
Secret ~ Secret and the Hydra-Quinjet!

Chapter 45 Secret ~ Secret and the Hydra-Quinjet!

POV Isamu

A few minutes after the release of the gas, the laughter around the entire forest began to gradually subside until eventually the entire forest fell completely silent and the thick gas began to dissipate.

Thus closing the curtain on my chaotic adventure in this forest and putting an end to the heroes' hopes of catching me.

"Level Completed!" I exclaimed happily, raising my fists in the air and looking at Kamui Woods who was lying unconscious on the ground with foam coming out of his mouth and seeping through the openings in his mask while his pant are now embarrassingly soaked.

He will be unconscious for at least a few hours along with all those who inhaled the gas... A gas that was developed in the depths of Hydra's laboratories.

Chaotic Laughing Gas!

It is a powerful non-lethal gas created by me for the purpose of neutralizing large crowds over a wide area. Once the gas is inhaled, those affected will laugh uncontrollably, thus losing control of their Quirk and leaving them defenseless until eventually, those affected collapse from the gas.

I'm pretty sure a lot of people wet their pants and with the many hidden cameras around the forest I'll get a lot of blackmail material.

The Joker would surely be very proud of me.

However, the production of this curious gas was not easy or cheap. My entire supply of Chaotic Laughing Gas was just spent on this move, so it will take me a while to resupply… But the result was completely worth it.

At that moment, Twice who was not affected by the gas regains consciousness and gets up from the ground in a bit of a daze rubbing his head before inspecting the strange frog-shaped gas mask covering his face.

"I'm sorry! I am so sorry!" Twice exclaims realizing what had happened while he was unconscious. "You should have abandoned me and immediately activated the gas." Twice whispers, squeezing the gas mask covering his face with his trembling hand and visibly confused. "But, you came back for me and protected me from the fearsome gas, endangering your plans and now because of me you are injured." Twice says clenching his trembling fists and blaming himself before being interrupted by me.

"Do not be dramatic." I say, waving my hand dismissively before pulling a couple of Band-Aids out of my backpack and placing them on my knees. "I only have a few minor scratches, it's nothing I can't handle and you would have done the same in my place… After all, we are friends." I whisper with a slight smile watching him shudder with emotion at my words.

"You're right! We are friends!" Twice exclaims happily, nodding fervently as his devotion to me grows more and more. Unbeknownst to Twice, he is without a doubt, one of Hydra's most dangerous and deadly assets... An unstoppable one-man army whose loyalty to me is unwavering.

The power of friendship is real! Hah!

"Rover~ You can go out now." I hum, balancing on myself and looking at the enormous dome in the distance. Immediately after, Rover charges through the Dome unfazed causing the dome to collapse right behind him before heading towards me waving his tail happily while shrinking to the size of a puppy.

Rover needs to rest, after all, he's still just a puppy and I don't want to force him to continue trying harder, it must have been exhausting for him to maintain his titanic form all this time. "Really, you are a good boy." I huff picking up my puppy off the floor and placing him on top of my head before he curls up and yawns.

"Oh no! Don't worry I can carry you on my shoulders!" Twice exclaims pointing at himself determinedly before starting to warm up. Does he think Rover is my only escape plan? what innocence

"That… that won't be necessary." I whisper slyly shaking my head and pressing a few buttons on my watch causing a small holographic screen to appear in front of me confirming my suspicions. We've been watched for minutes by someone who wasn't invited to this party.

At this, I point my finger at the sky accusingly in a specific direction. "I know you're there, stalker! My radar never fails!" I exclaim and almost instantly receive a radio transmission using Hydra's scrambled frequency.

"I'm not a stalker!" A young feminine voice exclaims defensively through my comlink… She shouldn't be here. "I'm just making sure you don't accidentally kill yourself or blow up the moon for fun… You know, the normal things older sisters do." My self-proclaimed older sister says sarcastically before laughing lightly.

Then, after deactivating the advanced cloaking system, a majestic aircraft with the symbol of Hydra becomes visible in the sky right where my finger is pointing before the aircraft starts to descend and subsequently lands a few meters from me.

The Hydra-Quinjet has landed!


It is a technologically advanced Hydra jet often used as a means of transportation for long distances, possessing unique flight capabilities thanks to its wings containing ducted fans.

The Hydra Quinjet is capable of reaching high speeds, as well as performing turns in very confined spaces and performing various maneuvers in a short time, due to its angling capabilities and adjustable wings. In addition, the Hydra Quinjet has a wide variety of weapons and camouflage technology, allowing it to remain undetected.

Immediately after the Hydra Quinjet landed, we all quickly boarded it and subsequently closed the hatches before I removed my gas mask and headed for the cockpit as Twice and Rover now rest in the back.

As I approached the cockpit I put my gas mask in my backpack and proceeded to lightly shake off the dust covering my clothes and hair before opening the door that separates the cockpit from the rest of the aircraft and entering the cockpit.

In the pilot's seat and holding the controls is my self-proclaimed older sister with a small nervous smile on her face…Melissa Shield!

"Does your dad know you're here? Nee~chan." I hum cheekily, watching Melissa tense at my question as I jump into the co-pilot seat next to her. "Something to say?" I ask innocently fastening my seatbelt and raising an eyebrow at her who just bites her lip nervously.

David would never allow his daughter to put herself in danger like this. So Melissa brazenly stole the Hydra Quinjet from one of I-Island's secret hangars and flew undetected to my location.

I'm not surprised at all, after all, she along with her father was involved in the development of the Hydra Quinjet using my blueprints and ideas as inspiration. I should be angry at her recklessness, but what's done is done.

"If your father finds out you're here, he'll blame me for corrupting his daughter and try to strangle me... again." I huff resting my chin on my clasped hands causing her eyes to glisten slightly before a sly smile spreads across her face.

"That's why it'll be our little…" She says leaning towards me a bit before placing a finger to her lips. "…Secret." She spells slowly and winks at me along with a knowing smile.

"I find no fault with your logic." I hum, sticking my tongue out mockingly at her before pressing a few buttons and taking control of the Hydra Quinjet, whereupon we begin to slowly rise into the air.


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David will most likely learn of the Hydra Quinjet's presence. However, it will be impossible for him to determine the identity of the pilot or even determine if it is the work of the autopilot developed by me.

At that moment, as we slowly rose into the air, we both saw a strange figure emerging from the bushes, drawing our attention. So, I zoom in with the help of the Hydra Quinjet's advanced front camera, playing the image on the main screen causing Melissa's face to flush a bit and a small evil smile to spread across my face.

"Wait! Do not run away!" Bubble Girl exclaims after emerging from the bushes completely naked except for her transparent mask with an air filter on each side covering her face. Immediately after, she limps a few steps before reaching forward with her hands and firing many stink bubbles harmlessly into the Hydra Quinjet's armored deck.

It seems there are still heroes desperately trying to capture me, though possibly she's more interested in kicking my ass after the things that happened to her in the forest. Now that I think about it, maybe I went a bit too far with some of my traps hehe.

Then once we're out of range of her bubbles, Bubble Girl stops her attack and falls to her knees gasping as beads of sweat slide down her exotic blue skin between her breasts, abdomen, and legs.

"Child Emperor!" She exclaims at the top of her lungs defiantly. Unfortunately, I don't have time right now to play with her… So I'll schedule our play date for another time.

"Why is she naked?" Melissa asks in confusion before leaning in a bit and looking closely at me accusingly. "Something to say?" she asks mockingly raising an eyebrow in my direction causing a shitty grin to spread across my face.

Did she just imitate me? Hah! We can both play the same game Nee~Chan!

"That's because it's a…" I say leaning into her a bit until I'm practically inches from her face before cheekily placing my finger to my lips. "…Secret." I spell slowly with a knowing smile as I wink at her.

"Don't evade my question, you little rascal." She huffs, crossing her arms and starting to mutter something about me being an incorrigible brat.

"Enough talk!" I exclaim excitedly placing my small hands on a red lever in front of me causing Melissa's eyes to widen. "To infinity and beyond!" I exclaim happily as I push the stick hard forward, causing the Hydra Quinjet to shoot itself at top speed through the clouds and beyond.

"Next stop! Musutafu!" I exclaim with a sharky grin, holding the controls and steadying the Hydra Quinjet before activating the advanced cloaking system.

"Things are crazy everywhere... I hope Uncle All Might is okay." Melissa whispers before looking at me and biting her lip slightly. "Are you worried about your mother and brother?" Melissa asks quietly causing my body to tense for a split second before I squeeze the flight control hard and pick up speed.

Mom… I mean… Inko will be fine, the security protocol around her will prevent her from being in danger. However, Izuku… I'm sure he would find a way to recklessly hurt himself or break his arms, he is Izuku after all.

Either way, my brother is with Toga who is quite capable of protecting him without her abandoning her role of impersonating me while some Hydra agents watch over him, hiding in the shadows. So in the grand scheme of things, I'm not worried.

"No... I'm not worried." I quickly respond by looking away.

"You're a liar." Melissa whispers with a slight smile before ruffling my hair as I just remain silent and increase speed even more.


POV Third Person

Minutes later.

"Child Emperor has escaped." David Shield snorts, watching the sky as some police officers wearing gas masks head back into the woods to retrieve the unconscious bodies of all the people affected by the gas.

"Sir, all the heroes capable of fighting are being dispatched to the worst-affected cities as per your orders, while non-essential personnel is assisting with the recovery of the gas-affected heroes and policemen." says a police lieutenant, reading a report right in front of David.

"However, the defection rate has increased in the last few minutes." The Lieutenant stutters a bit, crumpling the report in his hands. "What are the new orders?" He asks as some officers gather around them to listen to the answer.

"Prepare for the consequences."

And this is how this chaotic and disastrous operation ended.


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In the Next Chapters...

Chapter 46 Under Siege!

Chapter 47 Megalovania

Chapter 48 Abracadabra!

Chapter 49 Abracadabra! Part 2!

Chapter 50 Tokyo Tower has fallen!

Chapter 51 Hail Hydra

Enlist now!


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