

I walk back into class and stop at Mila's desk and puts the box down on her desk "Thank you, I was kinda hungry today and i forgot my lunch" then i bowed. She looks up at me and asks "Would you like me to make you one for tomorrow?"

I smile and make her blush the say "I would love that, And could you eat with me tomorrow,Please?" She nods, so i go and sit down in my seat, and surprisingly i stayed awake for the rest of class and didn't feel tired at all. I passed a note to Mila saying "Can you make me breakfast tomorrow so i can stay awake and learn something for the test?"

Then when i got it back it said "Okay i'll make something just for you" I smile then go back to paying attention to the teacher. The teacher sees me awake and takes advantage of the situation at hand and calles on me "Akinari, Come up and solve number 4 in your book please" she finishes with a smug smile just waiting to send me out of the classroom, but to her surprise i stand up and walk to the board and solve it perfectly then sat back down, the teacher was in a amazed state that she just stares at the board until a student says "Is it right or not?" the teacher clears her throat and says "Correct"

It's the end of the class then the teacher says "We are doing a partner project so you will have a team of two doing a duet for music and i pick the partners… Akinari and...Mila" then she says the rest and then says "That's all, you are dismissed" the we all leave.

I see Mila walking down the sidewalk and I run to catch up with her, i say "Wanna come to my house for the project?" She looks stunned then says "Sure, are we walking?" i look up at her and smile "Nope, i'm waiting for Akira to get the car, oh Akira is my bodyguard by the way"

The car pulls up and i open the door for Mila Before Aakira can even get out the i get in right after her and closed the door after me.

Next chapter