
The Orphanage

"Big brother, why the long face", a young boy who was no more than twelve years old asked.

The young boy along with several other children, all who were of different ages gathered round their big brother all wearing sad looks on their faces.

For a while their big brother, wasn't playing with them as he used to before and it was worrying them. He helped in the cooking and washing of their clothes and the kids were of course thankful for all he did for them but it was worrying them all.

He wasn't as bright or cheerful as he was a few weeks ago, the changed occurred only a few days ago and then thr kids first thought their big brother was having a bad day but it continued and now they all had to say something and hopefully coming together would make him talk.

"I'm sorry, I-l-l just...", the kids could see their big brother's eyes watering and they didn't know what to do.

A little girl couldn't take it any.lre and ran forward and hugged him and pretty soon all of them had joined in, hugging their big brother tightly.

"Brother Ryker, please stop you're scarring us", the little girl said and they could hear their big brother Ryker sigh heavily.

'I.... it hurts so much for me to do this b-but, I have t-to else t-those people.... t-they will reck it all', Ryker was struggling to even think properly.

And as he wrapped his hands round as many of thr kids as he could he clenched his fist, and his brows furrowed tightly together he was feeling so many conflicting emotions.

Pain,anger, sadness amd so many others.

Ryker Stormborne was born and abandoned by his birth parents in an orphanage, it had caused him a lot of pain while growing up and he could remember it.... even while growing up in the orphanage there were always still kids who were bigger than him than who would only want to hurt him.

Ryker took pleasure in taking care of the other kids in the orphanage and trying his best to help as many kids as possible, he was trying to give them hope that even in their cruel world there were still good people amd they could be good people themselves.

A few days ago he was called in by the man incharge of the orphanage and he was told that the orphanage would be closing soon as the orphanage was loosing funds and were no longer able to cope with the bills and the kids would no longer be together.

This news had greatly saddend Ryker who had grown up with the kids in questions and so he wanted to help them as much as he could, and the man in charge of thre orphanage had informed him of a way.

Ryker was told that a man from a big organization was in search if kids who were between the ages of 16 and 18 and fortunately Ryker was 17, it was perfect.

But there was a problem with the offer, the man in charge if the orphanage made it very clear that he thought there were risks involved and that had saddened ryker greatly but he was head stand decided that no matter what happened he would get through it for the kids.

"It's okay, I...", Ryker used that moment to take in a big breath of air. "I-I will be okay".

He said it as fast as he cod and although he was trying his best to not look weak in front of the kids, as he wanted to give the some level of strength or confidence, anything in fact. He just didn't want them to feel defeated.

Ryker had manged to comfort them and played with them as he told them that he just had a really bad stomach ache, and although the kids didn't completely his story they felt better seeing their big brother Ryker playing with them as he used to before.

Ryker was able to successfully able to calm them down and they slept fine that night, and while the kids slept he had packed his things and meet the principal and together the two of them had left the orphanage and after walking a little distance an expensive black car had pulled up, and it stunned Ryker so much his mouth was left open.

'T-this car, it should be worth at least 100000 and while this person is on a cruise with this thing the kids are jn there barely getting three square meals a day', Ryker thought with am irritated look on his face.

Thankfully it was night time and the man in the car didn't see Ryker's face.

Ryker had put his bag in the trunk although it didn't hold much other than a few old clothes.

"Ryker.... you are a good kid, I wish it wasn't you who had to go", the man in charge of the orphanage said to Ryker as he placed his hang of Ryker's shoulder.

Ryker looked at the man who was very well thr closest thing he had to a father all these years he had lived in the orphanage and it was more painful than he thought to say goodbye.

"Sir, I-i want to say thank you for everything you have done for me and those before me and.... the kids here now", Ryker struggled to say as he clenched his fist and wiped thr tears from his eyes.

"It's okay, it might not be why anyone of us expected but remember that your sacrifice will be rembered.... the kids will know", the man said to Ryker with a sad smile.

Ryker could feel a tear rolling down his cheek, which he quickly cleaned of with the back of his palm and sniffed.... he was bout to break.

"Goodbye sir", Ryker said to the man he had come to know as father looking him deep in the eye.

"Goodbye Ryker", the old man said and Ryker hugged him and although it was a surprise to the old man he didn't do anything but hug Ryker back as he knew the teenager was overflowing with emotion.

Ryker let go and had quickly gotten into the car, and locked the door and instantly started sobbing silently, as the car sped up.

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