

My body felt numb, my eyes felt so heavy that I couldn't open them. I could hear voices around me. One. No two. No three female voices. Who were they?

Where on earth was I?!

I attempted to open my eyes, but it was to no avail.

What had happened to me?

"She is awake," a beautiful female voice said from a range.

"I am aware. She has been awake for a while now. The drugs must be fulfilling their work, just looking at the dazed state she's in, explains enough." Another female voice replied in a slow slur that irked my ears.

What drugs were they talking about and who the hell were these weirdos?

"What are we going to do now my lady? We barely know who she is and I wonder how she was able to get through the barrier. She's an Arnoviyan and the chances of an Arnoviyan crossing the barrier is hundred percent impossible." Another female voice chipped in.

The air encompassing my frame was quite unfamiliar which resulted in my stomach churning in response.

What did they mean by a barrier?

Where was I though?

My head thumped, the more I tried to open my eyes, the more the pain heightened. I couldn't withstand it anymore, who were they?

I couldn't remember anything, I didn't even know what day it was.

29th of April or is it 10th of November?! What time was it? Morning, afternoon, or evening?


The pain!

The banging!

I couldn't think straight, my breathing seemed too slow with every passing minute, my eyes were giving up on me.

Questions streamed through my mind looking for answers to tally with, but nothing seemed to be reasonable. No answers came through. Nothing seemed right.

One question came blasting out of the blue. The question seemed reasonable enough and it caused the most pain - who am I and what was my name?

Tears trickled down my cheeks unexpectedly, they flowed uncontrollably.

Why was I crying? Was I hurting? Was it due to the effect of the drugs they pumped into my system?

Who am I in this unusual world and what was my mission here?

How did I get here and most especially who sent me here?

I've got to find out.


I lost consciousness.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Crybaby_Threadscreators' thoughts