
I Go Crazy Every Summer

Monday, 26 April 2021

Last year, I bought awesome Demon Slayer costumes for my siblings as a Christmas present and they couldn't be happier! They told me I was the best brother they ever had and of course, I believed them because that, for your information, is quite true. At least, most of the time.

Robin got a Giyu Tomioka costume that came with a Nichirin blade, Hailey got a Nezuko Kamado costume with a muzzle (a bamboo mouthpiece), and I gave Marie a Tanjiro Kamado costume that also came with a Nichirin blade. Now that it's summer vacation, I can say that they're really enjoying their presents because they have lots and lots of time to play. However, I can't say that I'm enjoying it as much as they do.

"Feel the rage, the powerful, pure rage of not being able to forgive will become your unswerving drive to action!" Robin uttered every word with indignation while holding onto his fake Nichirin blade in his Giyu Tomioka costume.

I really, really want some quiet time, but my siblings are so in character. I guess I could've stayed longer at the café if only I hadn't spilled my iced Americano.

"I can feel the rage! It's too powerful! It will destroy you!" Hailey shouted, flaunting her costume by swaying like Julie Andrews in The Sound of Music. I swear to God, she looked more like she was in a musical, rather than in an anime. She's totally not giving justice to her Nezuko costume, but I shouldn't tell her that. The last time I offered my honest opinion, she cried a river of tears. Though she's the cutest of my siblings, she's also the most sensitive.

"Huh? Why are you speaking?" Robin sounded annoyed.

"Because I want to." Hailey responded.

Robin crossed his arms over his chest, daring not to say anything because he knew it would be a bad idea to oppose Hailey. He then crashed onto the olive-green upholstered armchair, fronting another armchair with grey printed upholstery, and wooden arm and leg support. After a heavy sigh, Robin couldn't contain himself from speaking his mind, but he tried to sound nice, rather than demanding. "But you know that Nezuko doesn't speak because she has that bamboo thing covering her mouth. It's so that she won't eat humans."

"The bamboo thing is called a muzzle," I said to him.

Hailey retaliated. "I'm not wearing it, so I can speak what I want! I'm not playing if I don't have a dialogue!"

Since Robin wanted to play, he had to abide by Hailey's rules. "Fine, fine." He rose from his seat and pulled out the fake blade that he managed to slip onto his khaki shorts. "The weak have no rights or choices. Their only fate is to be relentlessly crushed by the strong!"

All I could do was let out a heavy sigh and stare at the pages of the book that needed my attention. Then, Hailey was suddenly behind my back. She was possibly glaring at Robin as part of her act, while her hands rested on my head as if it were a table. I was seated with my legs up on the sofa which is a built-in V-shaped window seat. We were in our bungalow living room that has vintage furniture, burgundy velvet drapes, and mismatched throw pillows. I'm holding a book called The Great Abraham Lincoln Pocket Watch Conspiracy by Jacopo della Quercia. I wanted so bad to finish it at the café, except I wasn't able to. And now that I'm home, I realized I should've just gone straight to the bookstore to help papa with the customers (not that he needed any help). At least, there'd be some peace and quiet and I'd be able to focus on my reading. Except that it's supposed to be my day off.

I get three days off a week, Saturdays through Monday, and that's supposed to be awesome, right? But not during summer vacation because my siblings are home all day every day and my days off don't really feel like my days off at all. I need to take care of them. I mean, they're not toddlers, so they don't need much attention except for when I need to prepare their meals and snacks. Plus, I also need to make sure they don't hurt themselves because they tend to be rowdy and too active. I swear, I don't know where they get their energy from. I don't think I was ever like them when I was a kid. I could vividly remember myself just quietly sitting in a corner and reading a book. I guess all kids aren't the same.

Anyway, I was just in my room a few minutes ago to finish reading when they suddenly barged in and started this ridiculous yet funny re-enactment of certain Demon Slayer scenes, possibly the iconic ones. They wanted me to act like Zenitsu Agatsuma, but I didn't want to, so I left them in my bedroom to finish my reading downstairs in the living room. They didn't stay there though. I should've known that. I guess I'd have to wait until their school starts in June for me to get back to my normal reading routine. What can I say? I go crazy every summer, but it will pass.

You'd be surprised to know that summer is not a season in the Philippines, although we refer to school break as a summer vacation, just because it happens during the dry hot season. We only have two seasons: the rainy season, and the dry season. Rainy season starts from June to the early part of October, while the dry season begins during late October to May.

I glanced at the wall clock that said 4pm. Just an hour more and papa will be home at last! Marie will also be home from her summer art class. She never wastes her time. She wants to learn everything and right now, she's passionate about art. What an awesome little sister! Or I mean, just sister. She hates it when I call her little because she said she's not so little anymore, so I have to believe that. I'm planning to go out once she and papa are home. I need to make sure my day off is spent nicely on quality time and that means reading. I've got so many new books waiting for my attention, so I need to finish The Great Abraham Lincoln Pocket Watch Conspiracy. You should also try it if you're into historical fiction with lots of humor.

After a few minutes of not being able to have some quiet time, I had no other choice but to join my siblings.

"The bond between Nezuko and me can't be severed by anyone!" I said this with much emphasis on the word, 'anyone.' I think maybe I have a knack for acting and I didn't even know it until now. I'm sure I gave justice to Tanjiro Kamado's character.

The minute that Hailey and Robin simultaneously stopped running around and headed towards the refrigerator to get water, it was a sign that they were finally exhausted after God knows how many hours. Or it might've only been one or two hours, but I swear it felt like we we've been playing the whole day.

"You're wearing my Tanjiro costume?" I was with Hailey and Robin while they both drank cold water, so I didn't notice that Marie was already home. I had to make sure they wouldn't accidentally spill or drop anything since the water pitcher is too heavy for them. Except, I was the one who dropped some things. Darn it!

When I drew my sword to show Marie that I'm also using her Nichirin blade (because I thought that might be amusing), my elbow hit both the pink and blue glasses on the counter. But no worries, they didn't break. They're break-resistant plastic cups and I was quick to retrieve them instantly from the floor to put them in the sink. Marie, Hailey, and Robin are all used to me accidentally dropping, breaking, or hitting things. In fact, almost all of our kitchenware is unbreakable.

I was just giving back the Tanjiro costume and blade to Marie when I heard the door click. Papa's home! It's only a little pass 5pm, so I have a lot of time to read and I'm planning to come back by the time everyone's sound asleep (so that I can continue reading in my room.) My family normally eats dinner at six and goes to bed at nine. I will also be home by that time. Papa doesn't mind me doing whatever I want because hello, I'm 26. Unlike in other countries, it's normal for a guy my age to still be living with my family because I'm in the Philippines, plus I live in a small town. Life here is slow and simple. Nothing's ever complicated except for my routine during summer because of my great passion to always read. And it's not even that complicated. I just need to find a good spot every once in a while. I mean, I can read anywhere and everywhere, but there are certain books that need a certain mood or environment. And finding the right spot to read creates a whole new and great reading experience.

"Don't wait up for me, I'll have my dinner at Justin's," I said with much excitement. Papa and Marie simply nodded. Hailey and Robin waved goodbye saying, "Bye, kuya!"

Kuya is a Filipino term and polite word used to address an older brother or older man. Some people use 'kuya' even if they have no idea whether or not the person they're talking to is older. They just use it as a polite way to address someone, so it's very common for a foreigner to hear 'kuya' almost all the time in public places.

I got on my sleek bike and put my book on the basket located at the front. Justin doesn't know I'll be dropping by, but he's used to my unannounced visit. He lives near The Pilgrim Church which is only five minutes away from my house. I know I can just walk, but I love riding my bike and I'm planning to go around.

When I reached his place, he was outside. "Hey."

"Hey, I'm buying something at the convenience store. Are you staying for dinner?" Without waiting for my answer, he already opened his gate, so I could leave my bike there and go with him.

"Yeah, let's buy some soda, too." I parked my bike then started to walk with him. "What are you cooking for dinner?"

"What do you want me to cook?" He uttered this so casually after noticing that some girls were obviously drooling over him. Even when he was wearing oversized black jogging pants, black shirt, and black cap as we slowly paced towards the store, he's a sight for sore eyes. But I dress up better than he does! (I'm more versatile when it comes to fashion, depending on my mood!)

I honestly don't remember anybody looking at me like how girls look at Justin. I mean, I'm not jealous or anything. Sometimes I just wish that one girl would look at me like the most gorgeous guy who ever walked on Earth. It's funny, yet it's true. Some people are born cool and handsome. I think I was just born a reader.

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