
My Adorable Little Bun

Her life wasn’t bad. Her mama, papa, and older brother pampered and adored her. Her family wasn’t struggling to make ends meet as they owned the most popular bakery in the capital city of the Starlight Kingdom. All she wanted was a peaceful life, but accidentally meet a legendary creature and became a tamer. But did she tame the creature or her soon to be husband? Let’s find out! ;) DO NOT REPOST COVER!! I drew my own cover!!! Hiiii~~~~ I’m new to writing stuff and this is my first book . I know that my grammar is wack, so any criticism are welcomed!!!! Enjoy the book!! :)

Megawatts1023 · History
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58 Chs


Her body jolted up as Megan woke up with a start. She looked at her surrounding to see herself in a wooden carriage of some sort with no windows. The kidnappers were transporting her somewhere, she panicked and started to sweat when she realized what had happened to her. Megan struggled to break free as her feet were tied and hands behind her back. She wiggled her feet to feel the dagger still in her boot as the kidnappers didn't bother to check her. With her current position she can bend her legs backward and get the dagger out of her boots. However, she wasn't sure when the right timing was, if she takes the dagger out too soon they might spot the weapon and take away her only hope of escaping.

Megan felt the carriage coming to a stop and heard horses neighing. She quickly closed her eyes and remained still as she hears the door open with a creak.

"Is she awake?" She heard a voice asked.

"Nope, sound a sleep. I'll just leave the food and water in here. Where's the bucket?" Megan then heard a clang of some sort.

"I had it, okay we can get moving now" as the door shut tight and the carriage started to move again.

Megan opened her eyes to see a basket and a metal bucket. She used her leg to open the basket and see a piece of bread and water bottle. She wasn't hungry so she closed the basket wondering why they would give their victim food and water. She heard horses neighing so that means the mercenaries were riding on horses around the carriage. Megan was planning to bust open the door and jump out of the carriage and run, but that plan was now tossed in the trash.

'What's the bucket for?' Megan thought. Later, she realized it was a 'rest room' in the carriage. She shuddered in disgust and decided to sleep. They were taking her somewhere, but it had been hours. Were they trying to take her out of the country? She was such a huge obstacle for those flies to hire mercenaries and kick her into another land?

Megan scoff then close her eyes drifting to sleep as she thought of Victon and her family.


30 minutes after the kidnapping...

"Your Highness!" A knight came barging in. He was full of cuts and bleeding all over himself, he came into the office and bowed.

"Your Highness, the Young Miss was kidnapped! The other two knights are on the kidnappers tail as we speak!"

Victon's heart fell as he heard of the news. His disbelief was quickly replaced with fury as he commanded, "Where did you last see her? And call the Head Knight! Now!"

"On a path not too far from here Your Highness!" The knight replied as he trembled.

The knights in the room then scrambled out of the room as Victon stomped to the training ground. The veins on his forehead were threatening to pop as his anger kept rising. They took her away, when he sees the bastards, it's off with their heads!

It was midnight when Victon ordered for all the knights to get ready at their quarter. The Head Knight came to Victon as requested and asked, "what's going on Your Highness?"

"Some people kidnapped Megan, get all of the knights to move out and search for her NOW" Victon bellowed out the order.

The Head Knight knew it was serious when the Young Miss is involved so he urged his knights to hurry or it's their heads that will be rolling instead of the kidnappers.

"Brother! What's going on?" Desmond yelled as he and Hendery ran in their pajamas to the training grounds. They heard the noises and commotion so they came out to see what was going on.

"Megan got kidnapped" Victon kept it short as he ran to the stable to get his horse.

"WHAT?! someone kidnapped sister-in-law?" the twins looked at each other in shock, then ran back into the mansion to get change. They took their horses from the stable and joined their brother's side. The brothers and knights galloped the knight to the sight of the fighting.

"This is where we fought the kidnappers. Then the Young Miss ran into the path up ahead!" The knight pointed at the path entering the forrest.

"Search for any footprints or leads!" Victon with his voice full of wrath.

The knights saluted and went to work. Victon was fuming but nervous at the same time. He was afraid something might happened to her. He have to find her as fast as possible, and hoped she wasn't harmed.