
Chapter Two Hundred and Twenty Eight

Sarah POV

I noticed how George was continuously sulking all day because I did not agree with his idea to abandon everything and cuddle with him inside our room. This is my first time of going on a vacation and I intend to enjoy myself to the fullest but I don't understand why George is trying to make it difficult for me. I was expecting him to understand my excitement but I guess I expected too much from him. I walked towards Ella cause I have been looking for an opportunity to corner her and quiz her about what I noticed this morning.

I saw George talking with Max and I know this is my chance to approach Ella and do my little questioning. Seem like someone is glowing, I muttered when I got close to her. Ella was startled by my sudden appearance cause she is really focused at checking out books on the shelf. Jeez! You startled me, do you have to sneak on me like that? Ella asked holding her chest. Sorry about that but I did not sneak on you, is just that you are really focused at what you are looking at, I said to her.

Yeah there is so much paintings here, I am really glad that I came here, she said. You look so happy, is it because you are in a museum with so much paintings and craft work in it or is there something else that put in such a good mood? I asked looking not interested in the answer she will give me but the truth of the matter is that I am really curious to know what happened this morning to be so flustered this morning. You and I know how much I love Arts and here you are asking if am happy about it, of course am more than happy do you see all this paintings, Ella said looking so excited.

I think I should change my indirect tactics cause it's not working with Ella, I should ask her directly. Ella, I called her. Mmm" she answered and looked at me still smiling. Okay tell me what is going on cause am sure that it's not only because we are inside this library that is why you are this happy, am sure there is more to your happiness, I inquired. Ella laughed out loud, I was confused at the same time angry with her for laughing like that and she is already attracting attention towards us.

Stop laughing like that Ella or have you forgotten that we are inside the library, I cautioned her cause I don't want us to be escorted out of the library, it will be so embarrassing if that happen. Ella gave me that her famous mischievous smile, I thought you will never ask what you want to hear directly, she uttered still smiling. Sh*t how can I forget who I am dealing with, of course she can read me and already know what I want to know but want to play dumb.

Okay since you already know what am curious about, so tell me what happened this morning? I asked her. What else do you expect to happen, we wake up and have breakfast then went back to our room and change for this, she said. Typical Ella always like to play with words. Ella can you stop already, you know exactly what I am asking you, I pointed out to her. She shrugged her shoulder insisting that she don't have any idea of what am talking about. Okay since you want me to spell it out to you, I will do you the honour, I mused.

What happened between you and Max? Cause you look so flustered when you come out from your room, I asked her. Don't you think that your question is too personal, Ella uttered nonchalantly. Since when do we start to set boundaries? I asked her cause I know she will also try to know if am the one in her position now. Am just kidding Sarah don't take it serious, Ella explained. I smiled internally cause I thought that my best friend is about to start keeping things to herself. 

We kissed that's all, Ella answered while smiling from ear to ear. Only kiss? I don't believe that cause from the way Max was smiling from ear to ear, it showed that it's more than a kiss and also George said that Max smile is a smile of a man that is satisfied, I told her. Ella raised her eyebrows at me, Satisfied? Well I guess because this is the first time I am kissing him since this relationship started, Ella answered and move to the next painting. They just kissed nothing else, I mused. I just hope that Ella will see how much Max love her and embrace him without looking back.

Ella am glad that you are giving him a chance to prove his love for you, that is a good growth, I commended her. Well I thought about what you told me yesterday and I realized that I am not being fair to him, I also realize that the only way I can really ascertain his real feelings for me is if I give him a chance to love me wholly, Ella said. I smiled warmly at her cause I can see that my friend feel something for the man but she need sometime to realize her feelings for him.

I bet with time Ella you will be able to be free with him without holding back and believe me you will not regret it cause I can tell by just looking at him how much he love you, I told her to which she nodded and focus on the painting again. I walked back to George and hooked my arm with his, he looked at me trying to act like he is not affected by my presence but I can clearly see through his acting. Babe don't you think you are been so childish about this whole thing, I want to enjoy this vacation can you make sure that I enjoyed it? I requested from him. He have that defeated look on his face, right there I know that I have win once again.