
Chapter 8 - Move in with me

Yebei looked at her and told her," We are going to be on this plane for two more hours. Yaoyao looked at him dreadfully and said dramatically," Two more hours! Uhhh! It's so boring on this plane." Yebei looked at her and said in a very nervous tone," Well you know I could find something to talk about for the next two hours. She looked at him happily," Really?! Well start talking." He said in a nervous tone again," Well since we are together and we are talking about marriage I was thinking that..... Well you know.... Yaoyao was starting to get impatient and said," Spit it out it doesn't take two fucking hours to say one sentence! He looked at her surprised and said really fast," I want you to move in with me. Yaoyao was starting to get agitated and said," What?! God! You don't know how to take anything slow. He said to her," Great it's settle. Pack your bags because I will be there tommorw to pick you up. She said," What!? But I didn't even get to tell you my answer. Yebei got that smirk again," Well that's a good thing cause I never asked you. The only thing I said is I want you to move in with me. So technically I never asked you. Which is a good thing so that you can't say no." She said throwing her hands in the air giving up.l," Well if I don't go I'll be forced to so, lookes like I'm moving in with you." She said this sarcassticly,"Yay." Yebei said sarcassticly back to her," I know you would agree to move in with me.

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