
First Mission

"Eyes are needed to continue life in the world, without it how is our life"


"As she closed her eyes I was wondering what to do, I didn't want her to know what I was hiding, because by the time she woke up she would definitely ask how she survived.

as I was thinking about how I could help Karina in her situation, a light shone in my eyes, because with this light I blocked my eyes with the back of my palm.

and as the light grows brighter someone comes out of this light.

"theo, do you know me?"

Theo: I thought first who is this? I suddenly remembered that I was an angel and this person sent me here

"You're right, my god !!"

God: You are right, I am, I want you to know that you only have a 100 days to accomplish your mission with this woman.

Theo: It's only 100 Days? But what if I can't do my mission in 100 Days?

God: I will be the one to judge the end of your angelhood, your first mission to Karina has already begun, I will give you a clue so that you can solve your mission for her in this situation, an evil person cursed her that she was go blind and you have to find that malignant one

Theo: Malignant? But I'm just a simple angel who doesn't have enough power to fight the slave of darkness

God: I'll just take care of giving you enough power I will guide you through every stage of your mission

"after our momentary conversation the light suddenly disappeared"

Theo: I need to find the malignant who cursed in Karina's eye.

*I look at Karina who is eyes closed and lying down in bed*

Theo: You won't be there long either Karina, I'll save you

(I got out and went to the rooftop of the hospital)

"Again, a light came out of heaven and came to me"

*where will this go*!!!!

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