2 Meeting My Fate

I stared at the dirt ground questioning myself.

What even happened?

All I remember was walking out the back of the diner, but that's it…

A shiver went down my spine, I wrapped my arms around my legs to try and keep warm.

I just wanna go home, by Erik.

Oh god I miss Erik.

I stopped trying to remember and stood, looking around for an exit out of the small room. It was as if I was in jail, there was a metal door, but that was it. No opening, no way to get out.

It's probably locked…

I rushed towards the door and jiggled the handle, attempting to free myself, but sure enough the door was locked.

Knew it.

I sighed and made my way back to my corner, This was the part where I was supposed to freak out and scream for somebody to help me. But I'm not that stupid, I already know that no one is around to help, I'd just be wasting time and energy. There's no point.

I traced shapes in the ground with my finger, trying to avoid going crazy as long as I could.

Probably won't have my phone either…

I reached in my pocket, but it was empty, just as I thought.

I peeked at my wrist, and saw my watch.

At least I can tell what time it is. Let's see, it's 8:09pm, I left the diner at 5:30pm…

"So it's only been an hour..Erik will just think I took overtime, great," I rolled my eyes.

There was nothing to do now but wait. Whoever took me here will show up eventually. Hopefully sooner than later.

I yawned, time for a nap…


The peaceful silence was broken by a long clang on the metal door, I slowly opened my eyes and watched the door open. I sat up and squinted at the light shining through.

"Who's there??" I ask hopeful.

"Why shouldn't I be surprised, of course you don't remember me."

The voice sounded familiar but I couldn't quite place it. But I knew who he was once he shut the door and the light from the light bulb shine across his face.

"You..You're the one who I saw in the alley, you said you loved me..and we were gonna get married, and you said..you monster," I scowl.

"I expected you to be scared, but nothing about you has changed..except for the memory loss."

I glared his way as he stepped closer.

"Come any closer and I will bite you!"

He widened his eyes, "Then I'll have to give you another black eye," he smirked.

My hand instantly covered my left eye, I totally forgot about that.

Anger flashed in my eyes as he kept moving closer.

"Well are you going to help me get out of here?"

He ignores me, "Are you hungry? Thirsty? You're probably cold huh? I didn't think about bringing down a blanket, sorry."

I stare at him while he rambles about making me feel at home. Why?

"You're the one who's keeping me here aren't you?"

He tilts his head, "You say it like it's a bad thing. This is only temporary."

"What do you mean? You're letting me go soon?"

"No," he laughed, "You will never be able to leave. You're my soon to be wife. Why would I let you go?"

"You psychopath! I have a boyfriend! Let me out of here!" I yelled back.

The man slaps me and says, "You really need to get your memories back."

I spit in his face. He frowns and wipes it away, then grabs my wrist and holds me up against the wall.

"Let go of m-"

He muffled me with his lips, while his other arm wraps around my body holding me tightly do I couldn't move.

He bites my bottom lip and I squeal.

He rests his forehead on mine and looked me in the eyes, "You're mine. You will learn your manners soon."

I gulp when he makes the silence awkward, then I whispered to him.

"How is this temporary?"

He smiles, "Soon you will be wearing a ring on your finger, and be in my bed. You won't be in this old room. You will even get to go outside."

My eyes lit up, "Seriously?"

"On one condition..marry me."
