
An exam and team

( sooo no one joined the discord yet that sucks I wanted some more communication oh well anyways enjoy the chap :) )

The aura around both Kira and Blake was a very awkward one to say the least one of the reasons being that they've had no contact with each other for over a year since Blake left the white fang kira spoke up ending the awkward silence " so how've you been since you know " Blake shifts in her seat " it's been alright " Kira then says " I assume it's been nomadic … whatcha reading " Blake's face beings turning red as Kira gazes at the books cover catching a quick glance at it his eyes widen then Blake quickly hides the book then Kira notices an overly energetic blonde and a embarrassed rose quickly closing in

Soon they are upon them and it becomes awkward again kira just simply puts a lazy smile on his face and says " I'm gonna take a walk " he then gets up and leaves yang seems slightly saddened by this but quickly returns to her jolly self as she turns to Blake

Kira pulls out his scroll then enters an unusual app ( le Spotify app courtesy of the Godcha ) then puts on a playlist as he takes a stroll along beacons school grounds then he finds himself staring at the moon and stars only to hear some footsteps approaching " I never thought you'd be the type of person to stargaze mr.Starkfire " Kira simply replied with " gotta find something to do interesting at night watch " Kira then left back to finally sleep many snores could be herd from multiple students quickly kira switched up his playlist to a zen meditation playlist to help him sleep he also puts on his green sleeping mask

Kira then woke up he looked around and found others also waking up he quickly went and changed ( his outfit is the same as tengens in demon slayer including the armbands ) he then went into the cafeteria and ate some breakfast afterwards he then checked the weapons he would be bringing into the exam a trench gun with an axe there was a magazine for the ammo , a desert eagle with an extended barrel ( think peacemakers gun from the suicide squad ) and lastly a machete

Many people passed by him during his check on his weapons many understood what he was doing and in fact followed his example checking there own weapons others didn't then came the call for everyone to head to the exam site once ozpin finished his explanation and Kira watched as each person got flung some more unexpected than others causing a mischievous grin to appear on kiras face then Kira got flung and once he landed he quickly put on a playlist and began to hum along with the song as he wandered through the forest

( made in heaven)

A Beowulf quickly approached kira jumping at him only to get its head completely blasted off by the trench gun then its entire pack came to avenge the first Beowulf while Kira began to sing out loud " it was Made in heaven …when sunny weather appears through the clouds …. I wish it could last for eva " as he quickly blasted 2 more of the Beowulf's then when one tried to sneak attack kira it was met with the axe head of the gun the last one then leaped at him kira simply grabbed it with his bear hands then sung along with the finishing lyrics of the song " yes it was meant to be written in the stars" kiras hand then began to glow the Beowulf struggling to kill or escape then came


A firework like explosion happened the Beowulf in the middle of the blast was completely gone not a trace of it was left kira then moved on through the forest he then herd screams he found a duo a boy a girl the girl was wielding a large rectangular shield and a broad sword the boy was using a silenced rifle and a Beowulf was jumping at the boy without him noticing Kira brought out his elongated pistol and shot the bullet immediately disintegrated the Beowulf's head once the duo realized what had happened they turned and found Kira with a smoking gun " keep your guard up at all times " he then left the duo at that

He continued his slayings until he reached the ruins that held the chess pieces he decided to take one the take a nap as he was getting quite ''tired'' certainly not cause of laziness no sir he put on his sleeping mask then closed his eyes only to wake up to the sound of shouting he was having a nice dream and now he was VERY RUDELY awoken those in the group felt unpleasant shivers run through there entire being Blake immediately sensed Kira approach and saw his grumpy face Blake didn't care for the Grimm incoming for she knew better yang too could feel it in her bones after all she was the one to shout loud enough for Kira to wake up

Kira didn't pay attention to the group but simply glanced over them before his eyes landed onto the large deathstalker so he simply walked towards it " what's he doing is he trying to kill himself " said jaune kira sharply turned around to jaune who quickly shut up then Kira turned back to the death stalker then he spoke " you blondie 1-4 pick one " yang being put on the spot quickly spoke " 2" Kira then frowned " pick again that's to boring " yang raised her eyebrow at this " then 4" Kira then gained a wild smile " winner winner chicken dinner " Kira then got into a boxing position and then…..




Was the sound of the deathstalkers face getting caved in by numerous blows done by a seemingly emotionless kira and as the deathstalker turned to dust kira then shivered and released a relaxed sigh he then turned back to the group his eyes seemingly had gained emotion back to them " now then who's ready to head back and leave this forest " Kira not waiting turned back around and left back towards the cliff yang then went up to Blake " is he always like that " she asked Blake then was reminded of the past and simply responded with " yeah …. He is " Blake then quickly followed kira as everyone else began to follow as well




The sound of a large nevermore was cut off many people looked up and found the nevermores head had completely disappeared the culprit was of course kira who simply expanded yeoui to completely remove the nevermores head ' was there anything else that I'm nearly forgot ' Kira says contemplating he had nearly forgot to get rid of the stupid bird he had already arrived back on the cliffs and told everyone he had forgot something so they had left him

Kira was very bored while waiting for his name to be called during the ceremony then ozpin spoke " Ruby rose , Weiss schnee , yang xiao long , Blake belladona and Kira starkfire as team RWBYS with ruby rose as the leader they be the first five man team in beacons history congratulations " Kira had a light smile on his face this was the beginning of their adventure at beacon academy

Hope you enjoyed cya all next chap:)

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