
my beginning

it all started October,23,2000 I was born in Arizona Phoenix, I was born with my twin brother Kacy but I was too small to live the doctors told my mom that I will only live for a week because me and my brother we're almost 4 weeks early but the weird part was my brother was healthy but I was not, but after that week I stayed in the hospital my mom took me home but they did a little more test to make sure I was ready to go home Wich I was after about 2 weeks my mom had to take me back to the hospital she said I was very pail Wich I never mentioned was I am Mexican not to sound racesest but I am very dark with bright blue eyes but my eyes were not always blue after the 2 weeks of being at home my eyes change from what seemed dark maroon color went to blue the doctors were amazed o. my eye color they told my mom that I was perfectly fine I had gotten very sick because I had been twins with a healthy brother Wich his eyes are blue too I also got sick from my eye change Wich I was small I was only 12cm long when I hit 1my mom was already having her forth child Wich I forfot to mention my brother Dylan hehe sorry brother bit anyway my new baby brother Jace was born my dad was so happy but I think he was to drunk to even hold him 😒 I love adventures my mom once said I crawled through the soggy door to the sprinklers my brother Dylan is 2 years older that I am and my twin brother Kacy is 5 minutes older than I am and my younger brother Jace is 1 year younger than I am hehe once I me and my twin brother turned 2years old my mom and dad wanted a divorce but she was pregnant again so he could not leave oh and my little brother Jace turned 1years old and my older brother Dylan turned 4 on are birthday like on are ligit birthday my cousin lucus was born as long as my little brother macin I have to share a birthday with 3 people yikes I mean I am happy but after macin was born my mom and dad got a divorce because he was cheating with this girl taiya weird name but she is very nice but after my dad left my mom started doing drugs😔