2 Dessert

Kade smelled blood even before he caught the noisome scent of creatures clustered on the ground floor of a cold and unkempt house. They showed no concern when he walked inside. Another inhalation revealed it was human blood two of them stank of. The other two didn't have that coppery aroma clinging to them, but from the predatory gazes they leveled on Kade, they intended to change that.

"My prisoner went missing from this area recently," Kade said by way of greeting, ignoring the way the creatures began to circle around him. They looked to be in their late teens, and from the energy in their auras, they were teens in undead years as well. "Let's not waste time. Have you seen him?"

"So stupid for you to be out so close to dawn, vampire," the undead sarcastically replied without answering Kade's question. The creature sniggered, revealing his unusual pointed teeth. Kade was getting annoyed.

These creatures thought they had the advantage because of the impending dawn, but dawn would only decrease the strength of a new vampire. Kade concealed his power level to where it would feel like he was only a young vampire, if the ghouls were wise, they'd wonder at Kade's lack of hesitation in confronting them. Then again, if they were wise, they wouldn't have killed his prisoner if they knew who he was. It had only taken Kade an hour to track them down. Such idiocy wasn't only bold disregard for vampire and ghoul law; it also endangered the secrecy of their races.

In another mood, Kade would have killed the shark-toothed ghoul without further conversation, then rounded up the remaining three for personal entertainment later. After all, Kade didn't require their confession to know they had killed his prey. Not with the scent of blood on them.

The four ghouls pulled out their silver knives, smiling in that cruel, anticipatory way, Kade simply stood there. This would get bloody, but he was no stranger to blood. It had been his companion for far longer than these ghouls could even imagine. Kade peeked at the almost sunrise sky, wondering briefly if the sun shone in the afterlife. Before the sun was high, one ghoul would find out.

The ghouls started to attack Kade. But Kade lazily avoided all the knives slashing towards him. "Fools," Kades said. "Is this merely the best you can do?" The ghoul snarled at the insult, and managed hacking a deep line in Kade's thigh as a response. Kade's felt angry, a dark and deadly feeling, seeking to merge with his power to be given form. He forced it back, knowing if he released his control for even an instant, all of the ghouls would die. And they hadn't served their purpose yet.

"Get away from him," someone gasped.

Kade shifted his gaze toward the sound with the same amazement the ghouls showed. Had he been so distracted by his thoughts and this stupid ghouls that a human had actually managed to sneak up on them? The proof stood on the other side of the room.

A female human was holding a shotgun in classic shooting stance pointed at the ghouls clustered around him. She looked scared, eyes were wide her face pale as death, but she held her weapon in an unwavering grip. This was a complication he didn't need. "Leave now human while I'm being merciful," Kade ordered. Her fresh mortal body would be too tempting for the ghouls to resist if she didn't flee at once. And Kade was feeling very thirsty after wasting his time playing with this lowly creatures.

"Well, well,,, Looks like we're having dessert my friends." One ghoul rushed forward but stopped.

A clicking sound indicated the woman's thumbing back the hammer. "I' going to shoot you" she warned.

"All of you, put your weapons down and get away from him. I already called the police. The police are already on the way . . ." Her voice cracked as the ghouls moved away from Kades.

Kade was fully revealed to the woman's gaze, she stared. The man was strikingly handsome he was grinning from ear to ear. The ghouls charged. Kade was elated.

A weak human just showed up and this scene was way interesting. This human has not realized what they were. Is she blind? Kade wondered. Should he stay pretending to be helpless, and let the ghouls kill her? Or should he…

A stabbing sound was heard, bringing back Kade's attention. A sweet fragrant entered his nose. Kade's mind went out of control. In a heartbeat power ripped out of Kade, slamming into the ghouls. He blasted more of his power into the four ghouls. The sudden high-pitched shrieks coming from the ghouls ended as abruptly as their attack on her. Kade strode over to the woman, none of the ghouls could even move.

She was gasping, blood coming from her mouth. And more blood was pouring from her stab wound in the stomach. She look up at him, anguish showing in her expression, followed by a horrified understanding as she realized she was facing a monster. Then Kade fed off her. Relinquishing his thirst. But another thought rose within Kade.

This weak female tried to save him. Just he was about to drain her life the human opened her eyelids. Revealing her pale lifeless brown eyes.

He was mesmerized.
