
My Best Friend is the Demon King

What would it be like...if you suddenly had a stranger as a roommate.....however he's a 2000 year old demon that possesses many abilities that are frankly......well WEIRD and seems to make your life worse rather than easier when random monsters,creatures and demons barge into your life and carry on a war that began over a millennium ago?........I guess that's my life now......(Some one save me)

Jason_Antwi · Fantasy
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17 Chs

The Weaver Demon

"A Demon was here?! Are you sure?!", Junichiro asked and Diavolo only nodded. " I was able to sense it... but it's gone, for now at least..." "Is that so....Well then...GET YOUR FRIGGING HANDS OFF OF ME AND LEAVE!!!!" Junichiro began to kick and punch him and Diavolo looked concerned, before he left him alone. " What am I going to do with this guy!!??" After Junichiro was done, he began to look at himself in the mirror. He noticed the changes in his face. His amber eyes had turned into a glittering silver and his light brown hair had also completely turned white. His face didn't have any blemishes or faults and even his complexion had cleared up. His hair which was already at his neck seemed to have grown a few more inches, with it now reaching his upper back. His body had gradually changed ever since he awakened his 'power' and he had to admit, it made him look a lot more distinguished and handsome.

•••••• THE NEXT DAY••••••

"Oh! It's a snow day! Looks so cool!"Junichiro admired the snowflakes gradually falling down from his window. "No work today I guess!" "Is this what you call beauty? All I see is white everywhere. It's so monotone....", Diavolo argued. Junichiro just scoffed at him and began to put on heavy clothing and scarfs."Come on! Let's go have fun!" Junichiro dragged him outside. "OH...you didn't put any heavy clothing on-" " It's ok. Tatarus is cold most of the time, this temperature doesn't bother me too much." With that, Junichiro gleamed and took his ran as they ran out of the apartment building. They played in the snow all day like little kids and then Junichiro took him around to eat some ice cream even though it was so cold. "What is this tingling pain in my head?" "That's what we call a brain freeze! Hurts doesn't it?" Diavolo just stared at the ice cream and took another lick. Then Junichiro saw something on his face. It was a smile, no sense of pride. Just a genuine, gentle smile. Diavolo noticed him staring and said,"Is something wrong?" Junichiro shook his head and giggled slightly."Let's go!"

As they were making their way back, they noticed something strange. As the snow flakes were falling down, a bunch of them gathered together and were forming into some kind of shape. "This is---Junichiro! Get back--!!!", But it was too late. The snowflakes clustered into a dagger and flew at Junichiro, piercing into his shoulder. "Tsk what the hell was that?", Junichiro began to look around and then he screamed,"Above us!" Diavolo looked up and saw him. Underneath him,the snowflakes were gathering into stairs and he was walking down to them. His hair was a dark red and his arms had stitch like tattoos all over them. His eyes were the same red color and he wore the a long cloak with a few holes in it. His appearance was ragged and he smiled a psychotic grin. "So that demon yesterday....it was you,wasn't it....Kumoki.....Right?!" He just continued to smile at him. "Tsk...Junichiro....that's Kumoki, THE WEAVER DEMON."