
Chapter 3 - My Shameful Story

She said, " I will tell you my shameful story and I hope you don't judge me even though you probably already are." She paused then stared her shameful story." So one night I got home early and heard my step sister and my fiancee having sex. I got so angry that I wanted to get revenge. So I called my best friend and told her to get me a man for my room. My best friend did what she told her to do. Or so I taught turns out she got busy and forgot to do what I asked her but at that time I didn't know that. I was crying on the floor when a man walked in. He was handsome the most handsome man I had ever seen up close. The Handsome man picked me up to carry me to my bed, but on the way over I kissed him turns out my sister had druged me so my entire body was hot. I couldn't stop myself from kissing it happened all to fast. Next thing I know I'm lying naked underneath a man. The next morning I woke up and immediately remember what happened last night I was ashamed. I put my face in my hands until, my jerk of a father came and noked down my door. I saw an opportunity to piss him off so I did using the man to explain my shameful deeds by the time the cameras got to shooting I was already posing It was perfect I get to bring harm to my father's name even though it's probably only a small piece of damage. Everything happened like what would happen in those weird rich kid story I paid like what happens In those story's I left with his card in my hands it was all super weird." After she finished her story Yebei thought to himself I knew it was her and said to her, " Ahhh. So you do remember me. I should of known you would."

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