
My Boss Is A Werewolf

Two years ago, Vania had fallen from a cliff and then she appreciated a man with a mask and yellow eyes in appreciation. She never found out who her helper was, until one day the company never worked, the arrival of a new boss who even reminded Vania of the masked man who helped her in the forest. Vania thinks that her new boss is a single, but who knows when Vania is alone and meets a small child who suddenly calls her Mommy, that is the child of her new boss. Vania is not married, let alone have children. However, the quote from her new boss who said that her son is her son too, made Vania shocked and at the same time thought that her new boss was a crazy man. Who exactly is Vania's new boss? Is it really the boy that is Vania's son and his new boss?

Irna_Flo · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
21 Chs

Bab 18. The missing Uncle Viston

Vania immediately pushed Tara's body, who hugged her tightly, freeing herself from the support of this handsome and dashing man. He looked up at Tara in disbelief. "What do you mean Mr. Tara?"

Tara looked down, looked back at Vania. "We married so that I could fully protect you. You are special, many of the vampire races are after you. You will not survive unless you bind with me. So I beg you, marry me."

"Pearl of life, isn't that what makes me special?" Vania asked while shaking her head slowly. "What's so special about the pearl? And why is it in me?"

Tara wanted to reach out to Vania, but her hands ended up scraping the air because Vania backed away again. "It happened several hundred years ago, it all started 125 years ago when we first met."

In the end, a sarcastic laugh escaped Vania's lips at Tara's explanation. "How can we meet a few hundred years ago, when I'm only 23 years old. It doesn't make sense, Mr. Tara should make a little sense when he wants to lie."

"You just don't remember it, but it's all true." Tara answered in a low voice, trying to gain Vania's trust even though she knew it would be difficult.

"Is that the only thing that Mr. Tara wants to talk to me about? Then I have to go back to work, I still have a lot of work to do in the pantry. Excuse me," without waiting for permission or an answer from Tara, Vania immediately left Tara's room.

As soon as Vania opened the door, she passed Jessy. Vania nodded politely, before then walked away. At least he wasn't caught being proposed by his own boss in front of Jessy, so he could rest easy when he remembered Gia's warning.

Jessy watched Vania leave with sharp narrowed eyes, a ripple of irritation clearly reflected in her eyes. Jessy opened the door without permission, walking over to Tara who was looking at the city through the large glass in her room.

"Why did the janitor come out of your room?" Jessy asked as she entered, immediately sitting her ass on the sofa in the room. His eyes looked at Tara with a suspicious look, because no answer came out of this boss and his future fiancé.

"Don't meddle in my business, Jessy!" Tara answered as she turned around, looking at Jessy flatly with displeasure. "We're just fiancées, not actual fiancées. Remember I've decided to refuse our engagement, so watch your attitude while I'm kind enough not to fire you from this company."

"God damn it!" Jessy shouted angrily. He stood up, then flipped the table so violently it was thrown and smashed into the wall. Jessy's eyeballs turned yellow, fangs sticking out. "You're only mine, mine Tara."

Tara's eyes also changed, now they were golden yellow. He glared at Jessy sharply, typical of an heir to the throne. "How dare you scream in my face!"

Seeing a shout from Tara, Jessy's mouth immediately went silent. He gasped, not expecting the cold and stiff Tara he knew to raise her voice at him.

It must be all because of the janitor, Jessy thought angrily.

Not without reason Jessy thought that, because the first time he saw the way Tara looked at Vania there was something different. Tara had never seen another woman before, which was why she was always so calm. However, as soon as Tara met Vania, Jessy began to feel a change in Tara's attitude.

"I'm your fiancé-to-be, Tara." Jessy glared again, no thanks, Tara.

Tara crossed her arms over her chest, staring at Jessy scornfully. "Soon you will only be a prospective ex-fiancé, so don't expect much. Now get out of my room, before I call security to evict you forcibly."

Jessy stood up violently, stomped her feet and walked straight out of Tara's room. Jessy was furious, she couldn't accept that Tara treated her badly. However, he could not do much, because indeed the arranged marriage between him and Tara could be canceled one day.

Jessy is a werewolf, he has the honor of saving the wolves from the vampires. In the absence of the crown prince's wife, Jessy was appointed as a potential wife to replace. Unfortunately the crown prince never wanted to accept Jessy, so the relationship between Jessy and Tara continues to float until now.

As usual, Vania does her routine as a janitor. Vania is very diligent, to be more precise, she makes herself diligent so that she can pay for her uncle's medical expenses.

"Looks like you haven't seen your uncle in a long time," Gia came over with a tray in her hand. "How are things now?"

Vania who was washing glasses and plates turned to Gia, she was stunned and silent. If you think about it, it's true, Vania hasn't visited her uncle in a long time.

"I haven't seen him in a long time," Vania replied as she continued her work. "Maybe after work today, I'll make time to see uncle."

"Send greetings to him, okay?" Gia said with a faint smile.


So after work, Vania plans to visit her uncle. Arriving at the hospital, Vania went straight to the room where her uncle was being treated, but when she opened the door, her uncle was nowhere to be seen.

"Uncle?" Vania was shocked when she didn't find her uncle anywhere. "Where's uncle?"

After entering and looking for her uncle, Vania immediately left the room. He stopped a nurse who happened to be passing by, "Suster, my uncle is not in his room. Where is he?"

"Didn't your uncle come out yesterday? You picked him up yourself. What do you do," the nurse replied, shaking her head slowly.

"But yesterday I didn't go to the hospital, how can I pick up uncle? Uncle hasn't recovered either, why should I pick him up?" Vania argued while looking at the nurse not understanding.

"Oh my gosh, you're just being like this. If you want to joke, don't be with me, I still have a lot of work to do." The nurse walked away, leaving Vania who was dumbfounded in disbelief.

"Suster," Vania raised her voice. He wanted to chase after the nurse, but suddenly his steps stopped when he remembered something. "Could it be that someone confessed to me yesterday?"

Vania doesn't know what to do, all she can do now is cry while squatting. Vania covered her face with both palms, hiding her face so as not to be seen by people passing by.

After the crying subsided, Vania stood up and walked away from the Hospital. Vania doesn't know why, the first person she goes to is someone she tries to avoid. When he arrived at the apartment, he looked for that person. As soon as she found her standing in her study, Vania immediately ran and hugged the tall, sturdy body in front of her.

"What's wrong with you?"

"Uncle ... Uncle disappeared, help me Mr. Tara."
