
My Accidental Husband Is My Revenge Partner

Anastasia, a young woman abused by her cruel family, faced a bleak future when they forced her to marry Richard, the black sheep of a wealthy family. Meanwhile, her favored younger sister, Michelle, was set to marry Xavier, the elder brother, who was a CEO. However, an error at city hall swapped their marriage certificates, leading Anastasia to marry Xavier, and Michelle to wed Richard. Despite her family's attempts to reverse the mix-up, Anastasia's grandparents transferred all their wealth to her after they died, infuriating her family even more. In a violent confrontation, they beat her until she lost the child she didn't know she was carrying. Anastasia decided to trade her properties for a peaceful life; she was willing to leave and never return but sadly, her family had another plan in mind. They wanted to get rid of her permanently. Miraculously, Anastasia was rescued by Xavier, her accidental husband, who helped her recover. With newfound strength and resources, Anastasia sought vengeance against those who wronged her. As Anastasia and Xavier face their challenges together, their initial marriage of convenience blossoms into a deep and passionate romance. Excerpt; “Life gave you one more chance to live and never return to the Harrison family ever again, but you decided to do the opposite, Anastasia. I’m going to kill you with my bare hands,” Michelle threatened, pulling out the gun she hid in the back of her jeans, pointing it at Anastasia. A flash of thunder lit up the sky, followed by the rain pouring down even heavier. Before Michelle could pull the trigger, Anastasia had already snatched it from her, baffling Michelle. It was a cool trick she learnt from Xavier. Holding Michelle at gunpoint, Anastasia ordered, “Life gave me the chance to live so that I can make your life a living hell, Michelle. Now, move—your hands in the air and don’t make me repeat myself.”

Sour_corn · Urban
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67 Chs

A Trade For My Peace Of Mind

The doctor excused them to grieve the death of the unborn baby they didn't know existed. 

"Ana has the nerve to get pregnant and didn't tell us anything about it," said Michelle. "It serves her right to lose the child," she added, a small grin stretched on her lips. 

The other two thought the same as well. They didn't care about the death of any unborn child they had just killed. They only wanted her to transfer everything she owned in Robert's name so that he could share it equally, they thought. 

"I will have my assistant get the property papers ready with the divorce papers. She will have to transfer all that is in her name to mine and she will also have to divorce Xavier. So should you, Michelle," he said to Michelle. 

"Believe me when I say that I'm ready to sign the divorce papers right now. I can't stay married to that jobless bull, he won't even be able to take care of me," she replied. 

"That's good. And after that…" Robert drawled, staring at the corners to be sure that no one was listening to them. When he was sure that they were alone, he continued, "We will have to get rid of Ana."

Amelia and Michelle glanced at each other before Amelia said,

"I was thinking the same thing. She is already starting to act stubbornly. I don't want her getting some crazy ideas so it's best to get rid of her soon."

Robert was proud of their line of thinking. This was his family, the family he was proud of. When it came to doing something evil, he knew his family would always support him even when it came down to killing someone. They never failed to show their support. 

"I will be the one that kills her, I don't want you two staining your hands with her blood," he said with a gentle smile on his face. "We will finally be getting rid of Anastasia and she will be out of our lives forever," he promised. 

They waited for Anastasia to wake up. Robert's assistant had already arrived with the papers he had requested. They were in his hands, anticipating Ana's awakeness. When the nurse who was in charge of taking care of Anastasia informed them that she was finally awake, they quickly rushed in. 

Inside the hospital room, Anastasia saw the people she once called family. No, she corrected herself. She didn't want to call them her family again.

"Monsters," she called them loud and clear for them to hear her. 

The Harrisons were shocked. Anastasia's defiance and resilience kept catching them off guard. This only made them more determined to get rid of her permanently once they had gotten what they wanted from her.

They didn't want to waste time bothering with the name she called them. Robert threw the papers at her bed, pointing at it, he ordered,

"Sign those papers. Those are the property and divorce papers. Sign them quickly and don't waste any time glaring at me."

Anastasia glared at him one more time before her eyes landed on the papers. It was all because of the papers that she had lost her baby. She was also shocked when the nurse from earlier informed her that she had a miscarriage and needed to take a rest. 

"Where's Richard?" She questioned, her tone chilly with not an ounce of emotion. This was the first time she was using that tone on them. They would be lying if they said they didn't feel scared for a moment. 

As if on cue, the door of the hospital room opened and Richard came inside, looking drunk and smelling as if he showered with alcohol. 

"What happened? Why did you suddenly call me here?" Richard asked, his words slurred. 

The more Michelle stared at Richard in disgust, the more she cursed at Ana internally. 

"Anastasia had a miscarriage and I'm guessing the child is yours?" Robert asked, staring intently at Richard as the latter stumbled until he found a chair to seat. 

Anastasia scoffed from the bed. He made her look like a prostitute with his words. 

"He is the father, it's not a guess because you let him have his way with me whenever he wanted, and you wouldn't intervene even once," she reminded him, her tone filled with so much anger that she felt her chest squeeze tightly that it became difficult to breathe. "You were supposed to be a father."

"Don't you dare sit down there and teach me about my role," Robert remarked. 

The both of them exchanged glares, none of them willing to back down. 

"So you mean to tell me that Anastasia was pregnant with my child and she lost the baby?" Richard asked, facing Anastasia. "You lost the baby?" He asked her directly but Anastasia didn't bother replying to him. 

He was drunk and there was a high chance he wouldn't even remember what occurred the next day. 

"Isn't that supposed to be good news?" He asked, smiling like a fool as his stench continued to fill the room. "It's good that you lost the baby because I'm not ready to be a father at all. So that was why you people called me over? Sigh…I'm leaving." He stood up from the chair and found his way out as he wobbled. 

As soon as Richard closed the door behind him, Robert urged Ana. 

"Sign those papers immediately."

A tear dropped from Ana's eyes but she wiped it immediately. 

She took the papers. "I will only sign these documents under one condition," she said which surprised them. They hadn't expected her to give in so quickly. 

"What is it?" 

"It's a trade. I'm willing to trade the properties for my peace of mind. I'm going to leave forever and I don't want you looking for me to trouble me ever again," she responded, her seriousness evident in her firm tone despite the pain she felt in her chest.