
Chapter 1:The Decent

In the heart of Newhaven, a city that loomed like an ancient titan, its skyscrapers ascending to the heavens, 14-year-old Apathy moved like a shadow, invisible among the teeming masses. His life had been one of struggle, of survival in a concrete jungle that devoured the weak.

One fateful night, Apathy stumbled upon an obscure nightclub named "The Abyss." Its reputation as a haven for those who sought power at any cost had reached the furthest corners of the city.

Driven by a desperate longing for a life beyond his meagre existence, Apathy ventured into the abyss. The club's darkened corridors whispered secrets, and the distant throb of music seemed like an eerie invitation to the unknown.

As he ventured deeper into the dimly lit maze, Apathy's gaze fell upon a towering figure, bathed in an intimidating, cold-blue radiance. It was Lucifer, a presence that dwarfed Apathy in every way, exuding an aura of overwhelming power.

"What do you desire?" a man in a dark black suit said. His voice was a commanding, resonant whisper, penetrating Apathy's very soul.

Apathy, mentally and physically overmatched, hesitated for a moment before finding his voice. "I want... more. A way out of this life, a chance to matter."

the man's gaze bore into him, his eyes like twin flames of dominance and temptation. "You grasp the cost of power, do you not? everyone knows whoever has more power will be more successful."

Apathy, now a mere echo in the shadow of the man, nodded. His voice trembled as he spoke, "I'll do whatever it takes."

the man extended a hand, his fingers like iron, and a spectral sigil formed before him. Apathy, in awe and fear, placed his hand upon it. A searing agony shot through him, as if his very essence was being siphoned away.

Love, joy, anger, sorrow - they were drained from him, leaving behind an emotional void. In return, the man infused him with an overwhelming, dark power that threatened to consume his very soul.

As Apathy withdrew his hand, he felt transformed, a mere puppet in the grasp of a malevolent puppeteer. His emotions were gone, replaced by an unwavering determination and a newfound strength. He could feel the man's philosophy of ruthlessness, a dog-eat-dog world, seeping into his very thoughts.

Apathy left "The Abyss," a 14-year-old boy bearing the weight of an overpowering force that had left him bereft of emotions. In the heart of the modern city, he had taken his first step into a future where a devil's brutal philosophy would dictate his every move, a life where power came at the cost of his very soul.

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