
My brutal system

Eshi was a prisoner who had lost his memory and don't know why he was there but one things that always fascinated was freedom. Freedom from all his suffering. He just wanted to life as he wanted and only think that was able to help him was Power but for as a prisoner he doesn't know how to achieve it, but one day trying to find something to sell in the dump yard, he came across a unknown package and after finding what was inside it his life changed. It's said that destiny have already written you just work towards achieving it. story is set in this brutal world where nobody is safe from the ultimate truth DEATH.

Spectra00 · Fantasy
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13 Chs


Reaching the camp outside the city was filled with soldiers that were busy bring the dead bodies of the people to find if there was any who have their relatives on another planet. On their faces the clear disgust and uncomfortableness could be seen clearly as some time they have to carry body parts to see if the are related to some of the corpses they have already brought.

Eshi looking his surroundings was just imagining what was going in the minds of these dead people as they were seeing people around them just getting torn into pieces. He was just thank full that he got teleported after the attack was ended.

He still doesn't had any ideas who these ausra were and why they just massacred a whole city. Eshi was being escorted by the soldiers that found him. He lied to them that he some how survived the who incident,as they were escorting him to the temporary shelter outside the city they tried to ask him what had happened and if his parents survived as Eshi was only twenty but Eshi just said them that his memories were a blury and didn't remember anything as for his parents he did not know if they survived as he also doesn't have a memory of them and only know his name was Eshi. He said to them acting that that he in immense pain as it hurts to think about the accident, Eshi still had all his injuries from the cave escape and his head was badly hurt which was visible as the blood had already dried up not letting any more blood to come out. They stopped asking questions and were escorting him to the temporary medical bay.

Upon reaching the front of the medical bay which was just a camp the soldier called the doctor inside the they have brought someone injured a female sound was heard from inside to send him in. The soldiers asked Eshi to go inside and told him to relax as everything was ok because of all that was happening Eshi was very cautious and was on edge the soldiers noticing him thought that it was due to the lose of his memory that he didn't even trust the military of his own kingdom.

Eshi upon entering the tent saw the doctor he got flustered as he had never seen someone that beautiful in his entire life as he was in the prison as long as he remembered. The doctor had a very beautiful face with pink hair that reached her shoulder and a very well defined curvy body with right amount of fat where needed. She was wearing a white lab coat and under it wore a tight red dress with deep neck the dress reached only to her thies reveling her beautiful long legs.

"well, well.. Hello there lucky one, my name is Dr. Zenith and yours" Zenith asked in very cheerful manner with a smile on her face.

"Eshi.." he replied

"oo..i see not a talkative type huh!"Zenith said." so lets see hmm... Looks like injury on head and some bruise here and there... But that all" Zenith said finishing here examination.

Then Zenith asked Eshi to lay down on an recliner chair and place her hand on Eshi's head upon seeing Eshi's discomfort on his face.

"chill champ. I am a level 4 chakra master of Anahata and had obtained a healing chakar, I am the best in my field so, now relax and let me do my work" Zenith said to Eshi.

Zenith body started emitting a green aura. then from her hand green aura started to travel inside Eshi's wound and started to heal the injured parts of his head Eshi felt a warm feeling in his body.

"well.. Here you go as good as new" Zenith said "just have a good nap and you will he all good and now don't wait for the night, if you forgot there is 72 hours time system on this planet, so just go with the soldiers and they will lead you to the resting area" Zenith informed Eshi as she called for the soldiers as the treatment had completed.

The planet Eshi was right now was a C rank planet which had a perfect environment green plants and red soil. As Eshi left the medical bay thanking the doctor for the treatment he meet with the soldiers that were standing outside the tent. They asked Eshi to follow them as they lead him to the resting area.

As the soldiers left he slammed himself on a clean bed as it was the first time in his entire life that he had a clean bed to sleep on as in the prison he was used to sleep on the floor along with fifty other people crammed in a single hall like cell.

"thank god that worked maybe my luck is not that bad as I thought" Eshi said laughing inside.

Eshi then again open his information panel to see if there was any quest to do as it would definitely help him if he ever found himself present on a planet that was being attacked by those asura creatures. Only to find there was Infact two quest and out of there one was red in color. As Eshi see quest he was shocked to read what the actual content were as he had no idea what they meant.


1. Become stronger before the wall blocking the gates of hell opened.

Reward - one wish (wish could be ANYTHING)

Failure - being burnt in the eternal flames of HELL


"WHAT.....the actual fuck.." Eshi shouted in disbelief waking up the sleeping soldier next to him "Sorry" Eshi apologize to the soldier who had a look on the face that he will kill him right now.

'the hell is this quest' Eshi thought 'become stronger..... Flames of hell.. What the fuck is this' Eshi just could not believe what he was seeing right now.

Without knowing what to do about the quest he just moved on the next quest.


2. Become stronger daily quest- do 100 pushups, 100 situps, 100 chinups and run 10 km ( Reset after ever 24 hours)

Reward - four available points.

Failure - amount of tasks will be transferred to next day.

" Hmm four Stat points daily that will definitely come in handy... That's amazing" Eshi said with a huge smile on this face.

"haha... Let's get some sleep now, I don't even know when was the last time I got a full night sleep" Eshi said.

Late night as Eshi was sleeping unaware of his surroundings someone entire the tent of the resting area and then slowly moving towards the bed where Eshi was sleeping.

"hmm... So you don't remember anything hah.." a Soldier said and throw a cloth covering Eshi face as Eshi tried to stand up due to the sudden change in event but before Eshi could do anything or remove the cloth from his face the soldier grab him in a arm lock and squeezing him so hard. Eshi tried to resist but soon he felt his consciousness fading and he soon fell unconscious.

"Take him to the investigation room , Lieutenant Roger will be there in fifteen minutes. Let's see who is he and why did he lied about losing his memory. Dr. Zenith reported that he didn't have any severe injuries on his head which may result in loss of memories "the soldier said.


" hah.. Ha..hah..WTF, where am I who the fuck was he " Eshi shouted like a crazy person.

" GOOD morning sleep head, how was your night " Man said sitting on a chair in front of Eshi.

" what the fuck man, who are you and why I am been tied up" Eshi said while trying to move.

"Now relex I just want to ask some questions to you and you are going to answer it truthful." the man said

"I already told that I don't re..." before Eshi could even complete his sentence he felt a strong jab on his face from his right and he fell on the ground.

"... auk.." As Eshi tried to curse he could not make the words come out from his mouth as his jaw was completely dislocated and blood was coming out as the pain could be seen on Eshi's face.

"Now..Now.. Don't be like that soldier now how am I going ask my questions" the man said.

"I am sorry lieutenant" the soldier apologised as he hold the chair and make Eshi sit straight "plz heal him" he said to female soldier who was standing on the opposite side. The female holding Eshi's jaw healed it as if it was never dislocated.

"So, let us continue, so first why did you lie about your memory loss" lieutenant questioned

".." Eshi didn't said anything as he thought if he say anything he is going to be punched again

"second Are you a spy" he asked

"No" Eshi replied

"hmm so why doesn't there is any report of a person named as Eshi ever registered in the city's register book.

".. "Eshi agin didn't replied

" you know not answering will just make you look bad "lieutenant said looking at the soldier standing beside Eshi as the soldier holded Eshi's Collar.

" i lived in the dump yard "Eshi shouted.

" Dump yard, what do you mean by that" asked lieutenant.

"i don't know about the spy thing or anything thing else I just used to lived in the dump yard" Eshi answerd.

"hmm.. Lets see, bring that in" the lieutenant said and then a man came with a crystal looking device in his hand placing the crystal in front of Eshi on the table.

"untie him.. And place your hand on the crystal" the lieutenant ordered.

Eshi did as told and placed his hand on the crystal.

"Now tell me are you a spy" lieutenant asked

"No" there was no reaction.

"Hmmm. Ok do you live in the dumpsters" lieutenant again asked.

"yes" there was no reaction.

"HAHAHA... ok and for the final question do you have anything to do with the asuras" the lieutenant asked in a serious tone.

".. No.." there was no reaction.

"HAHAHA.. well looks like you were telling the truth, you see in front of you is a lie detector if you lied it would show the red color. But it didn't so you are safe" the lieutenant said.

"Sorry about that but you have to understand we have to take precautions because of the ausras massacre on this planet.

".. "Eshi didn't said anything.

" so now what to do. Are you going to live in your dump yard OR you want to go to the academy of warriors" the lieutenant asked.

"you see all youngsters your age are supposed to attend the academy but you were not registered as a citizen so that does not apply on you" the lieutenant said "as for our mistake we are willing to let you go as if we never met.

" But if we register you you can go to the academy, I cannot say the life would be much easy as a student but still you will get proper meal three times a day. "the lieutenant informed.

" so what do you say " Eshi looked at the lieutenant face who was waiting for the answer.

" Fuck my life "Eshi cursed.


Thank you for reading the character the chapter i hoped you liked it

Next chapter will be coming tomorrow.

Again thank you for reading the chapter.