao that we knew, she has changed a lot. When you see her you will immediately notice the difference in her presence. Last we spoke directly, she was collected with her state of mind, if a bit all over the place emotionally. "

" Oh, and she was very direct with her words. I mean she flat out denied my authority on multiple grounds. " It was only that fact that brought some sentimentality to Yu Liwei's face but seconds later it was gone.

" I see. I guess it's not that easy to change some things. " Commented Yu Ying. " That's all in the past, how will it go from now on? "

" We have an agreement of sorts. " Said Liwei, as he looked outside the carriage and the passing white landscape.

With a perplexed expression, he continued. " In the beginning, when my grief was the greatest, I tried to see her as just a tool to be used for the betterment of the Clan but her response was flat-out denial. When I tried to enforce it through Suppression, it kinda blew everything up. "

Remembering his actions at that point, Yu Liwei only shook his head in regret. " Without an ounce of any cultivation that I could sense she resisted it and gave me an ultimatum. Either I accept even a cordial father-daughter relationship with some perks on her side or she would run away. After a bit of talk, we agreed on a few things. We would continue calling each other father-daughter, even if the emotions were not there, and I would side with her on some things if her contributions to the Clan were enough. "

' I guess if one considers all the possibilities it could have gone, this one is not that bad. ' Thought Yu Ying.

" I see. I will try to have an open mind in regards to the new Jiao. That being the case, Duan Xue never mentioned her having resisted Suppression at all, much less a Core like you. " Despite being affected by JiaoJiao's change, not being there in person and witnessing it left far too few ripples in his heart than he would have liked, so in favor of his second brother he switched the topic. " Can you tell me more about how she did it? Has she mentioned anything? "

" Me and Elder He had a few talks about it. Her knowledge affected him the most and he crossed over to Soul Creation. " Replied Liwei. " She calls it Life Essence and the most similar thing I can compare it to is my Bloodline Ability and there are some connections between them, undoubtedly. As for the details you will have to ask her personally. "

" It's alright, tell me all you can for now. "


Time passed, for those aboard and inside the carriage. The ground was traversed and soon they closed in on their destination.

A small city that was privately called the unofficial Sect of Jade of the Yu Clan.

When the carriage was closing upon the entrance a small Qi signal appeared for a few seconds inside the carriage and seconds later a Divine Sense of a Soul Creation Cultivator swept it.

A few seconds later, one could notice a shimmer inside the carriage. It looked like distorted air, similar to how heat distorted the air on hot summer days.

From that shimmer appeared an older man. With similarities to the other two, it was easy to notice all three of them belong to the same blood.

Yu Qiao had appeared inside the carriage.

He looked upon his second brother for a second and greeted them. " Liwei, it's good to see you and I must say you look much better than the last time we met. Ying, congratulations on achieving the Core stage. "

" Thank you elder brother. It took longer than I had anticipated but I did it. " Replied Yu Ying to his eldest brother but after that, he stayed silent as his two older brothers exchanged glances with each other.

It was the eldest that broke the silence. " How is it? Overall? " Asked Yu Qiao but never mentioned what exactly.

" Its bones are tough, it will take time to cook but I have toned down the heat and decided to boil slowly so the bones soften enough. "

Nodding to that, Qiao gave one more piece of advice. " Just remember, when the time comes for the main dish, you will have to go all-in at once and take the biggest bite you can and you know for that to happen you will have to stop holding it back and strengthen your teeth. "

" I know, don't worry brother. "

" Good, that being the case, let us talk about something else. " Having heard what he needed to hear, the eldest switched topics to the thing he wanted to speak the most about and the thing that grated his heart the most. " That ' else ' being the new Jiao. Before we start, Huizhong, change the destination to Gao Junjie's place. "

" Yes. " Was all the reply that came from outside.

With some apprehension, the second brother spoke, while the third brother finally decided to join the discussion between the brothers. " Did something happen? "

" Indeed, something did. Before that though, know that I have denied her request for the complete Jade Mantra. Although it matters little considering what happened. " With that said, Qiao didn't wait for them to ask the Why question and just flat out answered. " Reason being she didn't want to do the Oath. "

" Did she flip out due to having been refused? " Asked the youngest.

Denying it outright, Yu Qiao explained. " No, that part went fine. From her words, she didn't want to cultivate it at all, but to use it as a reference. It seems she decided to bestow a Mantra to her servant and would not be satisfied with anything not meeting her standards, whatever they are. Either way, that is not the important part. The important part is this. This new Jiao was very interested in the root adaptability of the Jade Mantra, so she asked questions about how such a thing was possible. "

" Ah, I can see where the discussions went. Did you show her the Heavenly Jade Tablet? Of course, you did. What did she do to it? Can I see it? " With eagerness, Yu Ying battered his eldest brother with questions.

" Sorry, little brother, but the tablet is gone. " Not giving them a chance to ask how that was possible, Qiao just went on. " I don't mean that she took it, I mean that the Jade tablet no longer exists. I have no idea how she did it, but the phantom ability you told me about appeared, and minutes later the Jade tablet was gone. The phantom had absorbed it. "

" Oh. " " Oh. "

" Sigh, I may not have used all my attention to make it, but it did take me about two months. "

The oldest of them let all that simmer for a few seconds before the youngest spoke again. " Since it was absorbed, were there any changes to the phantom? "

" Well, there were no changes at first, but I could observe a blob of the Heavenly Jade inside it. " Replied Yu Qiao. " After it was absorbed, it looks like she can control it however she likes. She had the Heavenly Jade transform the right hand of the phantom and from my perspective, its hand gained the quality of the Heavenly Jade. Similar to the Jade Skin Armor that we use in combat. "

" Now, I am really curious about this Life Essence, this Jiao brought forth. " Commented the youngest but the father of the girl that had stayed quiet for now spoke. " Have you confronted her for answers? "

Shaking his head, he denied it. " No, it happened only a few days ago. I knew you would be here in a few days so I left it as is. My idea is to have all three of us confront her in person and finally give us the answers we want. "

Hearing the proposal, Yu Ying agreed immediately and faced his second brother. " I don't mind doing it. How about you brother. Are you up for some gentle interrogation? "

" Sure, how will it be done? "


Minutes later, all three brothers arrived at their destination. Gao Junjie's place of residence.

Exiting the carriage Yu Ying observed the residence, he had not visited for quite some time. The reason wasn't simply because he was too busy doing alchemy stuff back home. There was that but another more important reason would be that he was not fond of Gao Junjie.

' Being a junior under him left me with quite a few unhappy memories, yet being a disciple under him is bound to be worse. Poor JiaoJiao, wait she changed, so maybe it's not that bad. '

Shaking his musing aside, Yu Ying felt his eldest brother sense the residence. " Oh, Elder He is with them. Hmm, why are they all in one room? Anyway, come. "

Yu Ying followed his two older brothers without a question. While he was curious, he refrained from using Divine Sense on his own. Usually, it was frowned upon if one did it in somebody else's place.

If it had to be done, it was best for the one with the highest cultivation to do it.

A minute or so later they arrived in front of the room. Yu Qiao opened the room and led them inside. As he had swept the room before, he wasn't quite surprised but his younger brothers were another thing.

There, upon the bed, sat a young girl of about 18 and meditated in a meditation pose. Ying remembered her as the personal maid of his niece, Tao Fang.

In his eyes, she was never a beauty but as a servant of the young mistress of the main bloodline, there were standards to be observed and she could not be ugly.

' Strange. I never bothered to observe her so deeply, before. So why did I do it this time? '

Shaking away his reverie, he focused on the most astonishing and most intriguing thing happening in the room. There in front of the bed and the girl in question was a standing see-through apparition.

He ignored his changed niece that he came specifically to meet and the elderly man known as Elder He, to whom stage ascendence gave more youthful looks, besides the apparition for a second and focused on it.

It bore the resemblance of the servant girl only in the most obvious sense. Like, being female alongside the facial features and curves that identified her. Everything else was vague, but that was not important.

What was important was that in that vagueness one could see a mesmerizing amount of lines inhabiting the insides of the apparition.

Observing it for a second, Yu Ying glanced back at the girl on the bed and made the connection his brain wanted to make and he exclaimed it loudly in his wonder. " Could it be that this thing is displaying the root channels of that servant girl? "

" Indeed, that it does. " Came the reply but the voice was much too high to be from a man and far too familiar to his ears that he identified it immediately. Yu Ying finally focused on his niece.

A Cultivator's memory was very good and only became better as he or she rose in stages. It wasn't hard for Yu Ying to find the similarities between the niece he knew and the one he was currently observing. Yet, when he observed the little girl, it felt more like seeing a distant relative one heard a lot about but saw for the first time.

Despite the memory of JiaoJiao in his mind, this Yu Jiao was just different.

' Is this what brother meant? Being the same and yet so different. ' Ignoring her for a second, Yu Ying glanced at his second brother but there too he saw the disillusioned expectation shatter, much like his own. ' Does not look like it. Could it be that she changed more as time passed? '

" Niece Jiao, I heard you have no memory of before the accident so let me introduce myself again. I am Yu Ying, your second uncle. " That introduction shattered the brief silence.

" I know. I can see the resemblance between you, Father, and First Uncle. " Replied Yu Jiao. Her voice was steady, her gaze direct. She knew what she wanted to say and she did.

Once she replied she took away her gaze and focused on the second brother. " Father, it's good to see you again. I knew you would come for the annual tournament but I wasn't sure we would meet, much less you being the one to come and meet me. At least if I consider you sent me here for at least five years. "

" Cough. Hello, daughter. " Was all that came out of Yu Liwei's mouth, at first, before he found his words.

Next chapter