
Logan is In Love


"aaaaaaah it's so spicy! I need water."

I scream while running I can't take it anymore. It's like i'm eating a fire.

I saw Logan holding a bottle of water so I grabbed it right away and drink it until it's last drop .

It's still spicy! Huhu"


I hug him after he called me



I cried like a kid again in front of him. I can't help it . He's the only one I can cry on . It was ashamed of me if I cry in front of Zach. I can't do that . I like him and I don't want him to see me crying like a monkey.

"Summer what happened?" he asked worriedly so I wipe my tears right away and face him.

"That stupid president let me ate a very spicy food! he's a heartless monster!"

"Lucas Did that ?"

Zach suddenly went inside the classroom and join our conversation. Oh my he's here again . I sniff then wipe my tears right away and answered him

"Yes!He's a monster!" i pouted,

"I don't think Lucas can do that .I know he's a strict one ,but he's really a nice guy when you get to know him."

I just gave him a smile. Even if Zach said that, I still believe that he is a bad guy. Well , Zach is Lucas' best friend so no wonder if that heartless guy treat us differently.

"Summer hello!"

I looked at the person who called me .It was Naomi standing outside the room while waving at me . What is she doing here?

I walk towards her right away.

" what are you doing here ?"

"Nothing ,I just want to invite you on a dinner tonight. Can I borrow your time ? I just want to know you well and also I want to be friends with the girl with no star who ever kick the president's face that makes me amazed and.."

I panicked so I quickly cover her mouth.

"Alright!alright ! I'll go with you so stop doing a poem okay."

oh well I can't do anything . This girl is so talkative so i just say yes to shut her mouth up

"I'll wait for you Okay kekeke"

She finally left . Well that's enough ,i need to cry again. I noticed that Logan froze for a moment so I tap him.

" Logan!" I look at him and he's just standing while Zach who's beside him is busy with his phone.

"Logan? What happen to you ? are you okay ?" I asked him but he didn't answer and he remain silence .I tried to talk to him but he seems to ignored me. Should I just punch him to wake him from his daydream ? I was about to hit him but Logan did it before me and finally he's back to his sense and asked what happen.

"Yo dude ,Are you okay?what happen to you?" Logan and I both stare at him . He was still standing and acting like he was in the middle of nowhere then after a few seconds Logan hold my hand as his eyes is sparkling like what an anime always did when they are requesting for something.

"Summer ,Can you take me to the dinner with you and that pretty girl from earlier?"

Logan raise his right brow while i shouted

"eh?"after he said it. I think Logan seems to like Naomi. Is that what they call love at first sight? oh my The Miss-Good-For-Nothing and my dear friend together. Waaah! what an amazing couple if they will end up together

"what's her name ?" He asked interestingly .

"Her Name is Naomi,Why?"

"Naomi? What a beautiful name .She is the prettiest girl i've ever met!"


My friend is going Crazy now .As I thought ,he really likes Naomi. Zachary Suddenly hold my hand and his face is near at me. It made me a little flushed .Oh my god my feels . I thought he will going to kissed me but It looks he only want to say something to me .Who am I dreaming anyway?

"Come on,Lets leave him like that." He whisper and grab me outside the room until we reach the hallway. Everyone is looking at me again but I know i'm safe because Zach is here to protect me . Isn't Cool?

"what are we doing here?"

He brought me inside the Basketball gym. He didn't answer instead he grab a ball in the huge basketball cart and shoot with 3 points on the ring . That's cool !He's really the MVP of the School as expected.

"That's cool!" I cheered for him.,

He pick the Ball and passed it to me

"Try to shoot one"

"Eh? But i can't shoot it. I haven't try to shoot even once . I'm only good at Martial arts."

it was a really ashamed of me if I can't shoot it.

"Shoot it now ,hurry!"

"okay !"

I throw the ball but i failed to shoot but he Clap even though I failed .He went near to me and teach me how to shoot instead. Oh my God!

But I wonder why is he so good to me now ?When the first time we met he's really so cold and snobbish but look at him now.

"just do what I told you . Okay 1..2...3...!"

"Waaaaah I did it !"

I Jump and Cheered for my self. So this is the feeling when you able to shoot

I felt a sudden pain and then I realized that someone just throw a ball on my head behind my back.

"Owwww Who did that?"

I turn around and I saw the ugly president .He looks so mad at me. His glare is so scary that gives me goosebumps. It's the first time I saw him like this. Now what did I do?

"Hey you stupid !why did you do that?"

I shouted at him but I'm still frozen because of his glare.

"Lucas, what are you doing here?"

Zach asked but he seem to ignored him and went to me instead.

"Now what do you want?"

I said nervously so he grabbed my hair .

"Stop Manipulating Zachary with your dirty tricks!"

"I'm not manipulating him!"

I fight back and pull away his hand over my pretty hair and give him a glare too. Because I am so piss right now, I pick up the ball and throw it to him but he was able to catch it. He's so irritating!

"psssh what an ugly girl! Hurry up and get lost!"

what did he said? I'm ugly?

"hihihi!" I start laughing weirdly and stare at him.

"Now what's with that ugly laugh with you?"

This guy really made my day ruined . I'm really annoyed with him already. He was not satisfied of watching me eating spicy food and now he wants to piss me off again. No one has ever called me ugly!

"hihihi!oh I understand quite well now .I see,you really have that little confidence saying that i'm ugly ,But you seem to be more uglier than me you gayish bastard."

"what did you say?"

And the tension between us begins.

Zachary is only watching us arguing.

"Even though you're always rambling on about how much better you are over everyone else in everything.I see. You're really are that afraid of losing to me aren't you?"

He smirks.

"If you're gonna say that much,Well I'll Take you on." He said calmly.

You said you're a genius right ?Well then, next month after the school festival I challenge you to beat me up on our exam and if you lose ,You will give up yourself on me and be my slave forever and also you will stay away from Zachary"

"Fine! and if you lose you will wear two piece in front of people"

so that they will find out the real you and how gay you are hahaha!

"Fine ,I'll accept your challenge."

You think can beat me up You stupid president . Let's see on the exam day hahahahaha

"Let's go now Zach."

What? This gay really! I hate him!i'm still having a moment with Zachary here

"Summer I'm sorry about Lucas. I need to go .See you later!"

He followed that Stupid President and left me all alone here.


But I want to be with you today.

Curse you Lucas Tyler!


In The evening


I am now here with Logan at Naomi's dorm . This friend of mine came with me because he beg. He really likes Naomi. But still that ugly president really pissed me off!

"Summer Aubrianne Stonehurst, the girl with no star . I'm glad you came and oh.. you have a friend with you!"

"yeah and his name is Logan. And by the way Naomi can you please remove that miss no star when you call me ? It really hurt my ears . "

yeah it really hurt my ears for the fact that I've got no star because of their dirty tricks.


"Logan are you okay?"

he seem frozen again after Naomi appear .So this is the way he act when he's in love .Oh m! He's so cute! I think I should Help him right now.

"Naomi, I Think I have to go to the comfort room. I'll be back okay ?"

"Okay ,comeback right away when you're done ."

I was about to leave when Logan suddenly grab me.

"Summer don't leave me ."

"It's your chance now . Goodluck ^_~"

I whisper before I start walking towards the comfort room.

I didn't really went to the comfort room.

I'm just here outside to peek on those two . But I think Logan seems froze again. He's really an unromantic hopeless guy .

oh come on you idiot say something!

"Ahhmmf. "

OMG he start to talk

"Naomi, can I ask you out tomorrow? "

Yes ! Finally.

Logan ,i'm so happy for you but Naomi still not responding.

I cried like an idiot again because i feel so happy for my friend.

"You know, going out is really not my style but okay let's go out tomorrow. "

"yessss!" Logan and I shouted simultaneously .I accidentally pull the door away and they caught me .I just smiled and joined them.


Next day

I am now here inside the classroom and doing a self-Study . I need to study in advance because I can't lose to that Ugly president.

"Good morning summer."

"Oh goodmorni.....ehhh?"

My sentence was cut after looking at the person who called me.

Who is this good-Looking-guy? He's tall as Logan and his face seems familiar . Wait don't tell me he really is Logan?

"Logan is that you?"

"Yes it's me ! Naomi and I have a date today so I need to transform temporaly. "

"I'm so really proud of you Logan. You're improving a lot !" I cried and blow on his uniform .

He's so handsome today. Even the girls are starting to get hook over him. I never imagine he would be this handsome.

"oh by the way It will be a double date."

"eh? but who is that other one who have a date with you?"

I asked.

"It's a double date with You and Zachary "

"eeeh really?"

And I think that was the best thing Logan had ever told me. What the hen! A date with Zachary! So lucky!

To be continued