
Chapter One Hundred and Fifty Five

Third Person POV

Evans sat at his favorite hangout spot while smiling at the phone he held in his hands, he just finished with the guy his friend recommended to him who is a tracker. The guy just informed him that they found Paul who Evans have been looking for a while now. Evans can't believe his ears, so finally he can be free from Anna nagging cause the woman have been so annoying recently to the extend that Evans have to hide whenever he see's her coming. The woman have become a thorn in his flesh since the moment she noticed that her husband Melvin is gradually losing interest in their marriage.

That is why Anna have been relentless, Evans no longer have any peaceful week in his life since the day he met Anna for the first time after the competition and she started blackmailing him with the same thing he used in blackmailing women. Evans chuckles bitterly at that memory and that reminds him of the saying "the hunter is now the hunted" cause that's exactly what is happening to him now. Evans is so happy at least Anna will give him a moment of rest though he is sure there is no way Anna will destroy what she have about him cause that's the only thing she can use to control him. Also that's the way all blackmailers are, he is one so he understand how it works.

Anna believed that finding this Paul and getting the truth from him and punishing the people behind their misfortune will make her husband to be back to his old self. Evans can't waste any time but to call Anna and give her the news. But there is one problem he is facing now he don't have the financial capacity to bring Paul back to the country. That's the main reason you should call Anna and tell her the latest development and the difficulties you are facing now, his inner self reminded him.

Evans quickly dialled Anna which the latter picked on the third ring. Hope you have something positive for me? If it's one of those negative response of yours please keep it to yourself, Anna said the moment she picked the call. Evans cursed her in his mind, this bi*ch should be thankful that she held something over him, if not who the hell is she to have the audacity to talk to him in that manner, Evans fumes in his mind. Yes this is something positive, I found where Paul is, Evans told her while patiently waiting for her reaction cause the woman suddenly became mute.

Yes? Am still waiting for you to continue with what you are saying cause I want to believe that is not the reason you called me, Anna replied sarcastically. Max heaved a deep breathe trying to calm himself down to stop himself from snapping at the woman cause this is the method he adopted for the last few months since he started looking for this Paul, whenever he is with Anna cause the lady is sure to get on his nerves with her mannerism. I don't have the financial muscle to transport him back to this country or to visit him there and interrogate him, Evans decided to tell her the truth.

What else should be expected from a chronic gambler, I wonder what you used all the money you got from your blackmailing business for, oh! I forgot you gambled them away, Anna mocked Evans. At this point Evans is about to explode, he want to smash something especially Anna mouth, all his life he have never been insulted this way. Anyways since you are incapable of transporting him or yourself, I will sponsor the trip but I will go with you to meet him cause I don't trust you to do things the way I want it, Anna said which seem to be fine by Evans so long he is not the one paying he don't mind Anna tagging along.

Anna on the other hand is glad that Evans after so many months was able to find the whereabout of Paul. Cause she believed that finding Paul is the first step to getting her revenge which she believe that she deserve. She don't mind spending money on this her venture so long she will get the desired result at the end of the day. Melvin have stopped paying her attention despite all she did to get his attention but all her efforts prove abortive. All he does is work in his casino, come back home and drink himself to stupor and this his new developed attitude is eating deep at her. His eyes look so empty this days and she is willing to bring back the twinkle in his eyes, no matter what it will cost her or what she have to do to make her husband come back to his old self.

Each time she will come across George and Sarah cause both seemed to be everywhere together, she have to hide cause she don't want to see the mocking smile on their faces and she can't wait to wipe off that smile from their faces cause she strongly believe that those two have something to do with what happened to them. Cause if they did not plan it together, George is expected to break up with her and also fire her but he seemed to be more closer to her. But all this are just her gut telling her things and she don't have any evidence to back it.

Anna headed to her room to start the preparation of going to visit Paul to whatever hole he crawled into. She saw her husband on the bed staring at the ceiling, she decided not to disturb him cause she have more pressing matter to attend to than try to get the attention of a man who is probably suffering from hangover from being drunk yesterday. Melvin in his mind was wondering what his wife is up to this time, he noticed that his wife is in contact with Evans but he don't know what for.