
My brutal system

Eshi was a prisoner who had lost his memory and don't know why he was there but one things that always fascinated was freedom. Freedom from all his suffering. He just wanted to life as he wanted and only think that was able to help him was Power but for as a prisoner he doesn't know how to achieve it, but one day trying to find something to sell in the dump yard, he came across a unknown package and after finding what was inside it his life changed. It's said that destiny have already written you just work towards achieving it. story is set in this brutal world where nobody is safe from the ultimate truth DEATH.

Spectra00 · Fantasy
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13 Chs


"Hungry... Hunger....." sounds saying these word inside the head. "kill... Eat... Become stronger" someone continously saying these words inside my head "Eshi talking to the old man.

"Well i don't know what that actually meant.. I never heard anyone other than you saying these words" the old man said to Eshi "maybe is it some kind of trauma due to what happened to you in the mountains" the old man said to Eshi who was deep in his own thoughts.

"maybe you are right old man" Eshi said to the old man as he got ready to leave the temple. As he was leaving the temple he thought how much things have changed in few days. Base Nova got badly damaged due to the attack, commander Mathew died fighting the mysterious Dave person and the strange sounds I am hearing in my head after I killed that snow beast.

"Remember that kid there always a meaning behind every thing that happen in this world" The old man said to Eshi standing at the entrance of the temple as he came to drop Eshi.

Eshi just smiled and said his goodbyes to his old friend and left. After the incident many of the soldier were assigned to protect the village as they weren't sure if the mysterious group had left the planet or they would attack again. Eshi was one of the people that were assigned to the village as only two weeks are left until his academic life start. He doesn't know what to expect from the school as he never went in any yet but one thing he was sure that he can finally be free from his military services and become one step closer to his dream of freedom.

Eshi soon get to his room as he had to change his uniform because today is his time for night duty. As he left his room he suddenly held his head as he again heard that 'kill... Eat... Get stronger' quote again.

"F*uking hell.. It is getting more and more frequent day by day" said Eshi to himself.

As he reached the west gate that was located just under the mountain his urge for killing increased. "what's happening to me" Eshi said gripping his stomach. "hun..gry.."as Eshi utter these words he felt his consciousness fading. As he opened his eye's they started glowing purple .

Then all of a sudden he started to run and entered the forest. He soon spotted a snow bull eating leaves of a tree" I.. Am.. Hungery" Eshi shouted and then strike the neck of the beast.


You killed a snow bull. (+1) point given.

Gluttony skill used (+1)strength increased.

Small beast crystal stored in an inventory.

Your hunger increased


Eshi suddenly came back to his senses "wait, where am I" Eshi looked around in confusion. He then looked at the notifications. "What the hell, what this all about increasing hunger" Eshi said.

Eshi then standing up started to search for a way back but as he looked around he saw ten or so snow bulls come his way as they saw Eshi they started to run towards him "Fuuuck" Eshi ran shouting but before he could reach anywhere safe the bulls attack him he flew few meters above the ground but before he could slam on the ground another bulls struck his head and he again flew few metres above.

"FUUCK" Eshi shouted as he saw his HP going down fast. As his HP got low then 20. Then said a notification came.


Hunger of Gluttony forceful activated. Your hunger grows imencely, all stats had increased temporarily.

"aaaaaaah" Eshi shouted as he eyes started to glow. Mist coming out of his mouth due to cold. "Fuck u all" Eshi said and soon attack one of the beast the beast dropped dead. Eshi then moved to other beast but as he aimed to the neck the beast moved his head and he strucked beast in between his eyes but due to the doubled strength as his fist touched the beast both his eyes bluged out of their sockets and the beast died.

Eshi continued to kill the snow beast's but the number never decreased but as the time passes more and more beast came. The continued voices of notification just heard in his head but as he strike the next beast the new notification came.


Your hunger satisfied. Hunger of Gluttony deactivated.


As these notification came his eyes stopped glowing and Eshi soon felt as his body was about to break due to the exhaustion of using such a powerful skill and he also felt some of his bones were broken but due to the strange power the pain just got superseded due to his extended adrenaline but now that it has ended all the pain he felt become real.

"fuck.. I have to run" Eshi said and he started to run as he put all his stat points in agility and due to high agility he run with a great speed. Running he was looking everywhere to find a place to hide as even with increase speed the beasts were closing up fast. He soon spotted a cave. Without thinking much he started to run to the cave.when he saw the cave it was going down into the planet filled with darkness.

"Don't have a choice now" Eshi without thinking much just entered the cave he heard some of the beast trying to enter the cave to avoid confronting them he moved more deep inside as he walked aimless in the void of darkness he soon saw a light coming from the other side. As Eshi entered the light he found himself in huge cave that had a huge opening above and moon light was lit the whole cave and In the centre there was a single alter on which a hand like statue was holding a crystal that was dark in colour.

"what's that" Eshi said walking towards the alter as he reached the alter he saw the crystal for a few minutes thinking about what to do as the last time he found a crystal. As he looked at the alter strange world were written on it.

" ᤂℌ໔ℜ؏ৡ"

As he see these word he used his inspect skills.

Lost language of " DUCKENS "

Eshi reading these words have just had one question in his mind who were these DUCKENS.

The more Eshi looked the crystal the more he got attracted to it and the Eshi just picked the crystal from the hand statue. As Eshi touched the crystal it cracked and then shattered in thousand piece as these pieces floated in the air they all interned inside Eshi body. Eshi felt a burning feeling inside and soon a notification came.


Congratulations you have obtained the crystal of BLACK FLAMES

New abilities unlocked


Black fire ball - A black fire ball cane be created by using chakra energy


Black mist - user can change his body in black mist.


Black flames shield - a black fire shield can be created to block attack usage of chakra energy depends on situation.


Extra skill

Fire of Gluttony - can increase the rate of consumption. Use depends on situation. No chakra needed.

More skill can be learned as the mastery over balck flames increase.


"Did I just learn a fire ability" Eshi said with the biggest smile on his face.

As he saw the moon light coming from the opening above. The realisation struck him about his night.

"shit now how do I get out" Eshi said panicking.


Eshi current status

NAME -??? (ESHI)

RACE - Half Human

XP - 23/400







NATURE - selfish

AVAILABLE Points - 6


Thank you for reading today's chapter I just hope you are liking the story till now.

Plz if you all fell any problem plz tell me I. The comments.

So thank you again and see you all tomorrow