

I was born with a burning ache in my heart.

An untameable pain.

Causing  anguish in my soul, my spirit and in my mind.

Consuming me, like a blazing burning fire.

Chocking me, Suffocating me, Drowning me.

Making me lose my grasp on anything good.

Responsible for my self destruction

Trapping me within a void.

Tearing my sanity apart into million pieces.

Causing pain, pulling me deeper into its abyss.

Making lose myself, my identity to its torture.

But I refuse to loose to this ache, this pain.

I refuse to be buried by the agony it brings.

I am willingly to reach to the surface.

I am willingly to fight for my freedom.

Grasping on to my resurrection.

Like a Phoenix, conquering this ache.

I will rise One Day, taking back My Sanity.

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