
My Beautiful Wives are Overpowered Spirits

In a world where humans forcefully contract spirits for power, Ryan Hanley discovers he's the reincarnation of the feared Spirit King, a being who brought havoc to the world. As he awakens to his true identity, he must reunite with his seven spirit wives, unlocking hidden powers from each of them, having the titles of the deadly sins... “From this moment henceforth, I hereby submit myself to you, Lord of the spirits”. “You have made the right choice...”. But in exchange for their services, he needed to reward them with something of equal value. "Please Ryan, make me a woman". Balancing his growing powers and dual identities , Ryan journeys a dangerous path of getting stronger, and ancient rivalries. From corrupt officials to shadowy organizations, enemies lurk at every turn. As he uncovers sinister enemies both human and spirit, Ryan must decide what it truly means to be the Spirit King. “What do you mean there are other spirit king candidates, and what do you mean they are all coming after me?!” Ryan Hanley must make a choice... Do I become the savior of two realms - or their destroyer?.

Chaos_to_all · Fantasy
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8 Chs

The age of Chaos and Death

[Year 447]


The whole city has been burned to the ground, spirits roamed the sky, pouring destruction down on the humans before.

And on the ground, humans fought back, but were barely able to stand their ground, what they were up against seemed to be bigger than their strength combined.

Powerful spirits… magic and powers they could never hope to ever stand up against. It was suicide.

"And this is all they have to offer? I am not impressed".

Said a man, dressed in a black robe, his hand sticking out from the inside and resting on the buttons.

This man had long black hair and red glowing eyes. If evil ever had a physical manifestation, he would be that very ideal.

He was seated on a small rock right on top of a hill, watching as people scream and cry, spirits and humans dying from the chaos happening around them.

'What a sight to behold? This is what this world deserves… pain and death. But yet, why do I feel so unfilled?'.

He looked up at the sky, a sad smirk instantly showing on his face.

'Could it be that I still yearn for a worthy opponent? One that will show me what a battle must be? Perhaps that is the reason. I've gotten so used to seeing death I barely enjoy it anymore.'

He gently stood up from the rock he was seated on, his dragons growling.

'Not a single person can stand against me now, how boring… well I shouldn't be surprised, I've murdered every hero, god and spirit that crossed my part… I almost feel sorry.'

"But still.. a promise is a promise… isn't that right… my dear wives".

He turned around, a smile still hitched on his face to meet the people who had come to challenge him.

His beautiful wives, each having a sad look on their faces, scanned the area to see piles of dead bodies, women and children, scattered across the ground.

"W-What have you done?" One of the wives uttered in shock, her pink hair swirling around behind her.

"I've scorched the earth. Wasn't that the promise we made?" The man replied, little to no remorse on his face, he felt no guilt killing so many people.

Known as the Spirit of origin, and feared by many, his reputation as a feared ruler had never betrayed him.

He had conquered continent upon continent, and killed warriors of all strength and sizes, and after 500 years of the world dancing at the palm of his hands, he knew he had completed his journey.

"Please, my husband, you have to stop this!!! This will only cause more wars between humans and spirits, I beg you!" The second wife pleaded, tears almost dripping from her eyes.

Each of them had the same look on their faces, they could all sense the overwhelming aura leaking from their husband's body, strong enough to make even the hardened of hearts fail.

"I agree. My battle comes to an end here. The world has felt my wrath and I have fulfilled my promise…. Just as I said I would".

His reply shocked all seven of his wives, each of them exchanging worried looks.

The Spirit king continued-

"There's no doubt no one could kill me now if they wanted to. Even all seven of you stand no chance. I do feel sad you all stood against me and decided to side with the enemy. But you are still my wives.


I am simply too strong, I have faced humans, demons and spirits, and yet, one has been able to oppose me".

He settled on the ground, with his arm resting on his knee.

"If you have come to kill me, worry not, I need not battle anymore. I can't be killed, but yet you want to try, sigh! then I shall do the killing myself".

"Dear, what are you talking about? We can still fix this. We'll tell the people you were possessed by the All ruler, I'm sure we can-"

"I have transferred my powers into all seven of you, I sensed your arrival before you crossed the threshold. That should be enough to protect yourselves if the humans or spirits decide to hunt down the wives of the Spirit king." He cut them short.


"Live your lives knowing you made the wrong decision to ever be disloyal to me."

He then stretched his hands forward -

"Whatever you do, survive" The Spirit king uttered under his breath with a small smile.

"Wait! Don't do this!"

"Please, my love!"


Before they could get close, they all disappeared, their bodies shattering like glass and fading into the atmosphere.

Once again, he was surrounded by dead bodies and the far sounds of people screaming in agony.

Haha, even now, I guess, I still have a human heart. Too bad, I thought I got rid of that, what a bother... So tell me, Utahime… Did I do well?.

He rested his back on the ground, and without any second thoughts, shoved his hand into his chest and pulled out his heart.

Blood dripped as he held his beating heart upward, his face stoic as he felt no pain whatsoever from the action.

Answer me? Did I do well?.

A faint wind blew, and a woman, dressed in a white eastern chinese appeared in front of him, her body having an eternal glow and aura.

She gently placed her hand on his cheeks, and uttered-

"You did well my love, you can rest now. The world shall thank you when the time comes".

And he replied -

"No, Utahime, the world… fears me, despises me, loathes me. I am no savior in their eyes… and I do not wish to be. Not from creatures filled with malice and hatred for one another… I find it comical…If anything…"

He chuckled weakly-

"This only proves, I am still the strongest being to ever walk the earth… and they will remember that for centuries to come… I, The spirit of origin, scorched the earth and not a single soul could stop me".

And with that, he crushed his own heart, adding a bit of his energy into it and then, his body, like stone, broke into pieces.

That was the end of the Spirit king, a man so fierce, even the gods feared him.