
My Brother Pulled Me Into Another World

Takeda Ryuji is a single 35-year-old workaholic manager of a Japanese conglomerate. Both brothers were otakus, Takehiko loved magic and elven stuff while Ryuji loved transmigration, rebirth and Isekai type of stories. Sadly, his brother passed away due to liver cancer which left Ryuji devastated. He cherished the hobby that he and his brother loved, to honor his brother's memory. On the sixth anniversary of his brother’s death, he was called by his boss to cover for another manager to finish an important project for the companyof their office even though it was his day off. He finished his work not until late at night. Ryuji finished his day by drinking beer to drown in sorrow and grief as he remembered the day his brother died like it happened barely hours ago. However, next thing he knew waking up was finding himself in a white room with two cosplayers. “A scholar and a warrior out of nowhere? Am I really dead?” Ryuji knew that his world view will be shattered forever. “Your heart went into an overdrive.” The warrior spoke in a straight face. That was the day that Takeda Ryuji died of heart attack and woke up in the Divine Realm’s reception area. ****************************** After his rebirth as the black-haired elf of prophecy, the elf child named Takeda Takehiko was praying in front of a pair of statues. “Mama Sefie-sama, can you bring my brother here when he dies?” The black-haired elven child looked at the Goddess of forest with twinkling eyes. “Hubby, do what our adopted child says!!!” The woman watching from their TV, turned to his husband wearing a dashing black suit with floral necktie. “I am on it.” Hades subtly smiled. He immediately called using his smartphone. “Yubis, send over Takeda Ryuji here.” “What?” The jackal god asked. “My adopted son wants to.” Hades replied “You know we can’t do that!” The jackal god retorted “Would you like your sis-in-law do it instead?” Hades countered “Oh! I am on it! In fact, Bishamonten said he will arrive in five minutes! I will be busy in accepting him, tell that to sis-in-law! Bye!!” The jackal god Yubis replied with delay. He was scared witless by the angry Goddess of Harvest. “Wifey!!! He will be over within five minutes!” Hades smiled “Hubby you are the best!” Sefie hugged his overbearing CEO god. ****************************** Brotherly reunion in another world, god migration, scandalous heavens, world building and a multitude of migrant souls. This is my first novel as an amateur writer. Suggestions are accepted. This was meant to be a light fantasy novel for a regular corporate worker like me. *edited the synopsis of MC's death.

Poisontail · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
94 Chs

First Hunt

The next day, Ryuji woke up refreshed though hungry. He stood up thinking about what he can do with his newly acquired familiar. He was contemplating about moving to another location since none of the things here in Beginning Springs seemed to be useful aside from bugs. Pyun-pyun reacted with to its master's movement.

"It's better to move away from here since there is nothing to eat." Ryuji spoke to the slime. The slime jiggled to reply. It is as if saying, 'whatever you wish, master'. His party consists of a low-level goblin and a low-level slime. Staying here would mean nothing because he could not eat anything but bugs, fruits, and berries. However, if left early at this point, he is not adequate to deal with whatever is lurking outside. Food wise, weapons wise and shelter wise, he is not yet ready to set out even if he has Pyun-Pyun at his side. "Maybe give it a few more days perhaps. For now, I'll need weapons."

He ventured out the cave with the slime in tow. He would check further west because he heard some animal noises from that direction last time. If it's alone, maybe he could take it with <Earth Bullet> or <Aqua Shot>. It would be much better if the gods provided him some weapon or so. This is worse than the games he used to play. In RPG games you at least have some beginner weapons.

They walked for about an hour, he was marking some trees with his ugly green fingers so that he will know where to get back. He used <Heightened Senses> to feel his surroundings. The skill is pretty useful but only to a certain radius. He tried increasing the radius of the radius of the skill by eating tons of moths he could find, but nothing happened. He managed to pick up a sturdy branch along the way.

After another hour he heard a rustling noise nearby. Ryuji ordered Pyun-pyun to lure it out. The slime obliged and went to the source of the noise. He steeled himself to be prepared for whatever comes out. After all his hunger is getting the best of him. He tightened his grip on the branch that resembled more as a club as more noises coming his way.

Pyun-pyun was bouncing wildly back from the bushes. A nasty looking critter was chasing the slime. The familiar's instinct is to run back to its master. The critter looked like a rabbit but has some canine fangs which looked very sinister like a rabid dog.

Ryuji got startled but he was able to shout "Pyun, come here!"

The ugly looking rabbit who was chasing the slime stopped to look at the unfamiliar noise. It looked to the green creature who called the slime. It sensed that the creature is quite strong based on the power it exudes and seemed to be sizing up this ugly green monster. It inched cautiously back instead.

Ryuji sensed the reluctance of the monster and quickly held his palm on the ground to set an earth wall to enclose the creature like a cage. He called out "earth wall!". However, it seemed instead of a normal earth wall to enclose the creature it, it had spikes coming from the earth taking the critter by surprise. The creature was frantic to escape it tried to avoid such spikes that were coming from the earth. It had underestimated the green goblin but due to its panic, its leg was caught up with one of spikes growing from the earth thus impaling its hind leg. The creature howled a pitiful cry as it was injured.

Seeing the critter was injured, Ryuji quickly ran up and resolved himself. It was his first-time hunting so a creature like this will definitely die if he shows hesitation. This will be his first time killing an animal. He felt pity for the injured creature, but his hunger is more important than his conflicting emotions right now. He tightened his grip on the sturdy branch and bashed the head part of the critter. It was savage and primitive. He had to bash two more times because his first attack was not enough.

"Sorry." Ryuji muttered as he heaved heavily and looked to the battered lifeless animal. Aside from the emotions, his adrenaline is pumping too fast, he was successful, but it was so dangerous that it gave him a fright. He looked around and checked for his familiar. "Did you get hurt?"

Pyun-pyun sensed no further hostility and bounced vigorously back to his master. It seemed a bit smaller than earlier. It jiggled as a response.

Ryuji felt it cute, but he could not help but worry for it. A slime is considered a low-level monster, it would get killed any time but as his first familiar, he could not bear that. The creature might not be speaking but it still comforts him in this strange world. Sensing that the slime survived, an idea came into his mind. This is his chance to use <Heal> skill because he had no chance of doing so for the past few days. He touched the slime and willed to recover to its slightly larger form. A bright white light enveloped the slime, and it grew back to its original size. It seems that slimes HP would manifest to their size if their nucleus were not destroyed in the process.

He turned his attention back to the carcass of the critter and touched the warm body. He used <identify>. The voice resounded again. <Rabivore - edible. Status: dead. A voracious rabbit like creature that eats any creature smaller than its size. It also likes to eat herbs and fruits that has spiritual and magical properties. It reproduces in a fast rate all year round. Usually, they hunt in groups or by families, encountering one would mean there is a group nearby.>

Ryuji broke out in cold sweat hearing the last sentence. It is better to get back to the cave if these hunt in groups. He ordered Pyun-Pyun to use <store> so they could move away from the area quicker.

After storing their first hunt, he heard some rustling sounds nearby with his <heightened sense> skill. It is not good to second guess what it is and instead, they immediately flee the area from once they came from. They need to come up with a better plan to hunt these things tomorrow. There was hope for eating meat!

Getting back to the small cave as their home base. Ryuji picked up some twigs and dry leaves for fire later and have it stored with Pyun-Pyun. He still has a concern on how to eat that rabivore. If worst comes to worst, he will eat it raw which gave him shivers. He still has human mentality of having something palatable to eat and not eat it raw. Either way if he eats it raw, he will rely with his resistances hoping he does not get sick.

Pyun-Pyun let out the carcass which was as large as a baby lamb with its preserved state. He should get a knife soon so he can cut whatever he hunts. Well, he is not in the position to regret whatever situation he is right now. At the back of his mind, he surely missed his life of convenience back on Earth. He missed the comfy bed, food, alcohol, internet, and anything that will make his life comfortable.

He tried to tear off the hind leg with his bare hands. He read goblins in manga has some capability to do it, since he has no sharp objects to use better to tear it apart. He used an amount of force using his hideous green claw like hands and forced the hind leg part. Bones had a resounding crack sound separating the hind leg from the body. It was savage but he had no choice. It was his first meat and would like to have it grilled. He decided against it for now because he might be eating something burnt and no seasoning. He had no confidence of controlling <ignite> yet and would not waste this 'meaty' opportunity. Probably if he hunted some more, he could do it. In the end he decided to eat it raw. He ate half of the meat part and gave the ones he could not eat to Pyun-Pyun.

A voice resounded <learned libido, escape> one after the other, after a few mouthfuls of meat. Then he lit up the makeshift fireplace and rested for tonight.