
Reincarnation and Wishes or Not

"This game will decide which fictional world you will be reincarnated in and for what it is can you guess it?"

"Who knows? Wait you know it. Just bring it out fast and let's get this over with. The longer game continues the more tension and anxiety I will have. That is definitely not good for my heart. I know I am dead now but who cares about that stuff."

"Well I am playing along with this to make it more fun for you so can't you atleast play along for now. I am sure you would enjoy it."

'Arggg I know it. You are doing this on purpose now. I know you can read my mind and you also knew what I am thinking now from the very beginning so...., damn it and there is nothing I can do even after knowing this.'

" Could you stop that groaning and stop your internal monologue and guess the game"

' I knew it and fu*k it'

"So is it another wheel spinning game"

"Good try but it's not the correct answer. The correct answer is a draw. Aren't you excited."


*fake enthusiasm

"So let's begin it. There is a ball in front of you"

'No surprises' mc reacts after seeing the ball appear suddenly in front of him.

The Rob continues ignoring the Mc's yet another useless monologue,

"which has a hole at top through which you put your hand and remove one capsule. Each capsule contains one fictional world. This call contains every fictional world you have ever read and watched. You might have forgotten about it but this ball has all of those fictional worlds. So now without further ado let's begin with further special consideration for your heart"

"OK. Wait you said about special consideration for my heart, you're not joking right. Is my heart really safe."


'I know he is joking but, you never know what is truth and false in this situation where I am stuck in this unknown location with this so called omnipotent being playing this game which might very well fu*k my life."

"You're getting more sarcastic which you definitely weren't when I arrived here."

"It's just your imagination"

'I know it for sure that it is true but whatever..'

"Fine now let's start the game" moves toward the ball and"This won't bite right"

"Don't worry just pull it out"

puts his hand in the ball and continues "Here goes nothing"

and pulls a capsule and opens it.

"Wait this not opening. How do you even open it." continues trying opening it but without any positive result.

"Wait what is this thread attached to the capsule"

"Just hold the capsule straight and then pull the string it will open"


'You could never be careful'

"So here goes it, please be some good and safe fictional world where I won't die a early death but live a happy and fulfilling life which was atleast meaningful."and pulls the thread,

" Woah" something similar to a bullet gets launched from the string, the moment he pulled the string to open the capsule. The bullet or whatever it is goes flying to the sky and burst forth just like fireworks,

"Wow, it's.."

It paints the ever dark space with different colours,

"I hope you liked the mechanism"

"Yes, it's just breath taking and I don't know how it works I just know that normal logic doesn't apply here, and there is something written in the sky, it's"

|"My Hero Academia" |

"My Hero Academia"

"Yes, it's the My Hero Academia world. That's where you will be reincarnated in. Congratulations, could have been worse or better. But it's a good option."

"Yea, could have been worse or better. But it's a good option. So it's My Hero Academia ha"

'It's one of the many Anime's I had watched. I had only watched till season 5 and season 6 was coming out. I had read many Mangas and light novels, novels, Webnovels, Manwha, comics, Web comics but I hadn't read the manga of Mha. So let's see what happens. what's done is done nothing can be done now. It even wasn't completed, the manga was ongoing one so I don't have any idea what's gonna happen after 5 and I don't even know if there were even more powerful villain than All for One and Tomura his successor. Lets just face what happens, I should just be strong. '

Breathes in and out and does it for 5~6 times,

"So what now, now that the world where I will be going is decided. You can't just outright send me there to fend for myself. I want some compensation for you killing me."

"So you accept going to this world"

"Do I have a say in this matter, anyway that world is where people have quirks or superpowers. I wouldnt call it superpowers per say but powers cause some peoples powers are less of a power and more of a curse. It is a world where heroes and villains roam the planet, where normal citizens have to face dangers in their daily lives, Only 80% of the people are born with quirks that too it is a rough estimate, and the rest 20% people are born quirkless. People without quirks are shown injustice and people with quirks rule over them. People with powerful quirk just flex their powers,they either become a Villain and do some crime to earn money and some become hero who earn money by catching those villans. Being heroes for fame and money. It has a bit of realistic approach towards the world power dynamics but whatever. Overall I would say its a world where weak are preyed upon by the strong and a world where you will find people with Chunibyo. It's a world where you will find Chunibyo at its finest. Such finest examples are deku and All Might. It just feels wierd they", and mutters under his breath "remind me of myself and i, its nothing"

"So you were asking if I accept it or not. Do I have any choice?"


"Thought so, I guessed as much that you wouldn't give me any other choice. Now for the compensation."

"Don't worry I will compensate you for killing you. So I have decided to grant you one wish. You can ask me to have any power you wish for, but.."

"Yes atlast something good is happening in my life I had lost all hope after I died. Wait you said but. What is this but doing here. Here I finally thought my chance to rise above had come but you destroyed it, with this but. It's like those times when you are kid and you want to buy some toy or when you are a adult and want to buy something but it's very costly and over your budget but it then suddenly is on sale you somehow convince your parents to buy you a toy or save up money to buy that something but then when you reach out to buy it they suddenly drop a bucket of water on you saying that ther are some terms and conditions for that offer, or when you want to claim some insurance for your vehicle or anything else but thoss insurance officers who are all time nice and friendly to you when you were buying their insurance and how they were boasting to you about how their insurance was the best there is in the market, but suddenly when the time of claiming comes they tell you nada nada and show you their *terms and conditions which as hell isn't visible as it is written so small that it isn't even visible if you're not using magnifying glass." breathes heavily" Aaah Aaah, you get it right"


"So what is this but. Please explain it to me in detail of the *terms and conditions of this one wish of mine"

"yes you will one wish, through which you can ask me any power you want to have in this world where you're getting reincarnated. But this but entails that you will be playing another game where there is a dart board which will contain all the English alphabets. You will pick the dart and throw on any alphabet and the alphabet on which the dart lands on will taken. Then from that said alphabet you can ask any characters power you wish for but their name should start from that said alphabet. See its easy right"

"yes, so let's get this over with. So where's this board and darts"

"Behind you"

"OK, so how many..."

"You will get only 1 chance so don't miss it. If you miss the target you will be born among those 20% population that is quirkless. So enough wasting time let's begin this game. This place does not have any concept of time even so I don't feel like wasting time with you even more. I would like to get this over with go back to my favourite hobby or job that is sleeping. "

" Then why the fu*k are you making me play all this games. Couldn't you just ask me my wish then grant it and send me there"

"This isn't about process or time or step taken to complete the task. It's about principles."

"I didn't understand anything you said but let's get this started." picks the dart and starts chanting some Chunibyo lines and suddenly stops it 'Argg damn it conversing with him is so tiring and worst of all my Chunibyo is surfacing again. Damn it all'

"So I want you fu*King dart to hit on some good alphabet so that I can have some op powers and make sure I don't suffer in my next life." he throws it while saying some Chunibyo lines agin ".. and there you go"

The dart travels and it lands on alphabet


"Yes B, so which characters power do you wish for"

'Wait B, don't worry i know there must be some cool and powerful character whose name starts with B. Bat.. no no he doesn't have any superpowers. Wait there is someone whose name starts with B and is super powerful. I used to watch that cartoon was I was a kid and it was my favorite cartoon among many which I used to like at that time. I even like it now and I watch it sometimes when it's on TV. But now I don't have as much craze as I used to have when I was a kid.

"And its Ben 10. I choose Ben 10 for my power."

'Well it was my favourite cartoon back then. As I was born in early 2000's so before I was introduced to anime world by beyblade and pokemon. I used to watch so many shows back then those were the days. Just remembering that time is giving me nostalgia' *there are tears coming from Mc's eyes. #RIP logic.

'those were the days just how many cartoon and old time dubbed Anime's I used to watch on TV like Ben 10,Doraemon, Shinchan, Pokemon, Dragon Ball, Popeye,. Wait wait Dragon ball Z. Beerus the God of destruction from DBZ was crazy powerfull.'


"Can I change my option"

"No. Once said it is final. You can't change it now"

"Damn it"

' But it's fine ben 10 is also a strong character and has more diverse powers. He is a versatile hero, but even so '

"It's fine you shouldnt worry much. I know for sure you might have regretted taking Beerus powers. As your powers will also change your appearance to match the character."

"OK. I definitely wouldn't want that. I don't want to end up like that principal of that some UA high school or hero school in Mha"

"So it's for the best right "


CIts good that you agree and have accepted it. So now you should be happy that I am giving you another wish but with this wish you can only ask for situation or background to be reincarnated with in the Mha world as a compensation for making play all this games. So this makes us even."

"So only background and no powers"

"Yes, you can choose anything if whether you wish to born in rich or poor family or be a orphan. You can choose any background of your choice"

'OK I definitely want to be born in some rich family who have a lot of influence to make my life easy. I dont know what sort of rich family will this rob choose or create for me. Wait couldn't I just ask for some existing family from other fictional world'

"So can I ask.."

"Yes it is acceptable"

"So I want to be born in Stark family from MCU, (for those of you who don't know Marvel Cinematic Universe) to be filthy rich"

"Accepted, but I will make some changes in that to match your next world that is Mha to fit in. Don't worry those changes will be to your liking i am sure of it."

"Fine so that's it then I do t know what to say now, so bye I guess. Will we meet again? "

"Only Time will answer it."


"I know you have some questions regarding your death. Would you be alive if you had taken your bike to your college, then no you would have died by truck and would you have lived if you hadn't gone to college and missed it, then you would have... So let's leave it at that and your last question that I am answering about the situation around your death, the girl had taken her out in heavy rain because she wished to go to grocery store to bring some items for her grandmother, her parents were at work and for the dog, thats because her dog wanted to go with that's why she reluctantly took him. As for you distance didn't matter anyway as your college is near your home it would take 10min max for you to reach your college while running so your choice of running to your college was one of the good outcome option among many which did have good outcome but none of them would have made you as happy as you are right now"

"OK thanks that answers a lot of questions and also gives rise to many questions but fine."

"So now that you have chosen Ben 10s power I will make some adjustments to it, I know what you want it to be. I'll add a AI to it just like you want and make some alterations and done take it"

"What the hell. I have a quirk now even before I am born no less"

"What I have given is sort of like those superpowers from marvel you had chosen but that super power is omnitrix. You won't be able to use your quirk till you are 4. It is a superpower but it will also function like a quirk. It's like a type of imposter who will act like quirk to make you common and not raise suspicion. For the watch you will get it on your day of activation of quirk. It will materialize on your command then upon which you can transform but once materialized it will be permanent. You will not be able to remove it under no condition. Even if your arm got severed it will still be a part of your body and it can only be used for yourself and others can't steal or copy or remove or destroy your quirk or let's call it a power. As for your body once you activate your quirk your body will be biological only but you can use it like you're under some simulation sort of like when Tony stark is in his suit. You can see holograms and only you and communicate with your AI through telepathy and for other minor adjustments I will make as you wanted"

"Thanks for doing those changes even before I asked you. So this is goodbye I guess till we may or may not meet"

"Yes and do enjoy your next life"

"OK. But I wanted to ask you this does Mha world and Other fictional world really exist"

"No, but when I created that ball or sphere with capsules in it with that ball I even created all the fictional worlds present in that ball"

"Ohh so you can do anything huh. So you are my ROB like the ones in those fanfictions"

"Yes,now there you go"

A blinding white pillar of light falls and it just disappeared as quickly as it had come and in its place it creates a vortex sort of thing which starts pulling everything in it and the Mc starts getting pulled towards it.


"Well bye and I am sorry for killing you"

"Wait what the fu..."

NOW in the deep darkness of space where Mc had opened his eyes there is nothing present or wait there is a throne present it like that throne is present and at the same time it is not present and upon which the sits a being or the ROB as called by the MC.

Silence rains upon this place now that Mc is gone. It hasn't been that long since the Mc has left

*but time doesn't exist here

You can here the ROB muttering, he is speaking with very low voice but you can here clearly,

"You are a intresting mortal soul, you made me doubt myself and my knowledge and even made me feel emotional for the first time. You kept me entertained even though I knew all about it. I know What was going to happen and what is going to happen and what is going on. Even then the time spent with you was entertaining. You have bit of hatred toward me, no calling it a bit is under statement. You hate me for killing you and separating you from your family. But you choose to forgive me a little when I removed your very origin or existence from your world and it reduced your hatred for me. But you still hate me little. Even so you enjoyed this situation or scenario or perhaps calling it our little charade would be good. You enjoyed this charade but you are a bit shy to admit it. I guess you don't know that i can identify an emotion but I can't feel it myself. Even so I won't be reuniting you with your family and I know that you will for sure, not love your next family the same way you loved your true family. I guess it is love that you feel towards your family. I can't feel love or any other emotion per say but I understand it is a very important emotion for human happiness. It is love that gives you happiness. It may be love that you feel towards a person or a object, but upon achieving, owning or giving makes someone happy I guess. So instead of separating you from your family I will give you a very good surprise and I am sure this can't make up for it but I am sure you will love it. Well this was good and for causing all the this trouble I shall tinker with your superpower and give you a gift which I am sure will make you happy and will be of use to you. Now that is a lot of work I guess. We'll it's time to sleep. "

And once again silence reigns in this place. If you observe closely you will find it that the throne and the being or ROB have vanished like they never existed.


Authors Note:

I was wondering on whether keeping this a Harem fic or not. I would like your input on it just comment in this chapters comment section and if you want Harem then how many members do you want in Harem and who do you want in the harem, please keep the numbers in moderation. I may or may not accept your members depending on the story that I have thought of I have a general idea or outline of the story and, if that member was going to play some other role in the story then sorry, but I will try to keep it a majority vote. Thankyou.

*******************THE END******************

Well if especially any Indians are reading this and also for everyone else happy Diwali. Hope you enjoy this festival of light and I hope this diwali brings happiness to you and your family.

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