
Chapter Two Hundred and Eighty Five

Third Person POV

Sarah, Josh, Laura and Ella walked into the sitting room but the master of the house is not there. Ella know that her father must be in his study, so she turned to their visitors. Please sit down and make yourselves comfortable, let me get my father, Ella said to them. Sure dear we will make ourselves comfortable go and tell your father that we have arrived, Sarah said to Ella silently daring her to refuse. The two best friends have decided to annoy each other today with Ella starting the feud and Josh and Laura their mother know better not to intervene in their cold fight. Ella stormed out of the sitting room and headed to her father's study while Sarah have that triumphant smile on her face.

Jerry dropped everything he was doing when he heard that his visitors have arrived and walked with his daughter to the sitting room. He rants to meet the woman that became his daughter's second mother, he wants to thank her personally for all these years. He stepped inside the sitting room and saw three people seated on the couch, two ladies and a man. He recognised Sarah cause they were backing him and he assumed the other lady must be the mother and the young man Sarah's younger brother. Hi, it's nice to have..... Jerry can't finish his sentence cause he was stunned at the beauty standing before him, for the first time in his life his heart was beating fast because he saw a woman. Sarah and Ella were baffled by what is going on at the moment and the same goes for Josh who was busy looking from his mother to Ella's father. Could it be that the two of them know each other from somewhere like in the past, Josh whispered cause he is curious to know what is going on.

I don't know, maybe they know each other, we just have to wait and see what their reaction will be because Laura is also stunned to see how handsome Ella's father looks in person, she must say that the photos did no justice to the man. Am sorry for staring at you, just that am shocked I mean you look very young to be the mother of these two grown-ups, Jerry quickly apologized to Sarah's mother when he noticed how stupid he must have looked while in a daze. Mr Williams, there is no need for you to apologise at all, I get that most of the time I guess that is the Beck's of getting married early and giving birth immediately, Laura tried to assure Jerry that she doesn't mind cause she saw how embarrassed the man is feeling now. Laura is grateful that nobody noticed how she is blushing, she knows that her ears must be red now, but she is in for a surprise cause Sarah noticed her mother blush. Sarah can't believe her eyes, no way is her mother blushing cause of what Ella's father said.

From what Ella's father said it only means that this is the first time the both of them are seeing each other, so what's with the shocked faces and long stares, Sarah kept on wondering what is going on. Forgive my manners, my name is Jerry Williams and also address me as Jerry, not Mr Williams, Jerry told her. Sure I can do that and call me Laura, Sarah's mother introduced herself. After the introduction between the two elders Jerry turned to Josh, and you must be the younger brother, he said extending his hand for a handshake. My name is Josh Sir, Josh informed him and accept his handshake. Nice to meet you son and please do make yourselves comfortable see it as your own home, Jerry told them and walked to his favourite seat and sat down. Ella called for their help to come and serve them drinks and the drinks arrived according to everyone's preference.

Once again it's nice to see you guys in person and you guys are no longer just a name, I can now put a face to the name, Jerry told them trying to strike up a conversation with them. Same here, it's nice to see you in person cause you are no longer just a name or a face on the cover of a magazine but you are here in person, Laura said to him. Thank you for coming and also I want to use this opportunity to apologize for the past, I mean I was very mean to your daughter, Jerry apologized. That's okay and as you said, it's in the past and what matters now is that you are trying to amend your mistakes from the past and that is a good step to take in trying to be the better version of yourself, accepting your wrong and trying to right it, is a wonderful thing to do, Laura told Jerry cause she is genuinely happy that he is trying his best to be a better man. Just at that moment one of the helpers walked in and informed them that the table is set. They all stood up and headed to the dining area. They all arrived at the dining area and Jerry pulled out a chair for Laura, what a gentleman, Laura commented while smiling.

I tried to be, Jerry responded and sat down as well at the head of the table beside where Laura is seated. Ella quickly sat beside Sarah cause she need someone to share her observation with and she also wants to know if she is the only one that notice the tension between their parents. Ella has already forgotten about her cold war with Sarah cause right now, the cold war does not matter to her what matters to her is what is developing before them. Josh, on the other hand, was also silently getting the wind of what is going on cause he was busy admiring the house that he almost misses out on this juicy topic.