

I woke up soon and luckily it was the weekend I was planning to go to my bff's house at 4:00. I get up put some black leggings on with a white shirt that goes down to my knees and I walk into the kitchen. I see my little brother playing fortnight on his X-Box. Ugh I hate fortnight it sucks. But anyways I walk to the counter and pick up the cereal bag called TootieFruties. I pour it into a white bowl pour some milk in it. I bring it to my room and start eating. *Ding* I pick up my phone and see that my friend Clarissa texted me. "Hey Stacey I've got something to tell you", "what is it?", "we're coming at 2:00 because we have to do something important for my sister's birthday." "ok tell your sis I said happy b-day!" "ok bye" "bye". As I finish my cereal I get my clothes and stuff and put it in a bag since it's 1:45. At 2:04 I hear *Honk* I get my bag and run outside, I then see Clarissa waving at me in the car. Clarissa was a tall girl with blonde hair and she loved to do sports. I get in the car and the first thing Clarissa said was "YASSSS YOU CAN FINALLY COME TO MY HOUSE!!!", I was like whoa calm down Clarissa your being a little too crazy. When we get to Clarissa's house the first thing I hear was the bark of a dog. When we go in there's this big dog with black and white fur. " Her name is Tina" ,Clarissa bursted out. Clarissa was fun but she sure does talk a lot! That day all me and Clarissa did was play just dance, listen to music talk, and eat. The day went by fast because it is now 10:00. Clarissa showed me to the guest room and where the bathroom was so I could change clothes. When I got out of the bathroom Clarissa was asleep so I just went into the guest room flopped on the bed, played on my phone for a few hours and went to sleep. That night I dreamed of this boy who died from his brother who killed him. It was a dream that seemed very weird at one point it was like he was talking to me he said, "help me help me!!". I didn't think anything of and didn't tell anyone about it. when I got home no one was there so I went in and watched YouTube.

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