
My beautiful you

I love your presence_ A story of a girl whose parents were killed by her stepmother but that time she laughed, smiled and cried with her best friend, who was the only one with her. But in a mean time, they developed feelings for each other but being a lover's is not easy in today's world. To prove their love, they faced obstacles in their journey of becoming each other's forever'.

vvershhaaa · Fantasy
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77 Chs

The cold winds

When she moved towards the lakeside and became emotional for a second because she reminisced her time with him at the Riverside. She made small steps towards it and missed his closeness. She sighed after facing the reality of not having him by her side and stood near the lake. The winds tossed her hair and she tied it up in a bun to have a better look at the sight in front of her eyes. The winds in the atmosphere had a phenomenal amount of energy, which she found so relaxing and stood there to feel the winds her eyes closed for a minute. Those winds were making her every moment beautiful.

On reaching the lakeside, a sailing boat could be seen lying on its side by her. It was a moment of supreme happiness for her. She looked around for something to sit on and appreciate the view. The best thing she realised was the time, she spent with Louis in the past days. But there was nothing to sit on, in her sight. She stood there for a very good time, thinking about unexpected things.

Everything was there to add more happiness but the only happiness, she was digging through, was to have someone around her who loved to spend time with her and the only person that came to her mind was Louis.

It was around 5: 00 pm in the evening and the weather started showing its coldness for her. The temperature was not so cold but there were cold winds to night which made her feel the cold, she crossed her hands over her chest and tried to make herself feel warm by caressing her upper arms with her small palms.

It was getting cold so, she thought of going inside the cottage while getting her stuff from the car. There was not much but she carried some warm clothes with her. She made herself comfortable inside the cottage, went towards the kitchen to get herself a cup of coffee because that would help her not to feel cold much. With a cup of coffee in her hand, she sat the window and a book to make her time memorable with someone's memories. For some time, she looked outside the window to enjoy the weather and the beauty around the lake and cheered those moments with random thoughts crossing her mind. Grabbing her attention towards that book and she stared at the title of the book for some second because of the title, she bought that book with her.

[Title: Your memories]

As she was about to turn the page to go through that book when a call interrupted her from admiring her moments alone. She turned her gaze and made herself get the phone from the couch. It was an unidentified number showing on her phone screen. She took a second before picking up the call.

"Hello," the other one greeted.

"Hey?" she said in a questionable tone.

"I'm speaking from " Ever Grace" Company," he introduced himself to her.

Lisa, on the reverse, didn't know what to say because she was startled for a moment after she heard him saying "Ever Grace", she knew that it was the same company where Louis was working as an artist.

"Yes," she answered after a long thought.

"I made myself go through your resume, and I found you capable of working in our company as a Manager. If you feel interested or fine with our proposal. So, please let us know by any means," he explained.

It was a great opportunity for her to grow further in her future. But she was not sure about meeting him by any chance. Somewhere deep inside her heart, she wanted to meet him but was uncertain too what if she fell for him again. She moved on from her feelings because she went away from him, but then it would be hard for her. She didn't want to face him but what was more than that for her was her career and on top of that she got a call from one of the top music companies. She thought for a while whether to accept the proposal and go for an interview or not.

After a minute of thought, she came up with an answer to herself to accept their proposal.

"Okay, let me know about further information with time," she said and hung up the call.

The other way around, there was Louis who was unaware of the whole situation. He was also enjoying his special time near the Riverside as always, keeping his all bothers aside, he liked to recall his favourite moments with his best friend of childhood Lisa.

One thing he made sure after she went away from him, was to pick a stone and write something on that about his day, whenever he used to go to the Riverside. He didn't know the number of stones, he took to his house whenever he missed her. He was enough sure with the fact that one day, he gonna meet her somewhere by fate and then sitting somewhere in a quiet place with her and telling her about his time without her. A small smile crept made its way to his lips, whenever he fantasized about her in his thoughts.

The memories of her always made him feel that she was there with him every day.

Getting out of his imagination, he made his way back to his house. He was continuously staring at that stone on his way back home. He entered the house and made his way to his room which was upstairs. He opened the door of his room and took that stone out of his pocket and kept it where all the stones were, those he collected in past years and thought of going to bed, and get a good sleep in hope of meeting her the next day.

Few days passed like the same and in between Lisa went for an interview in his company and was selected as his manager.

In the morning, he woke up by the sound of his alarm. He stretched his arms and removed the covering from him. He did his morning routine and went downstairs to have his breakfast. He had his breakfast and made his way to the car to go to the company for having a stressful day there. Lisa was in the same city as him but he wasn't aware of her. On his way, he got a call from his manager. He picked up the call.

"Hello, Good morning Louis," his manager wished him.

"Good morning, what is it?" he asked him.

"I called you because from now on you gonna have a new manager," he explained to Louis.

"Okay, who is that?" Louis asked.

But before he could listen to his answer. He got interrupted by a random car, that collided with his car and asked his manager to talk some other time.

His day didn't have a good start which made me furious. He asked the driver to go out and solve the matter fast. Soon he came and moved ahead in their way but Louis turned his gaze towards the window to see that person.

There he noticed a familiar figure but couldn't see her face because she was facing the opposite side to him. He ignored that without a single guess.

After some time, he reached the company and made his way towards the practice room. He wanted to know about his schedule for that day so, he called out his manager but instead of him someone else came to inform him about him, quitting the job.

He was waiting for his new manager to come. Soon, he heard a knock on the door and everyone in the room turned their gaze towards the same but he didn't bother to see his new manager.

Stay blessed and happy.

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